The Tech "demo" was impressive in terms of skinning tech and per_pixel FX-rendering.
Skinning apparently used quite heavily vertex-shaders, and movement was quite nice. there was some object "wings and muscles" going into other objects, but it is not possible to avoid those things with power of ps2 or x-box.. at least if you don\'t want to sacrifice the performance Big time.
what comes to the most apparent advantages of X-box over ps2 the per-pixel fx.. this demo had some fx used quite nicely.
Yes there were bump_mapping and other "normal" stuff, but what impressed was a use of specular strenght/color map which gave the creature nice depth. this is easily seen in a wings of the creature.
"normaly color of specular light is color of the light independent from the color of material" the self-shadowing was nice exept the fact that only "bone" areas of wings casted shadows.
Things like view distance and polygon count in this kind of presentation is quite irrelevant. For one can have incredible enviroment IF camera stays in about one spot/ or line. This becouse enviroment can be made to use optimal amount of polygons for current location from camera in offline.
Well.. Lets hope Inevitable Entertainment can make something that uses this tech with more than one creature and with idea behind the game...