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Author Topic: At what level do we Judge a Consloe? Can somebody please clear this up for me.  (Read 1207 times)

Offline QuDDus
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Ok we seen unfinshed hardware of xbox and ppl starting judging the system based on unfinished graphical images. Then ppl will judge xbox on one or two pics of a certain game.

Now my point is if we did the same thing to ps2 how would it look. Since ps2 has no excuse sense all it\'s hardware is complete. For instance if I posted pics of gameday on ps2. Or posted pics of sfex3. Or even posted pics of winback and so on... If we looked a pics of completed hardware and judge the ps2 on those titles then it would look pretty bad.

If you look at pics of army man air attack 2 on ps2 would think that ps2 is dead hardware. But with all the bad titles there are good ones. Those same logical views ppl use on ps2 they won\'t use for other consoles. When the only final hardware out that can be judge is ps2.  No I am not attacking ps2 in anyway because I own one and have own one since launch and have never bashed it. (although thanks to inside connections I did not have to wait in line for it:D )
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Offline Ginko
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Notice that it is only a few people who bash the Xbox.  And it\'s always the PS2 zombies who refuse to believe that their console is not god...

There\'s only around 5 of them so it\'s pretty easy to ignore it.  Also notice that no one has bashed Malice or Munch\'s Oddyssey...deep down they know PS2 can\'t touch those games.  (also that driving game from bizarre, it\'s a whole year away and it looks just as good as anything on PS2).

Xbox will have its\' own...

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i judge neither as they are BOTH vaporware to me

when i start seeing ingame demos, than i *might* be inpressed
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Offline EThugg
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I judge on if there\'s any exclusives, or superior versions of games I like on a system. I own any system with half a dozen great games. As you can imagine with those standards, I own a lot of systems... plus nowadays, I reserve new systems if they seem even slightly viable. Developers dont go nuts on a system (usually) until there\'s a big enough base. I consider it my duty as a gamer to help build the base from the start, making the systems base 1 stronger, thus doing my part in hopefully convincing that on the fence company to go ahead with that game they\'re considering.
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Offline EmperorRob
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It\'s real easy to judge a console:
  • Does it have good games?
  • How much does it cost?

And that\'s about it.
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Offline ddaryl
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DC fans and to a lesser extent GC fans and XBox fans did the same thing that PS2 zealots are doing to XBox at this junction. The PS2 had its growing pains and then some and alot of people made daily escapades here to point these things out

its the nature of the beast.  Its pretty funny too


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