Technological gobbledygook at best. The PS2’s technological wonderments won’t assure that great games are produced for gamers to attain. That matter is left up to developers to undertake. With Sony’s first and second party developers that can be accurately described as shoddy, it goes without saying that the only thing that can save the PS2 from all out failure is 3rd party developer support. Now then, since Nintendo’s Gamecube and Microsoft’s X-Box are sealing up deals with 3rd party developers left and right, Sony’s saving grace will no longer be theirs alone. They will have to share their insurance policy to success with their competition, something that will ultimately lead Sony into their unforeseen demise. I have seen the future of videogames, and Sony is not in it. If my words prove to be incorrect, may I burn in the fiery furnaces of Lucifer’s hellish penal complex.