It\'s nothing compared to the amount of SEGA games that will be on GameCube and PS2. "BIG NEWS from this morning\'s Sega meeting! READ!!"
"Sega held their official meeting this morning to discuss the company\'s future, and, while they were discussing the new financial plan, the company also talked a little bit about other things. The following news bits come courtesy of Famitsu...
First off, Sega HAS confirmed that they have begun development on Gamecube. Sonic Team, AM2 and Amusement Vision are the most heralded developers for the system thus far, but other teams will be joining in as well, including Hitmaker and Smilebit.
Sega is supposedly planning on having twenty-three Gamecube games at the show. Yes, you heard right, twenty-three. Unless Nintendo has other plans, this should ring true...and should make Sega\'s booth absolutely unstoppable.
Furthermore, Sega has confirmed that they\'re looking to bring the Sonic Team online RPG Phantasy Star Online to other formats, including the Gamecube and possibly even the Xbox. Coolness.
Fifty-three games in total will be spread across the three platforms, Xbox, Gamecube, and Playstation 2, and a whopping 65 should hit the Sega Dreamcast within the next year. This is double the amount (30) that we were promised earlier this year.
This is just the beginning, folks. We\'ll have more news to come as we gather it here at Cloudchaser! The future looks VERY bright for Sega."
Other articles haven\'t said anything about 23 games for GC, but it does pretty much guarantee that one of the following will happen:
A) Both GC and PS2 will have more SEGA games than Xbox.
GC will have the most SEGA games with PS2 having as much as the XBox.
C) PS2 will have the most SEGA games with GC having as much as the XBox.