Z.O.E.Well, I bought Z.O.E. yesterday, like planned and promised. I didn\'t have time to play the game much yesterday, as I went to theaters and saw Hannibal, and I was pretty tired after the movie, and today, I woke up about 2 hours ago - so these really are first impressions, and nothing more - so don\'t ask me about scores yet. I will post my review of Z.O.E. later, when I\'ve completed the game.
Well, I was very excited as I walked with Z.O.E. home yesterday. The box-art was cool - and I thought the game looked very good on the trailer I downloaded from internet earlier that day. So, I jumped happily to our mother\'s house - but then noticed my playstation 2 wasn\'t there. So, I had to go and pick it up from my father\'s. Well, I dragged it to my mother\'s again - and saw clock was quite much - and hurried to see Hannibal on theater with a friend of mine. The excitement brought along with Z.O.E. was creating butterflies into my stomach - and so happened - that Hannibal wasn\'t to my liking ( it was very boring - the character should\'ve earned himself a lot better movie to his name ), and the rest of the movie I just thought about Z.O.E. and how I\'d play it soon. I almost fell asleep during the movie, but finally, it ended
Small spoiler( the ending was quite hilarious - the boy tasting the brains )
End of Small SpoilerWell, I got home and linked my ps2 to the tv -screen and to the wall to get some electricity - opened my tv - and threw the Z.O.E. dvd into its position ( I didn\'t play MGS 2 yet ). Cool intro with nice music opened before my eyes - and it was beautiful.
After that, I found the main screen quite beautiful and the background chanting beautiful. I started a new game and decided to play it on normal, not easy - as I had heard the game is easy/repetitive/short. But I knew I\'d still play it trough on the harder difficulty-levels later.
The opening intro of the actual game was very beautiful - quite long, but beautiful. And the boy, Leo, interacting with the Jehuty was interesting to experience. All the conflict in the boy\'s mind - and the war surrounding him; all in all - the opening of the plot was interesting. So, I went trough the help-section ( where the machine teaches you the basics ), and I already had a glimpse of how great the graphics were - much better than I had hoped for. And when the action began... I got hooked
I don\'t mind if the battles are repetitive ( I found out I could destroy the enemies quite easily - but, alas, I\'ve just beaten the first boss, so I can\'t say if the enemies are hard or not
). And I found the first boss-battle quite easy, but beautiful and furious. To my liking, the game is.
And the plot - it has gotten more and more interesting. So, like I said, I\'ve just beaten the first boss, and there I am, flying to the Factory. Great first impressions indeed.
M.G.S. 2 -demoAfter playing Z.O.E. for a while, I popped the game out and replaced the Z.O.E. dvd with M.G.S.2 -demo-cd. This is what I had been waiting for since I heard the demo would come with a game called Z.O.E.
So, the intro was beautiful - very well done; quite long, but I didn\'t mind. That\'s what M.G.S. is about - plot and action - like an interactive movie. But, when it goes to the actual game-play, I noticed NO difference between the cut-scene and the actual game-play! So, I picked my jaw from the floor, and tried to play - but no matter how good the gameplay was, and how tight the atmosphere was, I couldn\'t think nothing but:
Wow... these graphics... Amazing...Wow... - The graphics were ten times better than I had expected for - and if MGS2 didn\'t use the full powers of Ps2, then how good will the game that does use all the power look like?
But, after I got used to the graphics ( well, I still haven\'t, but to the point that I could actually play the game
) I started playing. And the gameplay is much more realistic than in MGS - there\'s so many moves you could do ( I didn\'t even try them all! ). So many ways you could trick a troop... And I found myself being caught few times - and this on very easy! ( I\'m not a serious MGS -veteran \'tho )
So, MGS2 -first impressions were even greater than Z.O.E. - giving me serious addiction and interest back towards games ( drawing the interest from internet, I\'m afraid
Sorry for the long post - but I feel stretched myself too. My eyes are sick from eating all that candy...