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Offline Unicron!
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2001, 09:05:12 AM »
Naughty Dog if they had the chance they would have been at the top next to Nintendo and Sega.
Crash Team Racing is one of the games I am still trying to figure how they mamaged to squeeze so much from PS1 while others couldnt.
The view distance is amazing,the stages are huge and high polygon,the effects are superb,four players option,cool animations,cool textures all at 30fps.
It easily competes with all N64 kart games.

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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2001, 10:31:17 AM »
Originally posted by DirectXbox

According to J. Allard Xbox "is 3 times the graphical and computational power of the PS2".  Which means that it would take 3 PS2\'s to match the Physics/AI and Graphics processing power of the Xbox. :D

LOL. This has to be wrong. The EE is more powerful than the PIII and all AI and physics is calculated by the mainproccessor not the GPU.
Are you sure of this?

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« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2001, 11:42:58 AM »
Originally posted by Bossieman

LOL. This has to be wrong. The EE is more powerful than the PIII and all AI and physics is calculated by the mainproccessor not the GPU.
Are you sure of this?

DirectXbox assumed wrongly or he understood what he wanted to beleive

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« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2001, 01:32:38 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl

3- Lorne is a meathead cause his vision for his game can be acheived on the PS2 with some minor sacrafices, but nothing that would ruin the game for PS2 owners and would have made him lots of money !!!!. Now he will make his game which may or maynot live up to expectations and have a severly reduced fanbase. All becasue the man was lazy. Lorne and MS both hoped that his signing with MS and XBox would open a floodgates of frustrated devs over to Xbox. It didn\'t and since then there have been more PS2 announcement snad more PS2 break throughs, with some sweet looking games.

Wow, those are pretty harsh words.  Lorne struck me as a very cool, done-to-earth person who was very excited about OWI\'s new game.  If you look at their games and website you will find that they are very socailly and environmentaly concoius as well.  

Sure, the PS2 has absolutely made a lot of break throughs but they were made by the largest companies or those who are also counting on the PC version of their software to bring in extra money.  The smaller third-party developers are still releaseing sub-par graphics and if OWI wanted to avoid that fate and needed money to keep on going then I should hardly think it would make Lorne "lazy" or a "meathead".

Offline EThugg
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« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2001, 01:44:17 PM »
Originally posted by ho3j

Wow, those are pretty harsh words.  Lorne struck me as a very cool, done-to-earth person who was very excited about OWI\'s new game.  If you look at their games and website you will find that they are very socailly and environmentaly concoius as well.  

Sure, the PS2 has absolutely made a lot of break throughs but they were made by the largest companies or those who are also counting on the PC version of their software to bring in extra money.  The smaller third-party developers are still releaseing sub-par graphics and if OWI wanted to avoid that fate and needed money to keep on going then I should hardly think it would make Lorne "lazy" or a "meathead".

My thoughts exactly. Agter reading interviews of Lanning, I have a lot of respect for him. Plus I like Oddworlds games (as much as ND\'s games.)
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

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« Reply #65 on: April 11, 2001, 07:29:11 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

You\'re the classic example of BS,rude,ill-mannered X-Troll and you can predict nothing because you know nothing !
I think Crash,Crash2,Crash3 and Crash Team Racing are really good games and I feel the New Creature of Jason Rubin will be something Big(the only thing we can do is waiting until E3)
We have to debate about the capability,talent of Developers(and Naughty Dog proved to be a talented developer with Crash3 and Crash Team Racing),not the psychology of a single Man....
If you don\'t like Naughty Dog or their games that\'s your own business...because there are a lot of People who really like these Games!
So please,if you like so much insulting developers,or you have nothing positive to offer to this Great Forum...it\'s better you go to some X-Troll-MS-Forum where most of the people are exactly like you= BS and Ignorant

Hey, I\'m entitled to my own opinions.  I hate Naughty Dog and I think they\'re a bunch of one-hit-wonder overrated developers.  Hell, there\'s no reason to call me a "Troll" when I was merely venting my opinion on Naughty Dog (Jason Rubin specifically).  Just because your fanboy ass don\'t agree with me doesn\'t mean that you have to label me as a troll.  I just think that people are making a big deal about Naughty Dog because somehow they feel that they will somehow vindicate the PS2.  How do I know that?  Well, I\'ve heard on this board and other PS2 boards such phrases as, "[Outspoken Developer Here] are a bunch of lazy asses...teams like Naughty Dog are not lazy and they will show that PS2 is a real powerhouse!"  and "Naughy Dog will use both of PS2\'s vector units!"  Wow.  Who gives a sh!t.  Naughty Dog milks one corny ass franchise and everyone sees them as the "PS2\'s Saviors".  I honestly believe that they\'re nothing without Crash.  Maybe at E3 Mr. Rubin and Co. will prove me wrong.  If they do, I\'ll concede, but I honestly believe that Naughty Dog is OVERATTED (among PS2 fanboys) contrary to what ddarly believes.  

What besides "Crash ___" has been succesful from Naughty Dog?  I can\'t think of one.  The average gamer doesn\'t know who the hell Naughty Dog is and sadly they don\'t give a sh!t about non-franchise titles.  Maybe if Crash Bandicoot 4 was made by Naughty Dog, then by name alone it will sell spades.  My proof?  Well, I bet that Crash Bandicoot 4 for the PS2, GC and Xbox will sell in the millions based upon franchise alone.  The average Joe gamer won\'t say, "Naughty Dog didn\'t make it, so I\'m not buying it!".  All they see is Crash 4 on the PS2 and so it must be as good as the first three.  I just think J. Rubin talks too much sh!t for an overrated programmer.  I hope their game tanks just for Rubin to be put in his place.  He talks too much sh*t about stuff he has no idea about.  He\'s a big Sony Whore and I hope his sh!t tanks.  That\'s my opinion.  You don\'t have to agree with it and I won\'t try to persuade you to.


...I think you are not stable mentally!
Why Bastard?  Did you have any personal problem with Jason?   If you don\'t like the games don\'t play them...what\'s the problem odd being !
Try to show us some interesting and productive Posts...or the only thing you can do is proving each time to be a Troll? :)

Pot calling the kettle black, eh?  There\'s no need for insults since I wasn\'t insulting you.  Are you related to Mr. Rubin?  Are you currently having sexual relations with him?  Then why are you so goddam defensive.  I didn\'t insult you personally.  In fact, my post was not directed to anyone on this board because I respect everyone on this board (except NPlayer) and I respect their opinions even though theirs may be different from mine.  Yeah, I have a personal problem not only with Naughty Dog but with any developer or representative that talks sh!t even though they are totally overrated.  Yuji Naka can afford to talk sh!t because every game he puts out is awesome.  Kojima can afford to talk sh!t because he has the Midas touch.  Yu Suzuki can afford to talk sh!t because he\'s a proven veteran.  Miyomoto-san can afford to talk sh!t because he\'s a god.  Jason Rubin and Naughy Dog can\'t afford to talk sh!t because they\'ve only had success from milking one franchise to death.  If Naughty Dog\'s new project blows me away, then I concede, because Naughty Dog will have proved that they are not a one-trick-pony and that they do have TALENT.  I\'ll gladly apologize to Naughty Dog and J. Rubin.  However, until they prove themselves beyond Crash, they can\'t afford to act like big shots because the truth of the matter is that they\'re not.  

So I advise you to stop jumping to conclusions calling me a troll just because I posted my opinion.  Is everyone who disagrees with you a troll?  Well if they are, you\'ll meet plenty more trolls during your life time.  If you can\'t deal with "trolls", then I advise that you lock yourself up in a closet and never come out.
When all is said and done...the PS2 will be remembered as the console with the best games in Fall 2001.

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« Reply #66 on: April 11, 2001, 07:57:01 AM »
Originally posted by ddaryl

Wow gotta love the idiocy

Naughty DOg is the most underrated developer and there PS2 project will squash any thoughts of them sucking. I\'ll bet the farm on that one. The Crash platformers games we\'re all fantastic. They pushed the PSX to its limitsand got performance where others could not. Naughty DOg has enjoyed success for awhile, they just never had the big budgets until they signed on to do Crash and got backing from Universal, and they did not dissapoint when given that chance. With Sony and the money Naughty Dog made from the Crash series  not to mention  the fact they picked up a few other talented Developers to add to the Naughty Dog team, I say beleive the hype. Naughty DOg will get performance out of the PS2 that only the top dev\'s are getting.

Well, like the saying goes: " A [forum] is only as good as its [moderators]."  I can see why forum members frequently insult other forum members.  Obviously, I disagree with you but then I also agree with you.  Naughy Dog is underatted (in the gaming industry as a whole) and overrated (among PS2 fanboys).  The Crash Bandicoot PSX games were never my cup of tea, actually I preferred Bug! and Bug! Too for the Saturn over Crash Bandicoot.  I always saw Crash as just a Sony mascot.  Croc, Rayman, and Bubsy (hehe) didn\'t make the cut, so Sony chose Crash Bandicoot.  All I see him as is a crappy imitation of Sonic and Mario.  Crash can\'t hold a candle to either of those franchises because those franchises are created by legends (Naka and Miyamoto, respectively).  I simply don\'t have any faith in Naughty Dog outside of the Crash franchise.  Maybe if they were making Crash Bandicoot 4...but they\'re not.  That would be like me hyping up a new character-based platformer from id Software.  Yeah, Doom and Quake are the sh!t, but the thought of them making a non-FPS would make me cringe.

If you were really betting the farm, I would say that would be a risky deal.  Outside of Crash, Naughty Dog are unproven.  Yeah, I\'m sure any guy can use both Vector Units and write their own machine-specific programming language (Rubin created G.O.A.L. for PS2), but that doesn\'t automatically mean that the game will be good.  That\'s like me saying that since Xbox has great developers and more powerful hardware that they are going to blow PS2 out of the water.  Seems like the case, but Microsoft is unproven in the console arena just like ND is unproven outside of the Crash series.  I\'m not biased at all.  If the folks at Microsoft were talking sh!t like, "PS2 sucks...it\'s a do-everything-but-hard-to-develop-for-machine!" and "We\'ll blow Sony away because we have more money!" Then I would hate them too (I would still buy the Xbox if it had good games, just like I\'ll buy the ND game if it impresses me).   I just hate unproven developers talking sh!t, that\'s all.  Don\'t assume that just because I\'m knocking a PS2 developer that I\'m knocking PS2.

However, if you are taking offense to what I say about Naughty Dog, then maybe you do view them as the PS2\'s "Saviors".  ;)  Check yourself.  I\'m a Christian and if anyone says anything bad about God like, "God causes people to die and starve...etc." I\'d be pissed off, even though they weren\'t talking about me.  Do you feel that way about Naughty Dog?  If so, you need to reexamine things.  The PS2\'s success is a collective effort between Sony and developers...not just Naughty Dog.


and yes Rubin is going to spew the Company line because Sony owns NaughtyDog now and even before the buy-out, NaughtyDOg signed on as a 2nd party developer. What would one expect

But Lorne is just a meat head IMO.

I agree with you.  Lorne has a big mouth too; until he does something else good besides OddWorld, then he should keep his trap shut.  They\'re in the same position as Naughty Dog in that they are a one-trick-pony.  But if the Pony brings in the dough, keep on ridin\' it!  The only difference is that Mr. Lanning and Oddworld are staying with the Oddworld franchise.  If they were doing another game I would be just as critical of them as I am of ND.  


as for Naughty Dogs creature blowing away Malice. I don\'t know. I\'m positive the game will look quite excellent and the gameplay will be quite cool. but without actual details we\'re left waiting for the unveiling

That\'s the right thing to do...wait until E3.  If they both impress me, I\'ll get both.
When all is said and done...the PS2 will be remembered as the console with the best games in Fall 2001.

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« Reply #67 on: April 11, 2001, 06:27:09 PM »
Well Direct XBox, I think Mario sucks, never liked it, and SOnic is ok, but not my cup a tea

Crash Bandicoot was my all time favorite platformer, and the numerous moves and numerous vehicles crash pikloted made the gameplay very un repetitious

Naughty DOg is not overrated by PS2 fanboys just underated by most, they have quite a few games out before Crash none of them big budgeted but all held there own nicely.

Naughty DOg knows how to code and that will be shown off with there next game

I don\'t Miyamoto a legend or Suzuki, there games are good and great but mostly overrated by Sega and Nintendo fans

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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #68 on: April 11, 2001, 06:29:04 PM »
blah blah blah,blah blah blah and blah.....blah blah blah,blah blah!! blah blah blah...?? blah blah blah anyone? blah blah blah,yea..blah blah blah,oh yes! blah blah blah and that\'s blah blah blah,so blah blah.

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« Reply #69 on: April 11, 2001, 08:33:09 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl
...just underated by most, they have quite a few games out before Crash none of them big budgeted but all held there own nicely.

Like the poor Rings of Power? The only decent game they had prior to Crash is Way of the Warrior, and despite being good, was a total MK rip off.

Rings of Power

Pretty bad...

Way of the Warrior

Funny and fun, but not original at all...

Their games before that? 3 poor PC games, I can\'t even find shots of. Ski Crazed, Keef the Thief, Dreamzone. Crash is the only thing ND has to brag about, and Rubins himself was a small part of its success. Again, I don\'t hate ND, but you cant \'underrate\' a company that had one successful series. They have to prove themselves on more than one system, with one series. And sinse all pre-Crash games they made were pretty crappy, they still need to do this.
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« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2001, 08:36:37 PM »
Originally posted by EThugg

. Again, I don\'t hate ND, but you cant \'underrate\' a company that had one successful series. They have to prove themselves on more than one system, with one series. And sinse all pre-Crash games they made were pretty crappy, they still need to do this.

Well then I guess E3 will be the proof

You guys can argue this with me until the cows come home, but I stand by exactly what I am saying. Naughty Dog studios has big time talent and ability. There game will be sweet

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« Reply #71 on: April 11, 2001, 08:42:31 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl

Well then I guess E3 will be the proof

Yup, like I said, I look foward to the new ND game.
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« Reply #72 on: April 12, 2001, 05:44:42 AM »
hey if they can create a game like Crash Bandicood nowadays we can expect better things in the furure than what we saw in the past.

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« Reply #73 on: April 12, 2001, 11:47:16 AM »
Originally posted by Unicron!
hey if they can create a game like Crash Bandicood nowadays we can expect better things in the furure than what we saw in the past.

Thats the hope, but not definite.
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« Reply #74 on: April 12, 2001, 12:36:44 PM »
Ofcourse I am hoping:)


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