Dude this is rediculous, I love th egame as do quite a few people
I\'ll be the first to admit the game is not for everyone but by playing this game for 1 hour your opinion is null. The game takes about 4- 5 hours to get rolling along and learning how to use the battle system and strategy
The game is 45 - 60 hours long and I\'m enjoying it a ton. I also enjoyed Front Mission 3 as well
Also the game is not big budget for one very obvious reason, the game will never be a million plus seller so voice acting get cut out. Konami is not going to pour MGS2 or ZOE budget into a game where anticipated sales are 300,000
Sorry Jiggs, you didn\'t give it a chance, but I can obviously say from reading your post the game is just not you bag. The game for what it does is pretty high quality. Graphics could be better, but are still pretty cool in lots of places
and for anyone teetering on getting this game or not I strongly suggest renting it give it the full 5 days and decide if you want to buy it and finish the game.