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Author Topic: New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens  (Read 4241 times)

Offline CelliCeL
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« on: April 13, 2001, 06:17:13 PM »

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Offline Metal_Gear_Ray
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2001, 06:22:47 PM »
why the hell alre the character models the same as in DOA2:HC on ps2. And whats up with the jaggies? ..Sure it looks great, but ps2 can do it and it can do better ! ;)
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Offline ho3j
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2001, 06:23:21 PM »
Don\'t bother with those.  Use the non-compressed shots from http://cgi.gaming-age.com/gaming/news/news.pl?y=2001&m=4&nid=13-77.db.  The GameSpot ones are awful in comparison.

Offline Mr. Kennedy
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2001, 06:36:38 PM »
This is my whole hearted, honest opinion, I even went to ho3j\'s link, but I looked at those pics over and over.  I swear that they are the same graphics as DOA2: HC, so I hate this stereotype that X-box\'s graphics will blow out PS2\'s, because honestly it aint true and it makes me sick.  When Gamecube blows out X-box in sales, I will be laughing at everyone who though X-box will reign over all.
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Offline EThugg
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2001, 06:38:17 PM »

PS2 can do better than this? I doubt it... as good, probably, but not better.
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Offline EThugg
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2001, 06:41:11 PM »
Originally posted by "The One" Billy Gunn
When Gamecube blows out X-box in sales, I will be laughing at everyone who though X-box will reign over all.

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Offline datamage
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2001, 06:55:55 PM »
PS2 can do better than this? I doubt it... as good, probably, but not better.

I think you\'re out of your mind. I\'m sure both X-box and PS2 can both do better than that. I don\'t see why you\'d think the PS2 can\'t. That looks like a minor step up from DOA2. IMO, the shots of VF4 look better. So if the game ends up looking like that on PS2...

I honestly expected more from Tecmo, DOA2 has amazing graphics and I expected DOA3 to be a huge leap.

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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2001, 07:34:52 PM »
who cares it\'s not even running on the final hardware, plus that demo was made in only one month. GIve them final dev kits, and at least 8 moths to work on the game. SO in other words wait till the game comes out, then you can judge!!!!!!

Offline ho3j
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2001, 07:50:10 PM »
Originally posted by datamage

IMO, the shots of VF4 look better.

Really?  Totally have to disagree with you.  Have you watched the movie of DOA3?  The two look to me like they are on an very different level of graphic quality.

While I certainly think the PS2 will be doing graphics like you see in DOA3 but I doubt it within a year (DOA3 is an Xbox launch title).  I am not saying something idiotic like the Xbox puts the PS2 to shame but that the difference is apparent.  Also... of those 3 shots I would have to say DOA: HC is the weakest and the DOA3 is certainly a leap, especially when you consider we are only talking two different console, not two different generations.

Offline IronFist
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2001, 09:15:13 PM »
ho3j, I\'m not going to argue about the DOA3 pics looking the best (it\'s very obvious :)), but I have to disagree with you when you said that DOA2:HC and DOA3 are on the same generation.  DOA2:HC was released in October (the development started probably sometime around January of last year).  DOA3 will be released around this October.  I don\'t know what your definition a "generation" is, but I think one year apart is definately a different generation.  I don\'t think it\'s fair to compare DOA2:HC to DOA3 because DOA3 is one year newer than DOA2:HC.  And I also don\'t think it\'s fair to compare an arcade version of VF4 to the Xbox\'s DOA3.  Let\'s wait for some PS2 pics of VF4 (and maybe even Tekken 4 or Soul Calibur 2 :)), then we can compare games that are on the same generation against each other.

BTW, that pic you posted of DOA2:HC is awful.  I chose a random pic from IGN and it looks a lot better.  This just shows that DOA2:HC doesn\'t look that bad:
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Offline EThugg
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2001, 10:36:07 PM »
Originally posted by datamage

I honestly expected more from Tecmo, DOA2 has amazing graphics and I expected DOA3 to be a huge leap.

Why? Its a 128bit system, and PS2 (and DC) are 128 bit systems. You wont see the leap between DoA1 and 2 until the next generation of systems comes around, or unless Tecmo waited til a few years into the systems life.

And yes, I\'m sure PS2 is going to exceed those graphics eventually, I meant in the near future. I could have been clearer.
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Offline ho3j
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2001, 11:15:13 PM »
Originally posted by IronFist
ho3j, I\'m not going to argue about the DOA3 pics looking the best (it\'s very obvious :)), but I have to disagree with you when you said that DOA2:HC and DOA3 are on the same generation.  DOA2:HC was released in October (the development started probably sometime around January of last year).  DOA3 will be released around this October.  I don\'t know what your definition a "generation" is, but I think one year apart is definately a different generation.  I don\'t think it\'s fair to compare DOA2:HC to DOA3 because DOA3 is one year newer than DOA2:HC.  And I also don\'t think it\'s fair to compare an arcade version of VF4 to the Xbox\'s DOA3.  Let\'s wait for some PS2 pics of VF4 (and maybe even Tekken 4 or Soul Calibur 2 :)), then we can compare games that are on the same generation against each other.

BTW, that pic you posted of DOA2:HC is awful.  I chose a random pic from IGN and it looks a lot better.  This just shows that DOA2:HC doesn\'t look that bad:

I see your problem.  I was talking about generations of hardware, not software.  I don\'t think it is fair to compare the two either (yes, your pic is light years better, I just choose the first one with females in the title and a date near its release date) but he said there was not a big diference.  As for VF4, it shows how much I know; I hadn\'t realised those were not PS2. :)  Although I must say it is very cool that we are waiting for the console version to see better graphics!

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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2001, 12:03:27 AM »
Those are some really cool looking shots. Just too bad graphics or busty ladies can\'t lure me to the DoA world. Yuck, Hawkey dislikes.

I thought DoA2 on the PS2 looked quite bad. It\'s the only game I\'ve seen where jaggies are a real problem. (there\'s not DoA2 : HC here in Finland, why? We got the honour of a receiving a crappier version?) And the character models were partly quite lame; in a close up, you could VERY clearly see the triangles shaping one dude\'s shoulder. The lighting dancing on that rough surface looked so bad. + several other annoying niggles. I\'m not downing the game because of the graphics, really. I hate the game itself, Tekken for me, thank you. TTT looks heaps better IMO. Alas, no interactive backgrounds... but there\'s always T4.

Right now those shots look better than any fighting game on any system that I\'ve seen. Well, I\'m not counting in VF4 yet, since it\'s only on Naomi at the moment.
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Offline BizioEE

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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2001, 12:31:01 AM »
The Graphics is really good but personally I don\'t like the game-play of DOA....I still prefer Tekken 2 instead of DOA2 HC...and I think things won\'t change for me with DOA3 !
I Want something New !  ...and I\'m confident that Tekken 4 will be the First Beat\'em\'up with True Next Generation Graphics and Game-Play !
So if you like making comparisons...wait until the E3 where Namco will show TWO NEW CREATURES :D
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New (X-BOX) DOA3 screens
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2001, 03:33:22 AM »
Personally I find the graphics amazing(Nothing the PS2 cant do).The character in the first two pics looks grea.But in the others the characters look just like DOA2.Perhaps its the lighting effects.
The stages look pretty detailed and realistic though especially the one in the beach.The sea looks real.


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