Originally posted by DirectXbox
B*tch please! Naughty Dog are a bunch of overatted trash-talking sons-of-b*tches! I predict that they\'re new game will suck donkey balls.
You\'re the classic example of BS,rude,ill-mannered X-Troll and you can predict nothing because you know nothing !
I think Crash,Crash2,Crash3 and Crash Team Racing are really good games and I feel the New Creature of Jason Rubin will be something Big(the only thing we can do is waiting until E3)
We have to debate about the capability,talent of Developers(and Naughty Dog proved to be a talented developer with Crash3 and Crash Team Racing),not the psychology of a single Man....
If you don\'t like Naughty Dog or their games that\'s your own business...because there are a lot of People who really like these Games!
So please,if you like so much insulting developers,or you have nothing positive to offer to this Great Forum...it\'s better you go to some X-Troll-MS-Forum where most of the people are exactly like you= BS and Ignorant
.....He talks too much smack and I\'d love to put my size 11 up his ass. Haughty bastards like him deserve to have thier sh!t flop. Naughty Dog\'s game will SUCK. That\'s no shot against the PS2 but a shot against Naughty Dog. They\'re way too overated. Bastards...
...I think you are not stable mentally!
Why Bastard? Did you have any personal problem with Jason? If you don\'t like the games don\'t play them...what\'s the problem odd being !
Try to show us some interesting and productive Posts...or the only thing you can do is proving each time to be a Troll?