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Author Topic: Xbox interview...proves my point  (Read 3223 times)

Offline Dwarrior
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2001, 10:47:09 PM »
Originally posted by Nplayer-2

PS2 hard to develop for=yes
xbox hard to develop for=no

He can tell what xbox will do TODAY because he can use it to it\'s full potential right from the start(according to microsoft that is)...so unless you want me to belive xbox is as hard to develop for than PS2...YES we can know what xbox will do today and 10 years from now....and what do we know? that it fails to live up to the huge hype microsoft created for it...it is a huge disappointment and breaks it\'s promises...

Dwarrior(aka docwiz):

Scared of xbox? HA...hardly..unless of coarse you mean scared of it falling on me?:laughing:

This thing this disgusting thing is a disappointment and i will address it as such...it is not wanted in the gaming industry and i for one will be willing to spend hours spreading the FACTS about it...

FACT is...PS2 will win this gen because of it\'s impressive games and graphics

FACT IS..xbox is nothing but a let down and will die due to mediocre games and overhyped graphics.

Thats fine Nplayer...   The best games on the PS2 are PC ports. hahahahahahahahaa.   So, I guess the PC is better than the PS2.  oh well...

  I mean you want to talk about mediocre, thats just about every non PC game out on the PS2 out right now.

  Nplayer its kind of painfully obvious that you never play video games and thus have no concept of them.

  Life goes on dude and it looks like you are buying an xbox or a cube.  oh well....

  Keep on troll\'n and remember, play games so that you can judge them and have fun with them.

Offline BizioEE

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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2001, 11:24:42 PM »
Originally posted by Dwarrior

Thats fine Nplayer...   The best games on the PS2 are PC ports. hahahahahahahahaa.   So, I guess the PC is better than the PS2.  oh well...

  I mean you want to talk about mediocre, thats just about every non PC game out on the PS2 out right now.

...You mean...
  • Madden 2001
  • SSX
  • Time Splitters
  • TTT
  • DOA2 HC
  • Sky Odyssey
  • Shadow of Destiny
  • Onimusha
  • ATV Off Road Fury
  • ZOE
  • Winning Eleven 5
  • Star Wars Starfighter
  • RE Code Veronica


...why did someone blow your brain away out of your skull ?    ...I\'m wondering...

 Nplayer its kind of painfully obvious that you never play video games and thus have no concept of them.

  Life goes on dude and it looks like you are buying an xbox or a cube.  oh well....

  Keep on troll\'n and remember, play games so that you can judge them and have fun with them.

You are the last person on this Planet who can make some kind of "Morale"

(PS2 will blow you away at the E3 :D)

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Offline TheMistaWhoKnow
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2001, 01:59:39 AM »
You are such a fucking moron NPlayer. Why don\'t you crawl back into that hole you were born in?

Stupid posts like yours deserve to be delted.

Offline TheMistaWhoKnow
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2001, 02:00:46 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE


...but the Leap we\'ll see in PS2\'software will be much bigger due to the impressive learning curve!

Actually... not that much better. The Xbox has better hardware, remember?

Oh, btw, it also has broadband, a hard drive and a kick ass development team.

Offline EThugg
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2001, 06:10:03 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

...You mean...
  • Madden 2001
  • SSX
  • Time Splitters
  • TTT
  • DOA2 HC
  • Sky Odyssey
  • Shadow of Destiny
  • Onimusha
  • ATV Off Road Fury
  • ZOE
  • Winning Eleven 5
  • Star Wars Starfighter
  • RE Code Veronica

(PS2 will blow you away at the E3 :D)

Half those games are just average, or pure garbage. And PS2 won\'t be blowing away anyone... more than Gamecube or XB that is.... :p
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Offline datamage
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2001, 07:44:00 AM »
Thats fine Nplayer... The best games on the PS2 are PC ports. hahahahahahahahaa. So, I guess the PC is better than the PS2. oh well...

The best games on PS2 are PC ports? Care to elaborate? I don\'t see GT3 on PC, nor FFX, nor MGS2,.. get the picture?

- dm
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Offline datamage
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2001, 07:46:18 AM »
Half those games are just average, or pure garbage. And PS2 won\'t be blowing away anyone... more than Gamecube or XB that is....


RE Code Veronica

Those are far from average or pure garbage. The others I haven\'t played so..

- dm
- what\'s in the f\'cking box?

Offline M4
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2001, 08:13:13 AM »
Originally posted by TheMistaWhoKnow
You are such a fucking moron NPlayer. Why don\'t you crawl back into that hole you were born in?

Stupid posts like yours deserve to be delted.

That probably would be for the better, considering how idiotic posts like this inspire flame wars. They also inspire some Xbox supporters who would normally have some sense to sound like idiots - it\'s a challenge to argue with a thickheaded twit and not look like one yourself.
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Offline EThugg
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2001, 09:32:06 AM »
Originally posted by datamage


RE Code Veronica

Those are far from average or pure garbage. The others I haven\'t played so..

- dm
- what\'s in the f\'cking box?

TTT: Barely a upgrade
Madden: Well, I h8 sports so i\'ll just say it\'s a prettier version of Madden 2000.
Onimusha: A classic!
RE:CV: a port again.

I love my PS2, but its strength lies in whats to come, not whats here.
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

Offline BizioEE

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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2001, 10:26:52 AM »
Originally posted by EThugg

Half those games are just average, or pure garbage. And PS2 won\'t be blowing away anyone... more than Gamecube or XB that is.... :p

If you really loved the PS2 you shouldn\'t speak like a BS X-Box Fan :)...no offense...

There are games in development for PS2 (NOW) that you can only dream on the X-Box and...again...if you liked PS2 you should be happy,excited for all the Great promises in the near future rather than singing X-Box\'s praises...praises for a Console which has shown nothing!  
One of the things I don\'t like in people is the hypocrisy...so...please...try to be a bit more coherent...or...if I\'m getting you wrong...try to explain to me the real reason of your inconsistent statements :)

...And PS2 won\'t be blowing away anyone... more than Gamecube or XB that is....

...This for example...PS2 was released more than one year ago and some of the best developers have been working for a long time on secret titles or...simply...great titles that we just know(Tekken4,Soul Calibur2,The Next Lara,The Getaway,FFX,The Lost.....) so...how can you imagine that the X-Box developers with incomplete Kits and few months can show something that can only come close to the PS2 games?

I\'m ready to bet 1000$ with you that PS2 will blow away the X-Box at the E3!
Do you accept? :)
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Offline datamage
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2001, 11:14:56 AM »
TTT: Barely a upgrade
Madden: Well, I h8 sports so i\'ll just say it\'s a prettier version of Madden 2000.
Onimusha: A classic!
RE:CV: a port again.

I love my PS2, but its strength lies in whats to come, not whats here.


I wasn\'t thinking of the games as ports, but more as the game themselves. I know TTT is just a rehash of Tekken, and the others ports, but they\'re still good games. Too bad I already went through RE:CV on my DC and played DOA2 to death on my DC.

- dm
- what\'s in the f\'cking box?

Offline Dr Yassam
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2001, 12:49:24 PM »
Originally posted by BizioEE
I\'m ready to bet 1000$ with you that PS2 will blow away the X-Box at the E3!
Do you accept? :)

Be careful when you say things like that, you may need to pay up! ;)

Let\'s just say this E3 should be the best for many MANY years.

The PS2 will demonstrate many awesome games, but it most definately will not blow away the XBox, which will also demonstrate awesome games of it\'s own. Whether or not the XBox will blow away the PS2 remains to be seen, but it is possible IMO.

I\'m really looking forward to E3. :)

Offline EThugg
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2001, 01:37:30 PM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

I\'m ready to bet 1000$ with you that PS2 will blow away the X-Box at the E3!
Do you accept? :)

Wouldn\'t that be a subjective thing? If you like the games better on one system better, you\'ll feel that it \'blew away\' the competition, even if the other guy feels the exact opposite. Example: I thought MS\'s TGS showing, while not including playables (:(), had plenty of great announcements.
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Offline QuDDus
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2001, 03:12:38 PM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

If you really loved the PS2 you shouldn\'t speak like a BS X-Box Fan :)...no offense...

There are games in development for PS2 (NOW) that you can only dream on the X-Box and...again...if you liked PS2 you should be happy,excited for all the Great promises in the near future rather than singing X-Box\'s praises...praises for a Console which has shown nothing!  
One of the things I don\'t like in people is the hypocrisy...so...please...try to be a bit more coherent...or...if I\'m getting you wrong...try to explain to me the real reason of your inconsistent statements :)

...This for example...PS2 was released more than one year ago and some of the best developers have been working for a long time on secret titles or...simply...great titles that we just know(Tekken4,Soul Calibur2,The Next Lara,The Getaway,FFX,The Lost.....) so...how can you imagine that the X-Box developers with incomplete Kits and few months can show something that can only come close to the PS2 games?

I\'m ready to bet 1000$ with you that PS2 will blow away the X-Box at the E3!
Do you accept? :)

Are you that in love with a video game machine that you would bet $$ it will blow another away at e3? LOL HAHAHAHAH OMG who knows what will or will not happen at e3. It is pretty rediculas to take it this far.  You have no idea what is going to takes place at e3. Ps2 could come in third to xbox, and gamecube.  Is it human to like a machine that much?

And as for n-player are you really that dumb? What did you want the guy to do. Come and say yes sure xbox kills ps2 in every way. PS2 is crap compared to xbox. You idiot he is making games for both console it would be stupid for him to come out and say something like that about ps2. Being it be true or not no developer making games for a console would bash it.  Man I just don\'t understand you. You remind me of the village idiot.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Offline Kenshin
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2001, 05:07:47 PM »
who the hell gives a rats ass? I sure as hell dont

I own a ps2 = Fact

I dont give a damn if xbox is graphically a little bit more powerful then ps2 = Fact

Xbox is a huge black box that resembles a vcr = Fact

This is a PS2 site = Fact

No one cares about Xbox here = Fact (confirmed through reliable sources)

Member Xbox is bill gates bed buddy = Fact (confirmed through reliable sources)




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