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Author Topic: Are nintendo\'s games getting old?  (Read 3041 times)

Offline Claypool 2001
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« on: March 26, 2001, 01:42:39 PM »
After reading many things about Game Cube, I\'ve often wonderd if people are getting tired of there games. Now, i owned a NES, SNES AND a N64, so im not saying I hate nintendo, but how many times is Mario going to have to rescue Princess Toadstool from Bowser? or how many times is Zelda going to have to kill Gannon to save the kingdom from being destoyed? I think (OPINION) that one of nintendo\'s weaknessess is that they are short on breaking new boundries with thier games. I give Sega its much needed credit with revolutionary games like Seaman (they tried) and PSO. Every system released by nintendo is guranteed to have Mario and a Zelda. This is not a bad thing, because I would try and milk a franchise as much as possible. Also, i notice that a lot of games that come out for Playstation, come out for Nintendo eventually. Im not trying to say that Nintendo is a bad system, they just need to close the books on mario and think of some new games. Finally, i understand its the same with Playstation (Twisted Metal, MGS, Crash) and Sega (SONIC and.....SONIC), but they are only about 3-5 years old, while Mario goes way back when I was still a zygote. thanks for reading and dont acuse me of flamming and call me names because I dont know what im talking about. :)
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Offline Ashford
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2001, 02:01:00 PM »

Sonic will (or has he already???) celebrate his 10th birthday.

I agree that Nintendo is not the same as it used to be. I used to love the 8-bit Marios. Then it got too repeitious and I just stopped playing them, altogether.
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2001, 02:13:01 PM »
Well, my GameCube is preordered  and it would take a lot for me to not be excited by the GCN but the number of games I will buy for the system is a concern.  My N64 was pretty ignored because all of the games started to feel the same and if Nintendo insists on using Zelda then they really need to add some grit to him so that I can actually identify with him.  As it stands, the only assumed launch title that I am interested in is Mario and my anticipation is based more on nostalgia than on gameplay which worries me.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2001, 02:21:50 PM »
Sonic is 10...

And they are franchises. That is what happens to a franchise, the company keeps pumping them out. To Nintendo and Sega\'s credit, we haven\'t seen near as many Mario\'s or Sonic\'s as in the old day. When the original NES was around there was quite a few Mario games and with the Genesis there was a bunch of Sonic games.  Though, if you count Mario Party, and so on, Nintendo still put quite a few Mario games.

Still, its a franchise. You either love \'em or hate \'em.

Offline IronFist
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2001, 03:30:39 PM »
Originally posted by Claypool 2001
After reading many things about Game Cube, I\'ve often wonderd if people are getting tired of there games. Now, i owned a NES, SNES AND a N64, so im not saying I hate nintendo, but how many times is Mario going to have to rescue Princess Toadstool from Bowser?
I agree.  Mario is getting way old.  The last really good Mario was Super Mario World on the SNES.


 or how many times is Zelda going to have to kill Gannon to save the kingdom from being destoyed?
His name is Link. ;)  The girl\'s name is Zelda.

Finally, i understand its the same with Playstation (Twisted Metal, MGS, Crash)
Twisted Metal was destroyed as a series once three and four came out.  That is why so many of us are looking forward to TM:B, because we want the old TM gameplay, not this new stuff.  MGS is not old.  There was only one on the PSX and there will be one on the PS2 (not including the old NES ones).  Seeing as how this game is extremely cool (from what I\'ve heard from hundreds of people who have played the demo), I think it\'s a good thing Konami is coming out with another MGS.  Crash is no longer a Sony exclusive because Naughty Dog isn\'t in charge of it any more.  It\'s coming out to all consoles.

I think Naughty Dog is thinking like you are though.  They knew when enough was enough and they moved on to a different game (which they still haven\'t said anything about :().

and Sega (SONIC and.....SONIC)
While I agree with you, Sonic has been around forever, I think it still has a huge life ahead of it (I love Sonic games far more than Crash or Mario :)).

And as Living-In-Clip said, "And they are franchises.  That is what happens to a franchise."  That sums it up quite nicely.  Those games will probably never leave (maybe Crash will, but not for a while).  When you think of Nintendo, you think of Mario.  When you think of Sega, you think of Sonic.  That is just how it is.  They will never stop making Mario and Sonic games because they are known for those games.
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Offline Claypool 2001
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2001, 04:35:34 PM »
see, i thought I knew a lot about video games till I started posting here
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Offline ElAsesino
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2001, 04:38:46 PM »
Originally posted by Claypool 2001
how many times is Zelda going to have to kill Gannon to save the kingdom from being destoyed?  

Are you sure that you have an NES, SNES, and N64? :)

I don\'t see people complaining about the story line in the MG/MGS series.  The last time I checked, all Snake does is destroy different versions of Metal Gear Rex.  Now, if the same people who like MG/MGS say that the story line in Mario, Zelda, Sonic, or any other franchise is old, then that is pathetic.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

Offline Darth Joyda
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2001, 08:39:52 PM »
The best Mario could offer was Super Mario World. Mario64, however, was really good game when it came out. It was breathtaking in graphics, and it had this certain Nintendo -magic :)

I know many of you think Mario is growing old. I agree, but I want to see another Mario if it can gather the Nintend-spirit within it, and make something revolutionary out of it. Like 2-player simultaneous play - you Mario, your friend luigi, in 3d - would be really great idea for a Mario game ;)

But, from the snes times, these games have been also promised to be on GC ( and have been on N64 ) - they\'re my all time favourites:

-New Mario Kart -game ( this is the third one - so it\'s not getting too old in my opinion :) )

-New Starfox game ( also the third in serie - this could be the reason alone for me to buy a gc )

But this is all a matter of opinion, \'tho.
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2001, 09:22:59 PM »
I would like to see new games in almost everyone of Nintendo\'s series. Everything from Fire Emblem, Excitebike, Mario, Zelda, SSB, Mario Kart, StarFox, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Duckhunt (yeah!), etc...

 Of course I want new games, too, but it will be awesome to see our \'old friends\' on new hardware, looking the best they\'ve been.

Offline IronFist
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2001, 11:27:40 PM »
Originally posted by Darth Joyda
I know many of you think Mario is growing old. I agree, but I want to see another Mario if it can gather the Nintend-spirit within it, and make something revolutionary out of it. Like 2-player simultaneous play - you Mario, your friend luigi, in 3d - would be really great idea for a Mario game ;)
That\'s a great idea.  A multiplayer Mario game.  I might actually start to like Mario again if they had a good multiplayer option.
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Offline Bozco
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2001, 06:07:44 PM »
im not trying to start a fight but i think the gamecube will choke just like the N64

Offline IronFist
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2001, 06:20:21 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
im not trying to start a fight but i think the gamecube will choke just like the N64

You should probably keep those kinds of things to yourself ;).
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Offline ElAsesino
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2001, 08:03:59 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
im not trying to start a fight but i think the gamecube will choke just like the N64

Even though I\'m looking forward to GC, I don\'t really care if you say that as long as you back it up with legitimate reasons.  As long as you don\'t act like N-Player and his pointless XBox bashing.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

Offline Black Samurai
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2001, 09:42:26 AM »
Originally posted by Bozco
im not trying to start a fight but i think the gamecube will choke just like the N64

Can we get a reason why you think this way? Just a baseless statement like that does not fly. I think that Micky D\'s food tastes like crap but they seem to be going strong.(hmm.... That was pretty random :D)
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Are nintendo\'s games getting old?
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2001, 12:38:41 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
im not trying to start a fight but i think the gamecube will choke just like the N64

No reasons, no argument.

I\'m actually really disapointed with that post. Most of the console bashers now a days bring up logical reasons on why "console x" sucks, but this moronic reply brings the intelligent conversation going on to a complete halt.




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