"King Solomon said "There\'s nothing new under the sun", and he was and is right. There were no guns back then, but murder has existed since man." - EmporerRob
Exactly, gun\'s haven\'t created murder, they\'ve just made it easier. Their an equalizer since anyone can talk **** and kill without having to put any effort or respect into learning the weapon. It\'s a whole nother story to talk **** and get into a sword fight, since you have to know how to weild the sword and do it better than your opponent. Ever wonder why there hasn\'t been any Martial Art\'s mass murderers (Aside from the people who do it for a profession)? It\'s because of the respect you learn for the art durring the years of arduous training.
They also remove responsibility since they can "Accidentally" go off without the agressor "Knowing it was loaded". It\'s bull****, if you don\'t have enough respect for the power you\'re weilding then you have no buisness with that weapon in your hands. It\'s the same as keeping Nukes out of irresponsible government\'s hands, but on a much smaller scale.
However, to ban guns isn\'t the answer. If guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns. But more than that.. the government will still have guns.. and other governments will still have guns. We are granted the right to bear arms for protection, from outside and inside hostilities. Our forefathers built the USA on the principle of freedom and granted us the right to protect our freedoms from everyone, even the US government should it start opressing it\'s people. If we give up our guns, we give up our power. There\'s more might in the populace of the USA than in our entire military... and if we give that up, we give up one hell of a tactical advantage over enemies who might invade America. Remember, we would have lost the Reveloutiary war if it weren\'t for every farmer along the New England colonies taking pot shots at the brittish troops. Now also remember Europe, who\'s unarmed populace and weak defences allowed Hitler to march all the way to the english channel almost unimpeeded. Thanks to the Stuka\'s and Panzers, he most likely would have made it anyway.. but he\'d have had a hell of a lot more opposition and prehaps wouldn\'t have had the resources to put up the fight he did durring the Allied invasion of Europe.
America will be invaded by forigen hostiles at some point in the future. It\'s not a question of "IF", it\'s a question of "When". Every great empire in history has crumbled, often violently, and it\'s foolish to think that America can never be knocked down to the status of a 3rd world country. I want to be ready to defend my little corner of this country if the need arises.. the military can\'t be everywhere at once.. but the citizens can.
Our problem is, the populace is armed to the teeth for war, but living in peace. Without training and respect, of course their going to use their tools of destruction irresposibly. There\'s a better solution out there, It\'s just a matter of finding it. But banning guns, I\'m afraid, is far more dangerous than having them.