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Author Topic: I know which is better, do you ?  (Read 3517 times)

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I know which is better, do you ?
« on: March 22, 2001, 07:26:17 AM »
Before I say few intelligent words I would like to note that I am trying to be as neutral as I can possibly be in this situation.
    Some variables that could influence on my objectivity are: the fact that I owned SNES gaming system eight years ago (I am still in love in that thing), the fact that I don`t like PSOne to much and the fact that I think that those guys in Microsoft are dirty, rotten scum.
    I will start of by saying few things about all third generation consoles:

    Playstation 2 is one of those consoles that had success in their blood, firstly because they are developed by the smartest minds in all of the technical world, the guys from SONY. There were some concerns that the PS2 is a bit overhyped by media and SONY itself but that is because they had every reason on this world to do it. PS2 is realy a brilliant piece of electronic wonder, it`s graphics are unsurpassed (and probably will be before PS3 ofcourse), it`s DVD (although not top-notch) is great and for the 99,9% of regular users will be marveolus… Some people are saying that the only trouble about PS2 is the lack of games on the market, that`s not true, PS2 is still an baby and the games will start to come out when it will be a teenager, that means that games will start to bloom this summer !!! And with every passing week the games will become more complex in graphics and their other aspects.

    Nintendo Game Cube is a marveolus attempt of Nintendo to regain it`s place at the top of console market and even to win the «console war» !!! Well, GC is one heck of great piece of hardware but sadly Nintendo announced that it will be for the youngest segment of console gamers. But still, it is really good in comparison to that damned X-BOX !!! Although it is not meant to compete against SONYs wonder.

    Microsoft X-BOX is… Is a… I can`t write tha word that would describe it… OK, let`s go on. Some people say that all people that love X-BOX are either SONYs or Nintendos lovers, but that`s not true. I realy liked the idea of Windows powered console, but then, one day it hit me… A cousin of my friends friends girlfriend became a beta tester of that awful thing, well it is complicated story of how did I get it but I am assuring you that it is rubbish. For this review I talked with a certified game programmer, he said that X-BOX games will be based on DirectX API and that is a doubleedged sword, it means that it will be a lot easier to program for X-BOX but the games will be noticable worse than on PS2 !!! And man, this is the worst design job on a console that I`ve seen since… Well I never saw such an ugly thing before. That thing should sit next to your TV and not to a toaster, that yellowish sphere is realy going on my nerves, it looks like someone (probably Bill Gates) puked on it.

    Conclusion. Well, it is obvious who is winner in this review, SONYs PS2 is realy the best choice for either a Home entertainment enthusiat or professional gamer. Game Cube is great for younger players and X-BOX is worth of nothing, it is not even worth of your attention.
    Now I will say why do I, and a lot of other people hate Microsofts attempt at console market. Firstly, it is so obvious that those guys are trying to make more money on cheap attempts like X-BOX, and do you remember of that affair from gamestock some time ago. I mean, they tried to impress public with falsificates, that is obviously the sign of X-BOX`s inferiority towards SONYs PS2. One more thing, windows are the worst possible gaming solution !!! And do you remember how did all other American and European consoles succeded in world, they died (just like unfortunate, although Japanese, Dreamcast did). In retrospective, we have to honour what SEGA`s Dreamcast did for PS2, it opened a whole new era in games market, it opened the sales of the third generation consoles !!!

    «Man must put an end to war, before war puts an end to mankind.»

    In case some of you don`t understand that refers to "console war" !!!

Offline Dr Yassam
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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2001, 08:16:09 AM »
Originally posted by Riki
Before I say few intelligent words I would like to note that I am trying to be as neutral as I can possibly be in this situation.

Your post was FAR from neutral. All you did was list your own personal biased opinions. Everyone is entitled to their views, but Just because you hate MS doesn\'t mean the XBox will not be an awesome machine, hence your view that the games will be "noticable worse than on the PS2" is laughable!

Also, you should stick to just ONE topic in your posts, since those who are opposed to your views maybe the same who could help you out (but choose not to as a result!).

Anyway, welcome to the boards. :)

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You have a point !
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2001, 09:33:37 AM »
Well there, you have a point, I  was thinking about beeing neutral but then I have decided to write my feelings against Microsofts debut in console market.
    That with games beeing lot worse was partly right, because DirectX API has it`s fair share of advantages but it also has much bigger share of disadvantages... Not to mention that Windows are not a good gaming system.
    I am not owning yet neither of those systems but I played on them and did some detective work on them, thats why I said that I will try to be as objective as possible.
    Whatever I write against Microsoft it`s what I think, but they sure do excellent business aplications, although not as good games !!!
    My real feeling is that they should stick to they valuable business apps work, not to go onto making their probably largest mistake with X-BOX !!!
    Thank you for correcting me.

p.s. what is your possition in console wars ?!

Offline Ashford
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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2001, 10:03:59 AM »
Besides reminding us that it is "dead", why is Dreamcast not included in your list of next generation consoles?
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

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Good question
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2001, 10:12:05 AM »
That is a good question. To be honest I think it should rest in peace, whilst I am not a fan of Dreamcast I don`t hate it. If I`ve included Dreamcast to next gen list there would surely be people that would spit on it and shared theirs opinions. But think, Dreamcast opened a door to next gen gaming !!! SEGA, NINTENDO and SONY are all proved to be great console manufacturers, and now those vultures from Microsoft want to squeze more money from people with their infant !!! Shame on them.

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Re: Good question
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2001, 10:15:20 AM »
Originally posted by Riki
That is a good question. To be honest I think it should rest in peace, whilst I am not a fan of Dreamcast I don`t hate it. If I`ve included Dreamcast to next gen list there would surely be people that would spit on it and shared theirs opinions. But think, Dreamcast opened a door to next gen gaming !!! SEGA, NINTENDO and SONY are all proved to be great console manufacturers, and now those vultures from Microsoft want to squeze more money from people with their infant !!! Shame on them.


Weren\'t those "vultures from Sony" squeezing more money from people with their infant?

As for DC, it is NOT dead. Games are still coming out through next year, at least. Production of consoles will soon stop, that\'s all.
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline Dr Yassam
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Re: You have a point !
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2001, 10:19:30 AM »
Originally posted by Riki
p.s. what is your possition in console wars ?!

I\'ll keep it short. :)

Playstation2 -

This will be the number one console for some time to come. Success which (IMO) has come off the back of the Playstation, rather than it\'s own merrit, but then again, perhaps Sony deserve it after producing the superb PSX. If it does lose it\'s top position, then it will probably lose it to the XBox, but not for atleast 2-3 years after the XBox\'s release.

As a console, I find the PS2 to be very disappointing. Not only does it fall WAY short of the power Sony promised, but it is overly complicated and lacks many features in hardware.

GC -

Nintendo appears to have corrected many of the mistakes they made with the N64 (although I\'m still not sold on their \'mini-DVD\' format). No-one can doubt the quality of their first-party titles, but again they are mostly targetting the younger gamer, hence I expect to see \'Pokemon Cube\' very soon. :)

As a console, it is very impressive, easier to program and is more powerful than the PS2, BUT it is not as flexible or as programmable. Hence although the GC may be more impressive than the PS2 initially, we may see the PS2 \'fight back\' as developers get to grips with Sony\'s complicated hardware.

XBox -

MS have taken the same approach to the industry that Sony took with the original PSX, hence I\'m very impressed. The XBox has the chance to overtake the PS2, but this will only happen if it a) has the games and b) these games blow away their PS2 counterparts. Time will tell. Some will no doubt highlight the need for support from Japan.

As a console, not only is it more powerful than the GC and PS2, but offers immence power and flexibility through it\'s programmable pixel shaders and vertex shaders.


All the above are great consoles, hence I\'m not against any of them because I\'m a games fan first. I bought a PS2 for my brother last Christmas, and may purchase a GC, but only after the XBox.

IMO, the Xbox will prove itself to be the best console this generation. :)

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What is this ?
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2001, 11:03:35 AM »
OK let`s face it, some people like PS2, some people like GC and some of them like X-BOX, hey let us not forget Dreamcast (happy, Ashford ?!!!) !!! This is all great, it is crap that one person can have same feelings about all consoles ,sooner or later one will find out that this is the console that he likes (i intentionally don`t want to name the console). I personally like PS2, but that is because I saw what other third gen consoles can do !!! OK ?! And I didn`t mean that Dreamcast is dead in way that no one want`s to buy it anymore, but that SEGA gave up on it !!!

Offline Dr Yassam
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Re: What is this ?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2001, 11:29:22 AM »
Originally posted by Riki
This is all great, it is crap that one person can have same feelings about all consoles ,sooner or later one will find out that this is the console that he likes (i intentionally don`t want to name the console).

Who said anything about the same feelings about all consoles? You asked for my view on the console wars and I gave it as honestly as I could. But only fanboys believe that to like one console requires the hatred of others!!!

I don\'t hate MS, Sony, Nintendo or Sega, so I judge their consoles on what I feel they can give to me as a games player.

I make no secret that I favour the XBox, but should that really require me to hate the PS2 or GC or DC as a result? The answer is no!

I personally like PS2, but that is because I saw what other third gen consoles can do !!! OK ?!

The XBox and GC have not been released yet, therefore we\'ve only seen a little of what these consoles are capable of.

BTW. Both Ashford and myself have offered good responces to your posts, and yet I detect anger in your last post. Why?

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Re: What is this ?
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2001, 11:43:35 AM »
Originally posted by Riki
but that SEGA gave up on it !!!

SEGA was not and will not give up on it no one in Japan would buy it. SO they said they would stop producing it. If no one is buying your product causing you to lose money it does not make financial sense to continue making the product. Sega has a ton of games coming out for the DC in 2001 and 2002. That doesn\'t constitute giving up on something in my book.

Most of the people who have read my posts know that I am a diehard Nintendo fan but I buy all consoles and will buy a GCN and X-box. Like Dr. Yassam said, liking one console does not mean hating all the others. Like if you had children and one of them was your favorite, would you kick the other ones out the house?
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2001, 11:44:23 AM »
I didn`t say that I hate SEGA, SONY, NINTENDO or any other firm, I only said that I don`t like Microsofts debut with X-BOX, believe me, I wouldn`t even say that if ain`t 100% sure that it isn`t a good console. Time will show ! I am not angry on people that like X-BOX, i have ton of work collegues that can`t hardly wait for X-BOX, and I sure do respect their opinions. What are you saying for me beeing angry, as I can see I am one of those rare people that respect PS2, NINTENDO and SEGA ?! I feel, you are a bit upset ! Just kidding.

p.s. You are all using the term "Fanboy", give me a definition of that term and tell me why is it so bad to be a "Fanboy" ?!!!

Offline BizioEE

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Re: Re: You have a point !
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2001, 02:03:23 PM »
Originally posted by Dr Yassam

I\'ll keep it short. :)

Playstation2 -

This will be the number one console for some time to come. Success which (IMO) has come off the back of the Playstation, rather than it\'s own merrit, but then again, perhaps Sony deserve it after producing the superb PSX.

...Dr Yassam...You can\'t judge a Console for the games it offers in the First year of Life...Don\'t you agree? PS2 has an enormous potential and we have to wait a little more to see the fruits!...PS2 will be a successful console...sure...and its games will make it Great...not the success of the PSX!  SSX,Madden 2001,Time Splitters,ATV Offroad Fury,TTT,DOA2,StarWars Starfighter,Onimusha,ZOE,Sky Odyssey,Shodow of Memories,Knockout Kings 2001,Moto GP,RayMan Revolution...are really good games and if you look at Great promises like GT3(...and GT4 very well in development),FFX(FFXI,FFXII...and do you know Square are developing 23 games only for the PS2?),Devil May Cry,Soul Reaver 2,MGS2,Silent Hill 2(...and do you know Konami will spend 70% of their resources for PSone and PS2?)The Lost,The Getaway,Twisted Metal Black,Tekken 4,Soul Calibur 2,AC 4 and sure you know Namco are developing 12 games for the PS2...and what about all the secret games we won\'t see until E3?
...and Virtua Fighter 4?...by now exclusive for PS2?...and sources close to Sega have confirmed that both Headhunter(The Dreamcast answer to Metal Gear Solid 2) and Ecco the Dolphin are set to appear on PlayStation 2!
Dr Yassam?  PS2 will have success thanks to its merit=GAMES ;)   ...don\'t make the mistake of common zealot X-Fan...I think you are different...

If it does lose it\'s top position, then it will probably lose it to the XBox, but not for atleast 2-3 years after the XBox\'s release.

...and the GameCube?  I really think it\'s the main competitor of the PS2...E3 will prove my point(well...I\'m confident...)...but...however...show me some real motivations of your thoughts...

As a console, I find the PS2 to be very disappointing. Not only does it fall WAY short of the power Sony promised, but it is overly complicated and lacks many features in hardware.

...superficial and BS statement...disappointed?  By GT3,MGS2 and Devil May Cry? Have you seen what PS2 can really do???...NO...then..what are you speaking about? ...and however...I don\'t care two pins for it...I mean...if Japanese Developers prefer PS2...There\'s a Reason!...and if the most talented developers consider the  PS2 a beast capable of "Almost Toy Story Graphics" when fully pushed :D....well...I prefer to believe to this People rather than....

XBox -

MS have taken the same approach to the industry that Sony took with the original PSX, hence I\'m very impressed. The XBox has the chance to overtake the PS2, but this will only happen if it a) has the games and b) these games blow away their PS2 counterparts. Time will tell. Some will no doubt highlight the need for support from Japan.

As a console, not only is it more powerful than the GC and PS2, but offers immence power and flexibility through it\'s programmable pixel shaders and vertex shaders....




...that\'s what you mean? :D

All the above are great consoles, hence I\'m not against any of them because I\'m a games fan first. I bought a PS2 for my brother last Christmas, and may purchase a GC, but only after the XBox.

IMO, the Xbox will prove itself to be the best console this generation. :)

...yes...the best console after PS2 and GC :D .....well...I\'m joking:)....let\'s wait and see....it\'s too early....

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Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

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Re: Re: Re: You have a point !
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2001, 02:44:08 PM »
I wouldn\'t expect everyone to agree with all my comments on the console wars, since it depends on which console you prefer. :)

However, my view that the PS2 hasn\'t made it on it\'s own merrit is directed towards Sony\'s hardware only, NOT the developers themselves.

I have no doubt that if the PS2 was the console Sony promised, ALL the great games you mentioned would have been vastly improved, they would have been SO much better.

The way I see it, if the PS2 console hardware was in fact MS\'s entry into the console market, most developer\'s would have avoided it like the plague. They would have given all the same reasons we\'ve heard before (complexity, lack of libraries, steep learning curve, high developement cost  etc) as their reasons for NOT supporting MS\'s console!

Hence without the PSX before it, I very much doubt the PS2 would have had the scale of support we see today. This may seem a little harsh, but it doesn\'t mean I don\'t view the PS2 as a great console.


....let\'s wait and see....it\'s too early....

There are many awesome games ahead for the PS2, but that applies to the XBox and GC also. Anyway, whichever console you prefer, it\'s going to be a great year for ALL gamers. So yes, it\'s too early, the best has yet to come. :)

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2001, 03:33:29 PM »
arguements about graphics are futile, in a recent artice, i found out  that the systems in this generation all are very close graphically.
where did you get that x box graphics are worse than ps2? x box graphics do have the potential to become better than ps2\'s, but will the games be better? i dont undersand youre whole directX problem you seem to KNOW about...
plz explain.
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2001, 05:38:59 PM »
My opinions go a little like this:

PS2) sucks...right now. I remember DC being alot better when comparing the two dates and times been out for both. But, ah, I am a Sega fan. With Sega on board for sure, I see this as probably the best console for the future. I just really dont wanna spend the next 5 years with the stupid Dual Shock (my opinion)

DC) Best console out there will probably remain it, even if the last game is released tomorrow. SO many classics in such a short time. No console will ever do that again. And I see a certain badness on the horizon, as the developers have seen the excellent games sell like crap, and the rehash after rehash sell bajillions.

X-Box) Will be an excellent console. No doubt about it. MS has really put a great machine together. Sadly, without a definite support from Sega, it will be number 2 in my book. Sega seems to have gotten the dev kits, I just wanna see what they have in store for the box.

GC) I will buy it, but it will probably get the least amount of play time from me. Definetly the console I am least excited about. Mario, yay. Zelda. yay. Metroid. Yay. This will be the console I will buy for Sega\'s more kiddy games (dont kill me Nintendo fans) like Sonic. Or for Sega\'s RPGs. I foretell this, as maybe Sega and Nintendos party Camelot will team up againf ro another Shining Force! THAT would rock.

GBA <----- sweet.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.


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