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Author Topic: I know which is better, do you ?  (Read 3518 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2001, 06:14:32 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
My opinions go a little like this:

PS2) sucks...right now. I remember DC being alot better when comparing the two dates and times been out for both. But, ah, I am a Sega fan. With Sega on board for sure, I see this as probably the best console for the future. I just really dont wanna spend the next 5 years with the stupid Dual Shock (my opinion)

DC) Best console out there will probably remain it, even if the last game is released tomorrow. SO many classics in such a short time. No console will ever do that again. And I see a certain badness on the horizon, as the developers have seen the excellent games sell like crap, and the rehash after rehash sell bajillions.

X-Box) Will be an excellent console. No doubt about it. MS has really put a great machine together. Sadly, without a definite support from Sega, it will be number 2 in my book. Sega seems to have gotten the dev kits, I just wanna see what they have in store for the box.

GC) I will buy it, but it will probably get the least amount of play time from me. Definetly the console I am least excited about. Mario, yay. Zelda. yay. Metroid. Yay. This will be the console I will buy for Sega\'s more kiddy games (dont kill me Nintendo fans) like Sonic. Or for Sega\'s RPGs. I foretell this, as maybe Sega and Nintendos party Camelot will team up againf ro another Shining Force! THAT would rock.

GBA <----- sweet.

Eric Jacob


I\'ll end up getting each system --probably on their respective launch dates (Though I am in the process of purchasing a GBA on Ebay as I write this). But, in my opinion Sega proved they could make a great console in a extremely short amount of time.

The PS2, while I was not an active supporter of it since its launch. Infact, the day I received my unit (once again, on launch) I posted on this board asking if the PS2 was some sick joke from Sony. I was not impressed. But with the good games lately, and Sega supporting it I have almost complete faith in the system. Still, I think the initial success for the PS2 was not based on the PS2 hardware or games. It was based on the PSone success. Nothing more.

The XBox, in my opinion faces some rocky times, but will prove to be promising IF MS can secure the Japanese market. If they can do that, then they should be able to make a nice dent in the market.

Nintendo.... I\'m not excited. The GBA has me excited, but the GC doesn\'t. Mario, Zelda both sound great. But, as we all know Nintendo made a tragic move with Metriod (the FPS change). And that game alone, was the real reason for me wanting a GC.

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2001, 06:56:46 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
My opinions go a little like this:

PS2) sucks...right now. I remember DC being alot better when comparing the two dates and times been out for both. But, ah, I am a Sega fan. With Sega on board for sure, I see this as probably the best console for the future. I just really dont wanna spend the next 5 years with the stupid Dual Shock (my opinion)

Eric Jacob

LMAO, whatever

PS2 has been nothing but a kick ass time for me. Started off slow but there\'s no looking back now.

I have 9 games in my PS2 collection and all 9 have proven to be good times.

What did the DC show off 4.5 months after US release ???? In comparison they\'re on Par and the PS2 is just clearing its throat

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« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2001, 07:12:31 PM »
...but sadly Nintendo announced that it will be for the youngest segment of console gamers.

 Since when?

...but again they are mostly targetting the younger gamer, hence I expect to see \'Pokemon Cube\' very soon.

 So, because a pokemon game will be coming the Cube, then it will be kiddy? What does Pokemon have to do with it? I mean, every system has its kiddy games.

 Anyways, don\'t make up your mind as to what Nintendo is doing this early (if anything, wait to E3). I\'m sure you\'ll still see the "family" games coming from 1st party Nintendo, but the variety and selection will come from their 2nd and 3rd parties (which, as of right now, at least, is nothing to brag about. This will change, if but a little)

 Its still way too early to say anything about the console "wars". I mean, the Cube and the Box aren\'t coming out til late this year (unless they\'re delayed for some reason), and both MS (less than Nintendo) and Nintendo aren\'t really going "all out" with stuff and are holding back somewhat.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2001, 07:51:55 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl

LMAO, whatever

PS2 has been nothing but a kick ass time for me. Started off slow but there\'s no looking back now.

I have 9 games in my PS2 collection and all 9 have proven to be good times.

What did the DC show off 4.5 months after US release ???? In comparison they\'re on Par and the PS2 is just clearing its throat

I don\'t know man. I\'ve got 12 PS2 games and for the most part I am not impressed with those I picked up at launch.

As for the DC launch I was amazed.

I think, it is all personal preference. There wasn\'t alot of games that I was really interested in at PS2 launch--and those that I was, dissapointed me. Orphen. I was excited about it.....it sucked. Summoner looked bad. So on and so on. But, I\'ve moved on and I\'m enjoying the latest batch of great games.

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2001, 07:57:32 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

As for the DC launch I was amazed.


by what ????????

Sonic was so so

Soul Caliber got high ratings but I am no fight fan

what else was there it was awhile ago so I don\'t recall.

Yes it is personal preferences, but it alwyas seems to me when it scomes to the diehard DC and Nintendo fans they always have games that no one can ever touch or compare, and that I just can\'t agree with

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2001, 08:07:02 PM »
Im sorry ddaryl, I explained myself, I am a Sega fan. And at the time, DC had no wrong. My third PSX had broken down, so I was not pleased with Sony to say the least.

I had Crazy Taxi, Virtua Fighter 3tb, Sonic, Sega Rally 2, Crazy Taxi, Resident Evil, NFL2K, NBA2K, Soul Calibur (which I found pleasing the first week, stupid game after though), Blue Stinger (i loved this game, dont laugh!!), Slave Zero (also loved it, quit laughing!), House of the Dead 2, Aerowings, Armada, Vigilante 8 SO, Toy Commander, Powerstone, MDK2, Marvel vs. Capcom, etc.

I see your point as some of these titles were released a couple of months after this time frame, but I still think judging by PS2\'s current release lists, it aint getting too much better til summer. When it explodes into goodness, much like DC did in April through September.

all I gotta say is, bring on VF4 soon!

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2001, 09:18:19 PM »
I know which is better, do you ?

LMAO that was pretty funny.

Posted by Dr.Y
As a console, not only is it more powerful than the GC and PS2, but offers immence power and flexibility through it\'s programmable pixel shaders and vertex shaders.

 Why Would you make a statement like that when you have no proof?

Since everyone is voicing their opinion on the next, I\'ll definately make mine heard as well.

DC- what can I say, this is a dieing console. Sega ****ed up big time with their previous system and it serverly cost them. What a shame.

IMO, I think a few people on the board over hype the DC( *cough* Altered, jm *cough*) Its not that great at all. I already own five big name titles and only one of them has delivered for me(NBA2K. im a bball player). The rest (THPS2, NFL2K, Shenmue, MSR) have really been major disapointments and a complete waste of my money. I\'ve rented the big name titles too, most of them followed suit. SC rocked, JGR was everage, I hated PSO, Sonic Adventue was lame, Grandia 2 was one of the best games that I have ever played, blah blah I could go on but I know I\'m in for a bashing from some die hard Sega fans...

**** I\'ve enjoyed my first five N64 games way more than my first five DC games. I hope I can find someone to buy this thing because I need some money for GBA this summer. :)

Moving on to the PS2- I would buy one maybe if I hadn\'t bought a DC but unfortuately I can\'t. I have more respect for PS2 lately because the games are slowly getting better( I played Onimusha and Star Fighter last night and was impressed :)) Still, two games arn\'t enough to buy a console for...

Sony will do good this generation because it\'s the follow up to the most popular console ever. I hope Square makes some good games for it like they did with the PSX because most of my PSX games are indeed Square games. Despite being the least powerful and hard to develop for,  PS2 will be a success.

Xbox-no must have exclusives means no money from me.

GameCube- My favorite of course. I think GameCube will be the sneaky underdog this generation and they have something up their sleaves to help them. The N64 may have lacked but the GameCube doesn\'t seem that way. The GameCube has some of the most promising looking games for it schedculed for release this year.  

I hate it how when ever morons bring up GameCube games they always bring up Mario, Zelda, Pokemon. Its so freakin predictable now. I\'m getting tired of this nonsense. GameCube has tons of mature games planned for it.

I think GameCube will do better than everyone expects it to. Nintendo is smart, they didn\'t win two straight generations with luck. And it has a secret weapon too...

GBA. :) Every GBA owner is a potential GameCube owner since there\'s a connectivity between the two. If 20 million people buy a GBA by the end of the year then a lot of those people will buy NGC too.
That gives me an idea...

I have a great idea for Nintendo- have a special device that allows you to play GBA games on your GameCube which will transfer the picture to your TV! It\'s possible. Nintendo could make millions off of this idea. Since I hear the GBA lighting is horriblr then it would make sense for the people who own one to purchase NGC for this feature. Bada bing!

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2001, 09:43:01 PM »
Ummm... I think its already known that you can play GBA games on your TV by hooking it up to your NGC, but I\'m not totally sure.

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« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2001, 05:46:22 AM »
Don`t insult NINTENDO and especially not it`s SNES, many, many, many great memories I have about it and it`s games. I grew up with it, and "Super Mario World", OK i find that game today a bit childish games but I still like to play them (when I have time, to much work...).
    It would be better when we wouldn`t insult any of those consoles neither NINTENDO or SONY or SEGA, but just MICROSOFT, insult it to hell !!!
    Just joking !!! It will surely be one awesome machine, but I still preffer SONY PS2 and I will do so till PS3 !!!

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2001, 06:53:52 AM »
Originally posted by ddaryl

by what ????????

Sonic was so so

it went on to sell nearly 2 million copies, where is the PS2\'s answer to that game?

Soul Caliber got high ratings but I am no fight fan

it still is amazing and sold over a million copies to the gaming public.

what else was there it was awhile ago so I don\'t recall.

Hydro Thunder
Power Stone

The US DC launch was better in terms of available software from the get go.  You just can\'t argue that.  Then the 2000 line up was freakin amazing (Ecco, Resident Evil, Power Stone 2, Skies of Arcadia, Jet Grind Radio, Shenmue, Quake 3, Sega GT, Grandia 2, Virtual On, MDK 2, Rayman 2, NBA 2K1, NFL 2K1, Virtua Tennis, Space Channel 5, Crazy Taxi, Samba De Amigo, and so on.)

PS2 DID have a rocky start.  It sold well, but the software sucked.  SSX being the exception.  It looks like the PS2 isn\'t looking back and will have it\'s amazingness starting this fall.  The rebirth in March got all fuked up with delays and all, but Devil May Cry and GT3 will be out soon and give testament too why PS2 will be a great system.

And too Riki,

Thanks, I needed the laugh.

Offline QuDDus
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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2001, 07:03:18 AM »
Well I don\'t care about the console war. Because when ps2 fist came out it  was bashed all over for not living up to what it promised. I was not impressed with all the games as ps2 launch but when I got a ps2, I got  games like madden,ssx,and TTT. And they where worth buying my ps2. Even though it was mocked bye ppl saying it did not offer anything beyone dreamcast graphics. Now the same thing is happening to xbox. It is like a repeating cycle. So what can we expect. So far not one company has did what they promised they say  would do at launch.  Next up is xbox at e3 will all see what all the hype is about I am excited. Just like I was for ps2 because I am a gamer not a fanboy.

P.S I will jump on the nintendo waggon when they show me one of my favorite fighting games. KI:p
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

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I know which is better, do you ?
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2001, 07:14:00 AM »
KI is rumoured to be in development... it was in Nintendo Power, I believe.

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Captain`s log
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2001, 08:00:58 AM »
You must admit that I have a point !

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Re: Re: You have a point !
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2001, 11:53:10 AM »
I\'ll keep it short. :)

much like your intelligence eh?

Playstation2 -

This will be the number one console for some time to come. Success which (IMO) has come off the back of the Playstation, rather than it\'s own merrit, but then again, perhaps Sony deserve it after producing the superb PSX. If it does lose it\'s top position, then it will probably lose it to the XBox, but not for atleast 2-3 years after the XBox\'s release.

PSX did not have a DVD player...it did not have the graphics we see today and it did not have the HUGE number of games this early in it\'s life....and it did not have on-line play(which PS2 will have before xbox..:D)

xbox will have to sell 10,000,000 consoles in one year to ever even think about catching up to the PS2 user-base...and that is NOT going to happen...with nintendo right next to them on the shelves and mario with pokemon? i\'m sorry but xbox is just DOA.

As a console, I find the PS2 to be very disappointing. Not only does it fall WAY short of the power Sony promised, but it is overly complicated and lacks many features in hardware.

And xbox has?....LAUGHABLE..HA HA HA

show me one demo which proves xbox does 125mpps with heavy texturing and lighting(like microsoft claims)..you can\'t?...what a surprise:rolleyes:

Was DirectX easy to use when it first came out? yes or no? case closed.

it is NEW and REVOLUTIONARY hardware, what the hell do you expect? it was not going to be easy and MANY developers knew this...it is not a rehash mini PC like the xbox..

lacks BUILT-IN hardware features? SO? they can do it in software and developers prefer this method because they developer does the effect how HE wants it to be done, not be limited by a api...such as DX8.

GC -

Nintendo appears to have corrected many of the mistakes they made with the N64 (although I\'m still not sold on their \'mini-DVD\' format). No-one can doubt the quality of their first-party titles, but again they are mostly targetting the younger gamer, hence I expect to see \'Pokemon Cube\' very soon. :)

The funny thing is that "pokemon cube" will out sell your PC-port HALO by a MILE..no wait more like a by a light-year;)...hence more gamecubes will be sold there for xbox is going to get beat by pokemon alone...quite pathetic indeed:D

There are MANY MANY mature games coming to the Gamecube..you are to stupid and blind to admit this, i can\'t wait to play a game with a little girl with red hair and cute hammer to hit little monsters on the head with...what is the name of this innovative and mature game again? malice right?:D

As a console, it is very impressive, easier to program and is more powerful than the PS2, BUT it is not as flexible or as programmable. Hence although the GC may be more impressive than the PS2 initially, we may see the PS2 \'fight back\' as developers get to grips with Sony\'s complicated hardware.

God you are a damn hypocrite and contradict your self in that quote...why are you still bring up the hard to develop problem PS2 had when YOU admit it will be gone by the time gamecube comes(which is also xbox\'s date)???...

XBox -

MS have taken the same approach to the industry that Sony took with the original PSX, hence I\'m very impressed. The XBox has the chance to overtake the PS2, but this will only happen if it a) has the games and b) these games blow away their PS2 counterparts. Time will tell. Some will no doubt highlight the need for support from Japan.

I don\'t remember the PSX being down by 15million consoles...DOC;)

PSX won because of the SONY brand name, because it had the most third party support that was actully making games for it, because it was new technology...xbox is NONE of these.

As a console, not only is it more powerful than the GC and PS2, but offers immence power and flexibility through it\'s programmable pixel shaders and vertex shaders.

whatever xbox does in hardware/software PS2 does it just as good if not better in software:D....

find me a quote where someone from the xbox team says the effects the xbox will do are impossible on the PS2...please i want to see this.

All the above are great consoles, hence I\'m not against any of them because I\'m a games fan first. I bought a PS2 for my brother last Christmas, and may purchase a GC, but only after the XBox.

whatever:rolleyes: you slam GCN and PS2(like always) and defend and praise the xbox...you are bias and will never buy a PS2 nor GCN for your self...

You are a xbox zealot..everyone should take note and address you as such.

IMO, the Xbox will prove itself to be the best console this generation. :

Its a good thing that is your opinion because the FACT is xbox will NOT be the best, it will NOT have the best games, it will NOT win...it\'s as simple as that.
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

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« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2001, 12:57:59 PM »
N-Player, you have a good point there. Everything that you said is a complete truth !!!
    Now all you X-...something fans, read the above statement and doubt that !!!


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