Originally posted by Dr Yassam
Do the maths, you\'re saying the PS2 has 4 TIMES the power of a high-end PC! That is completely wrong!
Search the net, Sony THEMSELVES rate the EE\'s power as 3*PIII-500Mhz. It\'s common knowledge!
As for G4 superiority, that is nothing more than Apple\'s pr nonsence! They said the same about the G3 vs PIII. The fact is, the G4 ONLY beats a P4 for applications which benefits from optimised use of the Altivec instructions.
One such application is Photoshop, hence EVERY TIME Apple claim the G3/G4 is superior, they ALWAYS refer to Photoshop benchmarks! The best PCs easily beat the best G4s in 99.999% of all other apps AND games.
And read the following, ALSO from arstechnica, which confirms my statement about the P3 and EE;
Check out the diagram near the bottom of the page and notice how it shows that the EE has \'ONLY\' 3 times the performance of a P3-500 for floating-point operations (approx 6GFlops vs 2 GFlops)!!!.
It\'s also worth noting that the diagram shows the P3-500 is twice as powerful as the EE for integer operations (GIPS), hence a P3-733 it about 3 times as powerful as the EE for integer operations.
I see, so NOW you\'re talking about demos.
Yes, there are a number of demos featuring water on the PC (just go to http://www.nvidia.com). I\'m not saying they\'re exactly the same, but I would say the PS2 demo demonstrates nothing which couldn\'t be achieved on today\'s PC!
I\'ve read that article numerous times since it first appeared on their site last year, and it confirms all that I\'ve said in this thread!
BTW, I\'m not bashing the PS2 here, it\'s just that you\'re exagerating it\'s power.
Okey, i dont want to make this ugly, so let me ask you something else.
When can I play games on my 1 Ghz TB with a geforce 3 card that uses all that power? I look at black and white and see that the recomendation is 450 Mhz and 32 Mb GC.
Minimum is like 266 MHz and 16 Mb GC.
the PC hardware is superior the PC software.
Do you think there is any games that uses all the power in a Geforce 2 card?
Quake 3 uses about 3 Mpolys, and that is the record last time I checked.
My point is.
The consoles are the key to the money, a good PC game sales 2 million copys (diablo II), a good PS game sales 4-5 million copys.
There is more money to make in the console market.
Copy is a big PC problem.
They make the games for the median computer, a 266 MHz computer with 16 Mb GC.
The day that a 1 GHz and a Geforce 3 is median computers, then we may see ordinary games as good as the PS2. I guess in 2004.
Think about Halo. i heard the minimum is like a 933 Mhz PIII, how many copies will this game sell?
I guess the x-box version will sell better than the PC version.
When i look at the latest PC games, I´m really not impressed, are you?
Do you think that B&W will sell that much on the PC to make up for the cost?
I dont think so, so they port it over too PSone, PS2, GBA and x-box, there is the money.
And ofcourse there is things that you can do on the PS2 that you cant do on the PC and things on the PC that you cant do on the PS2.
I havent seen a PC car-game that looks better than GT2 for the Playstation, have you? I know they could do it easily but they just dont do it, maybe because of the lack of interest.
Some of my friends that works as programers on Ericsson, says that those games that I showed them (GT3 and MGS2) was the most impressive thing they have ever seen. they think that that kind of graphics will be on the PC not until 2004.
I am a console-fan, I have had to many troubles on the pc-games.
My old 450 Mhz with a voodoo 2 card works just fine on any PC game, when will we see PC games that will not work on this PC?