Originally posted by Animal Mother
M4 is from the MSXBOX forums. Those people are all like that. Totally hostile and total assholes. even the mods are like that.
I was hostile towards NPLAYER before I even started truly frequenting MSXbox. I despise his moronic behavior. He\'s my big nemesis.
Your generalizations about MSXbox are hideous; the mods are not like that at all. Some of them, perhaps you could apply some of this.. but hell, one of them only has 15 posts. You can\'t really judge from that. None of the staff is really like that; I could rattle off numerous staff members for which you couldn\'t find many (if any) examples of them being assholes.
I don\'t know why you even brought up MSXbox here, really. I know the two forums have a lot of friction; where you simply trying to turn this thread into an MSXbox bash festival? Pah. Leave the subject alone.
By the way, I\'ve installed plenty of new PC parts without demolishing anything. Most recent would be my CD writer, but I\'ve done other things in the past.
I predict that NPLAYER will destroy his PC and/or himself within the next few weeks. He obviously isn\'t suited for PC usage.