I can\'t do nothing but laugh at you N-PLAYER
If you think that the PC is best now, why do you keep posting here?
I remember you yelling how good the Ps2 really is just few weeks ago - I remember how I fell into that - I did give you some respect, until it finally dropped out for
good this time, N-Player. Expect no sympathy from me - and don\'t come crying for help when you get yourself into trouble
PC is a good gaming-device, if you happen to be a millionaire. The problem is, that the average families, like ours, have to save \'bout 5-6 years before even thinking of buying a new PC - and our Computer is about 4 years old. The first game I bought to this PC was unreal - count the years. We just can\'t afford to buy a new PC - not now, and heck, maybe never. That is why I bought PS2 - it provides far better graphics my PC can handle, and really good games, and I use my PC for internet and such.
I used to create H-L levels with worldcraft - but nowadays I don\'t have time nor nerves to start again.