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Author Topic: I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.  (Read 6234 times)

Offline Bossieman
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« on: April 08, 2001, 09:55:53 AM »
I have a lot of friends that plays PC alot. They love the PC and I join them whenever i can, we play games like Starcraft, AOEII and CS.
A friend of mine bought a AMD- Thunderbird 1200 MHz
with 256 Mb ram and a  Geforce 2 Pro card.

He came to me because he needed to download drivers and stuff ( I have broadband).
He showed me some effects that the geforce 2 pro card could do togheter with his 1200 Mhz thunderbird.
There was a demo of a helicopter flying around and shoting down other helicopters, very nice.....
But the world was not like a realworld, nothing was moving in the picture, High resolution but a dead world.
The helicopter didnt look to good either, there was lack of details.
He showed a demo with a tree that he could manipulate in real time, change the hight and the numbers of leafs on it a.s.o.
This computer is way better than his old 400 Mhz with voodoo 2.
he was so proud and really impressed.
After we had downloaded the drivers and stuff, i told him that i had that MGS2 demo that I had been talking about for a long time.
You wanna see it? I asked.
I have a sony 32" WIDESCREEN TV.
I turned on my system and turned off the lights.
He did not belive it! This cant bee realtime he keept saying during the intro.
When the game started and I showed him the first person wiew he was really impressed.

After he said that it was the best looking game he had ever played.

Yeasterday I got a phonecall from another PC fanboy saying that he had talked to my other friend about the demo. he asked if I could come over and show him.
I did and He was so impressed that he called over another friend and they were playing the game for 6 hours, then we watch a couple of movies.
They are all going to buy a PS2.
Isnt this cool?

Offline datamage
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2001, 11:18:31 AM »
lol. I myself have a tbird 1 ghz w/a GeForce 2 and nothing on my PC matches MGS2.

(though I\'ll say nothing on the PS2 matches Black & White) .. things are odd. The PC and consoles are just different, they do what they can do.

- dm
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Offline BizioEE

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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2001, 11:35:49 AM »
Yeah!!  It\'s cool ! ;)
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Offline Claypool 2001
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2001, 12:16:14 PM »
Whats Black and White about anyway? I heard it was really cool. I\'ve seen the display at Software ETC, is it an RPG, FPS what?
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2001, 12:33:00 PM »
i believe it is more of a strategy game actually

i think you are a god and you create ceatures that will control people and stuff - don\'t know too much - haven\'t played it either
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Offline EThugg
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2001, 01:33:13 PM »
It is great, but isn\'t this more of an anecdote than a debate?
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Offline jiggs
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2001, 07:17:05 PM »
I have the MGS demo and I am a PC lover and I was very impressed with the effects in MGS. They are the best I have seen. Just too bad I am not a real fan of the game. Dont really like the camera. Now as far as looking better than any PC game I wont say that. Now there are some things the PS2 is bulit to do better like models,CGs and certain effects. While PC can handle massive enviroments better. I dont what it to come to the point where video games stop looking like video games but emulate real live people. Or start looking too real. That might take some of the fun out of it for me. To me cartoons should always be cartoons.
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Offline datamage
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2001, 09:06:33 PM »
I have the MGS demo and I am a PC lover and I was very impressed with the effects in MGS. They are the best I have seen. Just too bad I am not a real fan of the game. Dont really like the camera. Now as far as looking better than any PC game I wont say that. Now there are some things the PS2 is bulit to do better like models,CGs and certain effects. While PC can handle massive enviroments better.

I know what you mean..

UT, Giants, B&W, Tribes/2.. etc. Not to mention the PC usually excells in texture quality. It\'s sad though, that as powerful as video cards are (for PCs).. I doubt any current PC w/a GeForce 2 is capable of doing MGS2 @ 60fps.

Oh well, I don\'t care. That\'s why I have both. :)

- dm
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Offline Metal_Gear_Ray
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2001, 07:55:56 AM »
I personally dont really like pc graphics that much, high res games with low poly counts. Gameplay is good though. I look foward to Halo doom3 and unreal2! :)
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Offline datamage
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2001, 08:23:55 AM »

Yeah that\'s true. Another downside to the PC is that you don\'t see these massive polygon counts.. Theoretically my GeForce should be able to crank ~20-25 mpps.. Though I know that will never happen. Not with current CPUs anyway. It doesn\'t matter how powerful these cards are, in the end, the CPU still plays an important part.

- dm
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Offline espo
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2001, 09:22:55 AM »
Well I think high end PC\'s are very capable to produce MGS2+ kind of graphics but just like any other PC game the developers are designing the games with low end systems in mind.

Offline fastson
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2001, 10:25:30 AM »
My older brother (29) was really impressed when I showed him MGS2 and GT3! :)

He kept saying "wow, nice" and chit like that. ;)

Now he belevies me when I say PS2 can do wonderful graphics :D

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Offline Dr Yassam
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2001, 11:07:05 AM »
Originally posted by datamage
Yeah that\'s true. Another downside to the PC is that you don\'t see these massive polygon counts.. Theoretically my GeForce should be able to crank ~20-25 mpps

That\'s all changing now!

Low polygon counts were due to the fact that PC developers were not able to take full advantage of cards like the GeForce256/2. This was due to only limited support for T&L in DirectX7, hence no PC game pushes the GeForce like nVidia\'s demos!.

With DirectX8, FULL support for T&L (and pixel/vertex shaders) is finally available to PC developers, meaning they can now take full advantage of cards like the GeForce3. Hence just look at the difference seen in the models and environments in the Doom3 and Unreal2 engines so early in their developement! :)

Offline datamage
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2001, 01:52:30 PM »
That\'s all changing now!

Low polygon counts were due to the fact that PC developers were not able to take full advantage of cards like the GeForce256/2. This was due to only limited support for T&L in DirectX7, hence no PC game pushes the GeForce like nVidia\'s demos!.

With DirectX8, FULL support for T&L (and pixel/vertex shaders) is finally available to PC developers, meaning they can now take full advantage of cards like the GeForce3. Hence just look at the difference seen in the models and environments in the Doom3 and Unreal2 engines so early in their developement!

So true. I just hope my (by then) measly GeForce 2 and ghz will be able to handle most things. (I doubt it) .. I still have doubts about Doom 3 though.. what they showed was amazing, but I\'d like to see those high-detailed and high polygon-count models in a real game scenario. Since what they showed was technically a tech demo. Unreal 2 though, that looks amazing.

- dm
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Offline Bossieman
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I showed MGS2 for PC fanboys.
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2001, 10:43:06 AM »
Originally posted by Dr Yassam

That\'s all changing now!

Low polygon counts were due to the fact that PC developers were not able to take full advantage of cards like the GeForce256/2. This was due to only limited support for T&L in DirectX7, hence no PC game pushes the GeForce like nVidia\'s demos!.

With DirectX8, FULL support for T&L (and pixel/vertex shaders) is finally available to PC developers, meaning they can now take full advantage of cards like the GeForce3. Hence just look at the difference seen in the models and environments in the Doom3 and Unreal2 engines so early in their developement! :)

The bandwithproblem is not solved.
With only 1,3 Gflops there is no way possible to run MGS2 on a PC, I guess that MGS2 uses about 4-4,5 Gflops, that is a very high number.
The rain and wind is realtime, imagine a 1,2 GHz Thunderbird with a peek of 1,4-1,5 Gflops pushing all that information to the Graphic-card, that is not possible, that is why we dont see realtime movements in PC games, maybe U can do some kind of trick on the PC to make the rain look good, but you cant make it realtime..........yet.


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