Saying all rap sucks or is "gangsta" is a huge generalization and uninformed. While, I do not like most rap or hip-hop, I agree that 2pac could write some lyrics that were heart felt. I do not agree with alot of the things he done though. Still, I don\'t agree with Janet Jackson\'s fake tits, but it doesn\'t make me hate all pop music.
I personaly have a broad range of music, nothing is off limits if it makes me think or has emotions to it. I love classical / rock /heavy /some rap / folk / etc.
I think music today has taken a huge decline. Remixes galore, piss-poor-poetry, rythmless / pointless music. It seems most songs have the verse, which is maybe 3 lines at most, then go to chorus, verse (3 more lines), chorus then more chorus for a total of about 3 mintues. And for the most part, the music and lyrics are recycled trash. What about N\'sync? How many times have we all heard a bunch of guys singin\' to a girl how he will never hurt her? Way too many! It has been done. Not to mention it is a complete lie, as no matter what, you will hurt someone, though maybe not on purpose. How many times have we heard some girl sing about a guy cheatin? ALOT! Still, it isn\'t so much the subject matter that is lacking, it is the execution--the lyrics. When I listen to mainstream pop music, I don\'t feel anything. I feel as if someone is singing something that is totally unrelated to them and for the most part is.
In general, I have NO respect for someone who doesn\'t at LEAST write their own lyrics.