"Sorry this was a lame topic, with some even lamer opinions"
is this including your own, Ddaryl?
you never played any RE? So how come you all of a sudden you pick up Onim.? You really should pick up CV, now that it will be on the console of your choice.
Bouncer was fun...to newbies who only started playing up to 5 years ago. Anyone basically that has played a SoR or FF will tell me that Bouncer reaks of poo in comparison.
MDK2 was fun, I didn\'t say that, but I had it half a year ago on DC, so whoopdeefrickingdoo.
Jumpman - thanks, its an old David Spade routine, I thought I would just change it around a little for Sony\'s March relaunch.
Metal=Death - nah, I got really bored with MGS after playing it through, it justisn\'t my game. RPG\'s are always good too, I love any good RPG (-ff\'s, can\'t stand the last 3). My bag is really online games and fighting games. I fancy myself an expert SF3 player and VF guru. When VF4 comes to my arcade, I will camp outside of it til it opens, without a doubt.
I said ZOE was good, not perfect or excellent by any means, but I gaev away my MGS2 demo after trying to get excited about it, but I always went back to play SF3:3 with friends. (BTW Dudly and Yun are my new guys! I only use Ken now if I really wanna kick someones ass!!)
Eric Jacob