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Author Topic: Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)  (Read 3862 times)

Offline Nplayer-2
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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2001, 02:40:36 PM »
What\'s your definition of "revolutionary"?


Does revolutionary mean "radical" to you?  Does something have to be DIFFERENT to be revolutionary.

Not at all...what is revolutionary is rehash PC technology that has been around for 20 years...go xbox!!:laughing:

I think Xbox is revolutionary because it gives the developer the tool to create revolutionary CONTENT...oh yeah, with good graphics too.

Halo=tribes ripp-off
Azurik=soul reaver ripp-off

give me a damn break...NOTHING on xbox is new or revolutionary...the conten is ripp-off of other games, the hardware is pretty much 20 year old technology..

PS2 may change the way we LOOK at games but Xbox gives developers the chance to change the ACTUAL GAME CONTENT and put the games industry where the movie industry is...not just a kids thing, but a mainstream thing.

Never mind the PSX....only 80million sold? PS2 on MTV? PS2 in movies?....why oh why can\'t video games be mainstream:rolleyes:

the word microsoft and mainstream should never be in the same sentence....Sony with their music and movies divison can crush any pathetic attempt microsoft trys to pull with xbox...

when it comes to brand name....SONY wins hands down...when it comes to mainstream content..SONY wins hands down...when it comes to which company made video games mainstream...SONY takes the credit.

The HDD and the broadband are not revolutionary in themselves, but when you combine them with a revolutionary graphics engine, the whole is greater than the sum of it\'s parts.

YAWN!!!! PS2 will have on-line play before xbox...it will have BB and HDD....again. xbox brings NOTHING new.

Developers can do so much more with Xbox because of these two features.  Sure, PS2 will have them...eventually, but if it\'s not in every box, developers won\'t care.

i mean...only 15,000,000 world-wide user-base when xbox comes?...if i were a developer i would take the sure win and go with the 0 user base of xbox....:rolleyes:

Sony will push it...the same people who pushed the walkman and PSX..the same people who have music and movie divisons to help push it...

When Kojima was talking about "revolutionary" he was being facetious.  "Revolutionary" has a different meaning for everyone.  Kojima thinks the PS9 is "revolutionary".  Just sniff some spores and you\'re off to PS9 land playing GT12

now now, don\'t get all jeolous because we will have a console after PS2 and you won\'t after xbox:D
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

\"With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward.\" -- Bill Gates

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #31 on: March 29, 2001, 02:52:45 PM »
Oh it\'s the bandwagon jumping NTroller! :D  Since I KNOW you\'ll be on the Xbox bandwagon this fall, which games are you getting at launch?  Halo?  How about Azurik?  Let me know.  See you in line!

P.S.  You better pre-order just in case!  Maybe you\'ll name yourself "Xplayer" again and bash the Cube and PS2!  :D  

What a troll!
When all is said and done...the PS2 will be remembered as the console with the best games in Fall 2001.

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #32 on: March 29, 2001, 04:52:09 PM »
Originally posted by fastson

PC graphics= dull textures, few colours, low polygon (look at Halos landscape), few details, steril.
I think PC games look and fell dead, in some way..


       Sorry to retort but look and fell dead? What does that mean? And what PC games are you playing? Just what kind of PC have you seen games on a 486 with a 2mb video card with 3mb of ram. Dull textures? Are you telling me that No One Lives Forever, Deus Ex, Alice, Rune and Unreal Tournament have dull textures? I am sorry you have your right to your own opinion but I think you are blind. Few details....Oh man. Bad investment.
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« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 04:35:04 PM by jiggs »
But captain what will we do for the pain? You scream for the pain!

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2001, 07:33:20 PM »
Originally posted by Nplayer-2
Nice try, you do not meantion the FACT that later in development they were getting "more texture memory than we know what do with".... nice selective hearing you have;)

The rest of your post was typical NPlayer ignorance, but I will respond to this one point.

Have you actually read the reviews of MDK2? IGN says the textures on the PS2 version are WORSE than the DC version!!! Other reviews say that graphically the game looks no better than the DC version!!!

So WHERE is this claim of Bioware that they have "more texture memory than we know what do with"? Where is their claim that texture streaming has solved all their problems?

MDK2 has been reviewed and it proves their claims were misleading, hence it proves the point I was making.

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2001, 07:49:44 PM »
I recently \'aquired\' MDK2 Revolution... its NOT better than the DC version.
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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2001, 07:58:54 PM »
I just hope X-BOX gets pounded nothing against it or anything but i already got a pc with over 1 GHZ i dont need some PC-Console or Bill Gates ruling the world even more

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2001, 09:33:49 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
I just hope X-BOX gets pounded nothing against it or anything but i already got a pc with over 1 GHZ i dont need some PC-Console or Bill Gates ruling the world even more

What? That\'s the stupidest thing I ever heard....
1-XB isn\'t a computer. So you having a computer is irrelevant.
2-Nothing against it, but you want it to fail... that makes sense...
3-No one can rule the world with a successful game console. Sony\'s trying, but it ain\'t working.
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

Offline Unicron!
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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2001, 02:30:21 AM »
You misunderstood me. I wasn\'t talking about the PS2, I was talking about the image of videogames in general.

Sony already changed the way we see videogames with PS1.Sony made the video game industry more mature and appealing to older poeple already.

Sorry for misunderstanding you.

The central idea of my post was not the revolution of graphics like the PS2, but the revolution in CONTENT. What I mean by that is focusing on the storyline and the overall game instead of wrestling with hardware. Why reinvent the wheel? Xbox\'s philosophy is this: "Okay, we\'ll give you the same tools you\'re used to, but we\'ll make them more powerful". PS2\'s philosophy is, "Here\'s a powerful tool...but it\'s only powerful if you use it right...now figure it out!" The result of that philosophy is PSX games with better graphics.

Thats nothing very special.Each console works as a double wdged sword according to what you said.

You havent explained me how XBOX is going to  put the games industry where the movie industry is.

And accoriding to Hideo Kojima now that they got used to the hardware they dont stragle any longer with the hardware.
Its only a matter of getting used to it.

The PS2 except from the graphics it also offers a lot in gaming too.Thats the way it was design to anyways.AI,physics,analog controller etc offer more than just graphics.

English must not be your first language because you misunderstood me again. I don\'t know how I could make what I just said more clearer. You don\'t have to explain to me the benefits of a HDD and ethernet adapter...and please, don\'t offend me by quoting that goddam SCEI marionette, Phil Harrison.

You misunderstood me too here.What I said about Phill Harrison IS A POSSIBILITY!!Something that can happen.I didnt use it to convince you that the PS2\'s HDD makes PS2 revolutionary or that because HE said it.I metioned it as a  possibility.New ideas about the use of the HDD might bring great things to gaming.That was my point.
I wasnt explaining you anything.I havent explained you anything about HDD or Broadband.I just told you that PS2 is revolutionary as the first console to have these 2....Were have I tried to explain you the benefits of the HDD or Broadband??
When I was speaking about HDD I wasnt trying to explain you the HDD or its benefits but its possibilities.Its not sure or impossible.You know this might work for the XBOX\'s HDD as well.

I was saying that the HDD + Ethernet + XGPU makes the Xbox revolutionary...not just one of them alone. They are tools that give developers more options and flexibility to improve the experience for the end user.

HDD+ Ethernet+XGPU

Explain me the difference and how this combination makes the XBOX more revolutionary than the PS2.

This proves one of two things: Either you don\'t live in the U.S., or Sony hasn\'t been advertising enough. PS9 came from the U.S. PS2 comercial...I know, I don\'t get it either.

Yes I dont live in the US but I ve heard about the PS9 comercial.But it doesnt have to do anything with what  PS2 IS NOW but that  PS2 is Sony\'s first step to their plans of future revolutionary next gen gaming.This commercial works fine as a PS2 commercial but it also increases our expectations of what Sony is going to bring next.
Thats my opinion on the comercial.
I could be wrong though.

Yeah...and chickens with bazooka\'s don\'t sing Mary Poppins when the wind blows from the east too ( yeah, I can\'t understand you either ).

(Have you ever heard about equivocal meanings?)

From what you posted Kojima was talking about PS9 anyways and not PS2:)

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2001, 01:14:12 PM »
Originally posted by Unicron!
HDD+ Ethernet+XGPU

Explain me the difference and how this combination makes the XBOX more revolutionary than the PS2.

Ummm, a $300 system that has both included out of the box, vs a $250 (by fall) system + a at least $100 combo add-on... hmmm. I dont see a difference either. :p Seriously, add-ons dont sell, and Sony will NOT change that. Incase you don\'t know, Sony stopped being innovative and wants to coast on 3rd party support and brand name alone this generation. They can too, but they won\'t get a huge percent to buy the add-ons.
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2001, 11:48:30 PM »
But this still doesnt make XBOX revolutionary.

Offline EThugg
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« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2001, 11:55:05 PM »
Originally posted by Unicron!
But this still doesnt make XBOX revolutionary.

I didn\'t call it revolutionary, but MS\'s HDD and Ethernet will actually be supported by XB\'s userbase and developers. If Sony couldnt sell gamers on a cheap cord to connect systems, or pocket station, they wont be able to make something 2x + more expensive successful... anyways... neither XB or PS2 are revolutionary.
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2001, 03:31:51 AM »
Originally posted by Bozco
I just hope X-BOX gets pounded nothing against it or anything but i already got a pc with over 1 GHZ i dont need some PC-Console or Bill Gates ruling the world even more

  Yeah instead everyone will be ruled by Sony and the world will have generic crappy games.  Nintendo and SEGA rule and Sony can\'t even compete.

  Sony has no talent,they compete only on popularity alone.  oh well....

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #42 on: March 31, 2001, 03:45:09 AM »
Originally posted by Nplayer-2


Not at all...what is revolutionary is rehash PC technology that has been around for 20 years...go xbox!!:laughing:

Halo=tribes ripp-off
Azurik=soul reaver ripp-off

give me a damn break...NOTHING on xbox is new or revolutionary...the conten is ripp-off of other games, the hardware is pretty much 20 year old technology..

Never mind the PSX....only 80million sold? PS2 on MTV? PS2 in movies?....why oh why can\'t video games be mainstream:rolleyes:

the word microsoft and mainstream should never be in the same sentence....Sony with their music and movies divison can crush any pathetic attempt microsoft trys to pull with xbox...

when it comes to brand name....SONY wins hands down...when it comes to mainstream content..SONY wins hands down...when it comes to which company made video games mainstream...SONY takes the credit.

YAWN!!!! PS2 will have on-line play before xbox...it will have BB and HDD....again. xbox brings NOTHING new.


i mean...only 15,000,000 world-wide user-base when xbox comes?...if i were a developer i would take the sure win and go with the 0 user base of xbox....:rolleyes:

Sony will push it...the same people who pushed the walkman and PSX..the same people who have music and movie divisons to help push it...

now now, don\'t get all jeolous because we will have a console after PS2 and you won\'t after xbox:D

   I just pretty much have one thing to say.  The PS2 is way more PC (computer) like than any other major console out there right now period, end of story.

   The PS2 has more PC ports than the xbox right now or any other console for that matter.

   The PS2 has a printer and a programming language, keyboard, mouse, web browser, video camera.  The only thing it doesn\'t have is a 21 inch monitor that ships with it.

    The only game machine that has more PC games than that of the PS2 is a PC itself.

    If PS2 wins this generation, Sony is a monopoly more than Microsoft.  At least Microsoft doesn\'t do Alarm Clocks and watches.

    I honestly wouldn\'t be suprised if Sony came out with a Washing machine and dryer.  oh wait they arn\'t a monopoly... Sure they arn\'t a monopoly, if you are braindamaged.

   Movies at theaters, movies at blockbuster, music CD\'s, computer hardware includes the PC itself, laptops, CDRW\'s, Monitors, speakers, etc....  Software, video game software, video game machines, alarm clocks, watches, cd players, tape decks, dvd players, headphones, gamepads, televisions and anything to do with video including but not excluding tapes, cd-rom disks, dvd, clocks, operating environments, etc.....

   oh they arn\'t a Monopoly!!!! oh no!!!!  please,lets wake up now and call a spade a spade.  Sony is a monopoly that lives outside of the United States and is not under any laws of the United States and thus in the USA would be a monopoly.

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #43 on: March 31, 2001, 05:07:19 AM »
Docwiz, err I mean Dwarrior :rolleyes:, you don\'t seem to know what a monopoly is. Sure SONY makes lots of things. But are they the only alternative? Are they the only ones that makes TV\'s, VCR\'s etc? No they\'re not. People can buy Panasonic, Philips, Sharp, Mitsubishi etc etc instead. What alternative does people have if they want to play the latest games on their PC\'s? Oh yeah, that\'s right. They can ONLY buy the buggy POS known as MS Windows. Better get your facts straight before writing any more BS Dwarrior. But I wouldn\'t expect any less from you.

mo·nop·o·ly (m-np-l)
n., pl. mo·nop·o·lies.

1.: Exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a commodity or service.
2.: Law. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party.
3. a: A company or group having exclusive control over a commercial activity.
3. b: A commodity or service so controlled.
4. a: Exclusive possession or control: arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth.
4. b: Something that is exclusively possessed or controlled: showed that scientific achievement is not a male monopoly.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Konami talks XBOX!!! (interview!)
« Reply #44 on: March 31, 2001, 07:38:25 AM »
Originally posted by EThugg

I didn\'t call it revolutionary, but MS\'s HDD and Ethernet will actually be supported by XB\'s userbase and developers. If Sony couldnt sell gamers on a cheap cord to connect systems, or pocket station, they wont be able to make something 2x + more expensive successful... anyways... neither XB or PS2 are revolutionary.

I agree then


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