Originally posted by Dwarrior
You are totally right AlteredBeast. Those numbers are the units shipped to the stores and not the numbers that were actually sold. Out of the numbers that were sold, most of them were sold as DVD players.
As much as you all hate Microsoft and say they lie. Sony has blinded a lot of you into believing that they are sinless like Jesus Christ, when they are really like the Anti-Christ.
I don\'t think there are as many compulsive liars in this industry like Sony. They doctor most of almost every shot to either be Full Motion Video or to be renders (kind of like Microsoft is the only one that is supposed to be doing this) and they constantly outright lie about their numbers.
Of course if Sony lies and such its gotta be okay right? Its okay to be brainwashed, right?
Am I bitter? No way, but you know what? I am no fool either and most of you that are loyal to sony are actually blinded by your love for this company and can\'t see the real truth of whats going on...
Sony keeping Microsoft out of the retail market, sure thats fair right? sure.... If it was Microsoft doing the same you all would be saying Monopoly, but yet Sony makes everything under the sun, from watches and to alarm clocks to gaming software, to music, but somehow people are silent... hmmmmm gotta love double standards....
Altered Beast might be right but you are one little bastard that does nothing than Anti-Sony propagantha.
Do you read anywhere that Sony has sold 10 million PS2???IT SAIS ONLY SHIPMENTS!!I dont know where Sony lied.
How the hell do you know if most of them where sold as DVD players?
Its not because of Sony Bill is called an Anti-Christ.
I cant find anywhere anything that show Sony trying to destroy MS fame.
People used to call him an anti Christ before.
Some people hate Bill gates even before he revealed his plans for a console.
You know?You are the only one trying to brainwash people.
Ok show me some renders that Sony said they were real time shots.
You are a fool.You are blind because of your hatred towards Sony AND US because we like PS2.
Why dont you go visit other forums like XBOX or GC forums??They are 100 times worse.Biased bigots most of them.
Hey dude because Sony dont do only one thing it doesnt mean they are doing monopoly.
In every industry the take part in there is always the competition.
Man you make facts out of your ass.
Are you trying to change this thread into a console war debating?
You dont like PS2 my friend?Go to the console debating.OR get the hell out of here.