Dave-IGN posted this on the boards about the crowds\' negative reaction to Xbox:
http://boards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=3969190&page=1 "Based on the reaction I\'ve seen here (the Japanese gamers, press and US journalists), the Xbox was the biggest disappointment of the show. Gates\' keynote was horribly received and only one corner of the entire building clapped for anything (where the Microsoft employees were sitting). And talking to random Japanese people, they seem to think that the games shown, except for DOA3 and a couple others, looked like ****. I don\'t know why the message boards back in the states are all excited about the Xbox TGS presence because everyone I\'ve talked to here in Japan strongly believes that it\'s been a major letdown.... "
This is the most funniest thing i have read in a long time:
Gates\' keynote was horribly received and only one corner of the entire building clapped for anything (where the Microsoft employees were sitting).
Are we really surprised by this? the answer based on the factual information we have now..the answer is..NO.
no matter what microsoft does in japan the xbox will not sell and be DOA....PS2 is king there..they need to wake up and realize that.
well, TokyoGameShow is a disaster for the xbox..just as i predicted.