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Which is the best next-gen console out so far?

ega Dreamcast
6 (33.3%)
ony Playstation 2
12 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Author Topic: "Yay or Nay 2"  (Read 2777 times)

Offline Saotome
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« on: April 15, 2001, 08:46:53 AM »
Shingoku\'s thread was so good, I had to make my own. Don\'t get mad, \'cause I have not one bit of originality in my head. :) Just answer Yay/Yes or Nay/No with a little comment to each number. Got it? Here goes:

1) Was the Playstation 2 launch dissapointing?

2) Does the Playstation 2 future games list look amazing?

3) Are you anxiously awaiting Metal Gear Solid 2?

4) Does the X-Box interest you?

5) Will Microsoft reduce the price of their X-Box to under $350 American to compete with Nintendo\'s launch?

6) Are you anxiously awaiting Oddworld: Munch\'s Oddysee?

7) Does the Nintendo Gamecube interest you?

8) Do you like the fact that the Gamecube is a games-only machine?

9) Will this be to Nintendo\'s advantage?

10) Are you anxiously awaiting The Legend of Zelda IX?

BONUS: Is the (now cancelled) Indrema system better than every other console out there?
August 26th, 2002.

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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2001, 09:44:14 AM »
1. Yay
2. Nay
3. Nay( never been a fan of the series)
4. Nay
5. Nay(it will be priced around 300 so I have to say nay)
6. Nay
7. Yay
8. Yay( it keeps the price down)
9. Yanay( wait and see is what I\'m saying)
10. Yay( but it definately won\'t be called that)
Bonus: Nay.

BTW, I voted for DC as the best next-gen console because it has a larger libary of great games than PS2 does.

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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2001, 09:57:48 AM »
5.yanay - who knows what it will be for sure anywhere else
8.yay- i already have DVD with PS2 - don\'t need it in every console i buy

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Offline Saotome
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2001, 10:10:57 AM »
1) Yay. SSX was great. TTT was Tekken 3, RRV was Ridge Racer, and DOA2: Hardcore didn\'t control as well as the Dreamcast version.

2) Yay. MGS2, FFX-XII, Harvest Moon 3 (!).

3) Nay. It\'ll be good, but I\'m not obsessed.

4) Yay. Microsoft will probably surprise a lot of people.

5) Nay. Unless M$ is willing to lose a lot of money per console, they will probably keep the price around $300-30 US.

6) Yay. From what I\'ve heard, it plays like a dream.

7) Yay. Nintendo - \'Nuff Said!

8) Yay. I\'m buying it for the games, not for the movies. Besides, I own two DVD players (one on comp other on TV) and don\'t feel like paying for another one.

9) Yay. Cheaper.

10) Yay. Zelda always amazes me.

BONUS: Nay. I was tempted to say "Yay" just for the hell of it.
August 26th, 2002.

Offline FatalXception
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2001, 10:15:55 AM »
1) Nay

2) Yay

3) YAY!

4) Nay

5) Nay

6) Nay

7) Middlay

8) Nay

9) Nay (Not at these current prices)

10) Yay (we\'ll see how good it is...)

BONUS: I never played one, so how would I (or anybody) really know!

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Offline EThugg
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2001, 11:02:42 AM »
5-Reduce?? There had to be a original price to reduce it. And its common knowledge that its likely to be ~$300.
9-Nay (their franchises are the only advantage.)
10-Nay (im lukewarm on the whole Zelda series. I want Mario, and Waverace way more.)

Bonus:Nay, DC\'s the best console out there ;)
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Offline M4
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2001, 11:11:21 AM »
1) Was the Playstation 2 launch dissapointing?

Somewhat. I really wouldn\'t know, considering how I didn\'t get the console at launch.

2) Does the Playstation 2 future games list look amazing?

For the most part, yes.

3) Are you anxiously awaiting Metal Gear Solid 2?


4) Does the X-Box interest you?

Indeed so. There\'s a lot going for it.

5) Will Microsoft reduce the price of their X-Box to under $350 American to compete with Nintendo\'s launch?

I\'m not psychic, but I believe it\'s very possible that the console will be priced at 300 dollars or less at launch.

6) Are you anxiously awaiting Oddworld: Munch\'s Oddysee?

Not really. I need to know more about it, honestly..

7) Does the Nintendo Gamecube interest you?

Yes, I like what Nintendo has to offer.

8) Do you like the fact that the Gamecube is a games-only machine?

I don\'t like it, nor do I dislike it. Obviously, lack of extra features isn\'t a good thing, but the console still looks to be great nonetheless.

9) Will this be to Nintendo\'s advantage?

No. I think the entire "set top box" and "dedicated gaming console" thing is stupid; all of the consoles will compete, regardless of what images their companies persue.

10) Are you anxiously awaiting The Legend of Zelda IX?

Yup. :)

Indrema? Bah.
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2001, 12:49:31 PM »
I cant vote in the poll.Both consoles are great in their own way.

now tha nay and yay:

1)Nay(I liked it as a start for thePS2.It begun with cool games.Not what Sony talked about.But I never expected PS2 to show its true strengths from day one anyways.)

2)yay(MGS2 AC4 T4 Wipeout FF10&11 GT3 Getaway SC2 Broken Sword  etc)

3)yay(who isnt)

4)nay yay(I have some worries.And I am not speaking about the future of PS2)

5)yay(Perhaps.They ve got lots of money.They can handle bigger loss from hardware sales.)



8)nay yay(I ve got no problem.I dont like it more because of it but neither less.If it has great games ofcourse)

9)yay(kind of.Less things to worry.Less expenses)

10)nay(except if its a superb game.Never liked the other Zeldas much)

Bonus: Dont know about its games,how user friendly it is,how good its graphics are,its advandages and its disadvandages.I CANT ANSWER

Offline Metal_Gear_Ray
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2001, 04:17:18 PM »
1) Was the Playstation 2 launch dissapointing?

No, TT and SSX owned

2) Does the Playstation 2 future games list look amazing?

yes sure it does!

3) Are you anxiously awaiting Metal Gear Solid 2?

hell yeah!

4) Does the X-Box interest you?

Slightly, only halo interstes me.

5) Will Microsoft reduce the price of their X-Box to under $350 American to compete with Nintendo\'s launch?

they will.

6) Are you anxiously awaiting Oddworld: Munch\'s Oddysee?


7) Does the Nintendo Gamecube interest you?

No, nintedo hasn\'t shown me anything appart from crap!

8) Do you like the fact that the Gamecube is a games-only machine?

Ye it will be, but nogames anounced really interest me

9) Will this be to Nintendo\'s advantage?

No xbox will kick its arse! :)

10) Are you anxiously awaiting The Legend of Zelda IX?

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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2001, 04:27:02 PM »
Sega\'s graphics are a generation ahead of PS2.I buying an Xbox because it has everything in it no addons.

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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2001, 05:41:19 PM »
Yah my thread was pretty good *pats self on back* :D

1.   Nay
2.   Hell Yay
3.   Yay (come on was this question really necessary?)
4.   meh…
5.   meh…
6.   Nay
7.   Yay
8.   Nay
9.   Nay
10.   Nay
11.   Negative


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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2001, 09:09:01 PM »
*puts on ps2hahaha mask*

brrrrr ps2 sucks *drool* I want cookies, where\'s the sheep forks mommy blahhhhhhhhhhhh i hate sony and colored chicken *takes ritalin*
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2001, 11:37:53 PM »
Indeed so. There\'s a lot going for it.

such as?...

[QUOTENot really. I need to know more about it, honestly..[/QUOTE]

favorably we do comprehend its graphics aim be mediocre?

I don\'t like it, nor do I dislike it. Obviously, lack of extra features isn\'t a good thing, but the console still looks to be great nonetheless.

require what features?..oh wait..you mean those PC features that can be found on the *gasp* PC?

No. I think the entire "set top box" and "dedicated gaming console" thing is stupid; all of the consoles will compete, regardless of what images their companies persue.

I remember at NN you would jubilate the fact that GCN was a games only console and ridicule the PS2 for being a set-to-box(like xbox) as well as spread the word that this was nintendos greatest advantage...what happen?
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2001, 12:01:50 AM »
I don\'t see what in the blazes the point of attacking my post was; if you went through and did that to everyone\'s posts, you\'d turn this whole thread into a huge, pointless debate. This is a questionairre, not an argument.

I think my vendetta against you at other boards is what really inspired you to make this response.

I love how you try to make it look like I am biased from the comments I made. You nitpick what I said in such a pathetic manner, picking out just the little things that the general consensus of the forum might disagree with.

such as?...

The hard drive and broadband in the area of hardware, primarily. I think these could have a big effect on gaming. I realize that Sony provides these as well, but the problem there is that it comes in the form of an add on. I can see that doing somewhat well, but not on the same level as the Xbox.

Another thing that interests me about Xbox is that it is a newcomer to the industry. While this doesn\'t  determine anything in the realm of whether it will win or lose by any means, it does mean that there is more "adventure" in the showing interest in it. There is more to await; more in the area of what the first party will create, more on the network plans, more on the route the console maker wishes to follow. I don\'t support Xbox above anything else, but it probably would be one of the more interesting consoles to back simply because not as much is predetermined.

favorably we do comprehend its graphics aim be mediocre?

What would you ask this for? I already have established that I don\'t await the game much. It\'s graphics aim to be mediocre? I could believe that if you provided a link about it. I do recall reading something along those lines in the past, however.

I\'m more interested in the gameplay concepts and the like, but even then, I don\'t care much about it.

require what features?..oh wait..you mean those PC features that can be found on the *gasp* PC?

Okay, I must say, what the hell? That section of your reply isn\'t even the slightest bit compatible with what you tried to argue. I didn\'t say a thing about Gamecube requiring these features; on the contrary, I said that lack of extra features wasn\'t a good thing. I\'d rather get a DVD player built in than not get one, basically. But, like I have already said, the console will still be great regardless of it\'s lacking these things.

I remember at NN you would jubilate the fact that GCN was a games only console and ridicule the PS2 for being a set-to-box(like xbox) as well as spread the word that this was nintendos greatest advantage...what happen?

I gradually went through a transition from Nintendo fan to being more of an all around fellow. Unlike you, who has wild opinion changes rather frequently. Speaking of which, didn\'t you stop caring about consoles? So why are you arguing about them here?
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"Yay or Nay 2"
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2001, 12:44:50 AM »
The hard drive and broadband in the area of hardware, primarily. I think these could have a big effect on gaming. I realize that Sony provides these as well, but the problem there is that it comes in the form of an add on. I can see that doing somewhat well, but not on the same level as the Xbox.

They(broadband/HDD) could have a big effect on gaming?...are you listening to your self?...ever heard of DOOM? how about QUAKE?..or even Counter-stirke?...They are PC games that were playable on-line LONG before any console had on-line access..not only that but they can and were moded and still are to this day....something that is impossible on the xbox..

You make it seem as if the xbox will revolutionize gaming with it\'s BB and HDD...you(sadly) do not realize that it\'s already been taken advantage of LONG AGO on the PC.

Another thing that interests me about Xbox is that it is a newcomer to the industry. While this doesn\'t  determine anything in the realm of whether it will win or lose by any means, it does mean that there is more "adventure" in the showing interest in it.

LOL...okay...they have had like 5 major shows all over the world...hyped their graphics and specs far beyond what sony did...reveal every game developer and game coming to the public MONTHS before they are to launch..and you call this an "adventure"??:laughing: what adventure? we know every damn thing about the xbox.

There is more to await; more in the area of what the first party will create, more on the network plans, more on the route the console maker wishes to follow. I don\'t support Xbox above anything else, but it probably would be one of the more interesting consoles to back simply because not as much is predetermined.

More to await?....so i guess nintendo has NOTHING coming correct? yup..that\'s the ticket..lets just throw everything we wanted to know about nintendo and their gamecube out the window:rolleyes:

I don\'t care much about it.

Its good that you agree with the majority of gamers.

Okay, I must say, what the hell? That section of your reply isn\'t even the slightest bit compatible with what you tried to argue. I didn\'t say a thing about Gamecube requiring these features; on the contrary, I said that lack of extra features wasn\'t a good thing. I\'d rather get a DVD player built in than not get one, basically. But, like I have already said, the console will still be great regardless of it\'s lacking these things.

So what is the point? i guess that was your little(and pathetic) attempt to make the GCN look bad or "limited" compared to xbox.

I gradually went through a transition from Nintendo fan to being more of an all around fellow. Unlike you, who has wild opinion changes rather frequently. Speaking of which, didn\'t you stop caring about consoles? So why are you arguing about them here?

if an "all round fellow" thinks the GCN is bad and not worth getting because it lacks features found on the PC and xbox(it\'s obvious you assume this) then i guess i\'m an angel.

also, the xbox is aimed at the PC user-base...so i must defend the PC.
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

\"With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward.\" -- Bill Gates


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