well..I\'ll add my two cents.
After seeing the movie, I notice that for the first time in my life I have been impressed and dissapointed at the same time. Yes the game Lokks great. The background look fantasic, but the player models look crap. The player models are the same used as in the ps2 and Dc version, but with different clothes on. In the section where ayan is standing on the cliff yu can clearly see that the character model is exactly thesame as in DA2:HC. Some of the backgrounds also need some work. For example: Look at the coast sequence, the reflections of the mountians in the water are are not correct, the water must fracture them because its moving. In the ice cave (amazingly done) when the girl gets hit through the ice pillar you can see some of the shards dissapear into the floor. At the beginning of the movie Bass gets hit of the building into a street. This street looks almost the same as the one in DOA2:HC on the ps2.
To me it lookst like an upgrade of DOA@ with redone backgrounds and extra characters. Nothing more!