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Author Topic: New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing  (Read 4210 times)

Offline EThugg
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« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2001, 05:59:48 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

Saturn vs PSX was a different situation and only a "genius":rolleyes: like you could think in a different way !
Do you think developers will skip PS2 ?  Why?  because X-Box is easier to develop for ? :laughing:   You\'re a moron!   Square are developing 23 Games only for PS2!  Why?   isn\'t X-Box 3 times more powerful and Far easier to develop for :D  ...and Konami ? why 70% of their resource in the coming years  are going to PSX and PS2? and
Namco?   They will skip PS2 because of the complexity of the hardware?  PS2 will reach an installed base of 20
millions units by the time X-Box and GC will be released worldwide...so...instead of developing for the most successful console (PS2 :D),developers will skip PS2 in favour of GC(younger market) and X-Box(no on-line capabilities until late 2002,0 user base,0 innovation) because both are easier to develop for ?   You are a true Genius :laughing:
PS2 was a nightmare to develop for at first...difficult just now but with extra time it will get easier because software improves!  SOFTWARE IMPROVES MORON

I didn\'t try to close your mouth...I\'ve closed your mouth Fanboy! :D
   ...your arguments are so unproductive...

I have found another definition for fanboy, and you are truely it.... As I said before, 15+of those Square games are remakes, rereleases, or just pure ****. Only a few will be worth buying. And Square might be a XB developer eventually. Sony didn\'t have every developer from day one of PSone. And all of Konamis good games will be on XB and enhanced beyond what the weak PS2 versions can do. Namco? You mean they make good games outside of 2 shallow arcade series\'?

XB will have online by the same time PS2 does, and no system that isn\'t out has a user base moron. GameCube has a 0 userbase right now. If developers wanted to only work only on the most popular system, they\'d drop PS2 and grab a GBA, the fastest selling system in history. Again, I know the software will improve, but NEVER BEYOND GC OR XB.....EVER! Its a simple fact with newer and better technology that you fanboys seem to miss.

No arguments an a MB about a game system are \'productive\', just fun, and you haven\'t prooved a SINGLE point of mine wrong with your idiotic rambling. :D
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« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2001, 07:10:32 AM »
15+of those Square games are remakes, rereleases, or just pure ****.

Complete and utter BS. The only remakes Square has announced is FFVII-FFIX. 3, out of the 15 you claim. You hate Square but leave the BS outta here.

- dm
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Offline EThugg
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« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2001, 01:48:31 PM »
Originally posted by datamage

Complete and utter BS. The only remakes Square has announced is FFVII-FFIX. 3, out of the 15 you claim. You hate Square but leave the BS outta here.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.

Only 3 remakes? Oh yes, only 3, I\'m sorry I even mentioned it! :rolleyes: 3 remakes are 3 too many. And as I said, \'or just pure ****\'. And I\'m right. Driving Emotion Type-S, baseball, and other misc. Jap crap are perfect prior examples, a lot of those games they announced will be ****. And there\'s no guarantee that all 23 games will make it out of Japan even. I stand by everything I said.
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« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2001, 04:52:51 PM »
Only 3 remakes? Oh yes, only 3, I\'m sorry I even mentioned it!  3 remakes are 3 too many. And as I said, \'or just pure ****\'. And I\'m right. Driving Emotion Type-S, baseball, and other misc. Jap crap are perfect prior examples, a lot of those games they announced will be ****. And there\'s no guarantee that all 23 games will make it out of Japan even. I stand by everything I said.

Well, 3 is nowhere near the 15 you said. I\'m not arguing the quality of Square\'s upcoming games, but you exagerrated with your statement. I don\'t care if 20 of the 23 are crap.

- dm
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« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2001, 08:13:48 PM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

Do you think developers will skip PS2 ?  Why?  because X-Box is easier to develop for ?

Sure, why not? Practically every single known developer this side of the Twilight Zone left Nintendo because of its development difficulties. Now I understand the situation is different for the X-Box; no catridge or platform issues, no extensive liscening fees, and none of that "Dream Team" crap . But if more money and effort needs to be spent on the PS2 than on the GC or X-Box to achieve the same results, I can tell you right now that it WILL have an effect.  


You\'re a moron!   Square are developing 23 Games only for PS2!  Why?   isn\'t X-Box 3 times more powerful and Far easier to develop for :D  ...and Konami ? why 70% of their resource in the coming years  are going to PSX and PS2? and Namco? They will skip PS2 because of the complexity of the hardware?

How many of those 23 Square titles will turn out to be worth the money?? Like datamage mentioned, 3 of those will be ports of old games, and many more pitiful crap like Driving-Emotion and The Bouncer. Square will however, manage to sneak in gems like Bushido Blade; they\'re a respected developer for a reason, and not just for the Final Fantasy franchise. The rest of the line-up for the PS2 however, will probably consist of FF\'s. Now tell me, how many FF\'s can Square crank out in the course of let\'s say, 2 years?? And how many of those won\'t end up like FF8?? The Final Fantasy name sells systems, and to some extent the quality of them, but not Square themselves.  


PS2 will reach an installed base of 20 millions units by the time X-Box and GC will be released worldwide...so...instead of developing for the most successful console (PS2 :D)

How much did that crystal ball cost you, and can you tell me where you got it from?? If you stole it from Cleo\'s basement, then don\'t bother. Now, are you willing to bet everything you stand honorable for that the PS2\'s usebase will supersede an additional 10 million in the course of less than 6 months?? Or how about your bold claim that the PS2 will be the most succesful console in the next-generation, a fact that no one will know until about 4 years from now?? BioZEE, I assure you that you will have my most pious respect if you can support any of your statements. Otherwise, you\'re just another disillusioned fanboy.


developers will skip PS2 in favour of GC(younger market) and X-Box(no on-line capabilities until late 2002,0 user base,0 innovation) because both are easier to develop for ?   You are a true Genius

I won\'t deny it; one of Nintendo\'s greatest disadvantages is the public\'s consensus of them being a kiddy company, and it being true to some extent. However, Nintendo has done everything in its power to cement this crack; they have acquired Silicon Knights, Metroid and a Dungeons & Dragons themed RPG is being worked by Retro, rumors of a Shining Force game are trickling, and Miyamoto has said himself that the next Mario and Zelda will have more mature settings.  

IMO, on-line capabilities for consoles won\'t hit full gear until a few more years down the road. Setting up new ISP\'s, connections, and broad-band options won\'t happen for any console any time soon. And about X-Box having no innovation?? Just like how the EE sent shockwaves through the computer industry for its revolutionary performance, or how TTT and Dynasty Warriors 2 shattered all records for their respective genres?? I suppose having practically the same controller as the PSX and having two controller ports should be counted as the greatest things since sliced bread. Hey, the GC is shaped like a lunch box!! Look out, world!! Give me a damn break.  


PS2 was a nightmare to develop for at first...difficult just now but with extra time it will get easier because software improves!  SOFTWARE IMPROVES MORON

Really now?? Just like how the N64 became a walk-in-the-park at the end of its lifespan, when unbelievable software like CBFD and PD came to be?? I won\'t go as far as to say that development issues for the PS2 won\'t ease down, but it will be a harder task that most think (the GC and X-Box being a much more enjoyable development experience makes it that much worse).

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2001, 10:13:16 PM »
BRAVO!!!   """"Hyper""""     BRAVO!!!!!!

Couldn\'t have said it better myself.

Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2001, 12:58:54 AM »
Originally posted by EThugg

I have found another definition for fanboy, and you are truely it.... As I said before, 15+of those Square games are remakes, rereleases, or just pure ****. Only a few will be worth buying.

This is only your BS opinion and I think nobody does care about it !  Pointless as your usual :)

And Square might be a XB developer eventually. Sony didn\'t have every developer from day one of PSone. And all of Konamis good games will be on XB and enhanced beyond what the weak PS2 versions can do.

IHHH  so you are right and Kojima wrong when he says that X-Box can do only slight improvements in Graphics and nothing more ?  so a moron like you is right and Kojima wrong ?  :)
From what I know MGSX is only an hybrid version,a transition between MGS1 and MGS2...and you? what do you know about MGSX?  Tell me...I\'m waiting...
...pointless...like your usual !

Namco? You mean they make good games outside of 2 shallow arcade series\'?

...again...only your moronic opinion and pointless like your usual...
I think Tekken 4,Soul Calibur 2,AC 4,The New Moto GP(Namco is developing 12 games for PS2) are something more than some shallow arcade series....
...you are so funny :)


XB will have online by the same time PS2 does, and no system that isn\'t out has a user base moron.

X-Box will have on-line games at Launch ?  (...I meant that!)   Nope! ...maybe on late 2002...


GameCube has a 0 userbase right now. If developers wanted to only work only on the most popular system, they\'d drop PS2 and grab a GBA, the fastest selling system in history.

ihhhh ....are you joking? did I say developers will develop only for the most popular system? :laughing:
...I said that developers will never skip one of the most popular system !  don\'t you agree ?  Aren\'t developers interested on Money ?  ......?     EThugg ?

Again, I know the software will improve, but NEVER BEYOND GC OR XB.....EVER! Its a simple fact with newer and better technology that you fanboys seem to miss.

Did I say PS2 will get better than GC or X-Box because Softwere improves ?   :rolleyes:
I said that developing for PS2 will get easier because software improves....and that AA via software,potentially,could look better than the raw FSAA via hardare(which is easy to do and takes less performance hit)
You are the only FanBoy here...and you are so BS and Blind that you can\'t understand what People say !


No arguments an a MB about a game system are \'productive\', just fun, and you haven\'t prooved a SINGLE point of mine wrong with your idiotic rambling. :D

Are you sure?  :rolleyes:
...and you?  What did you prove?  .....to BE A BIG FOOL :D ? !

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Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

Offline EThugg
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« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2001, 04:34:51 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

This is only your BS opinion and I think nobody does care about it !  Pointless as your usual :)

 *****Buy all the ****ty games you want, just don\'t brag about it like a moron, and incase yoiu missed it, most people think I can kick your ass ;)

IHHH  so you are right and Kojima wrong when he says that X-Box can do only slight improvements in Graphics and nothing more ?  so a moron like you is right and Kojima wrong ?  :)
From what I know MGSX is only an hybrid version,a transition between MGS1 and MGS2...and you? what do you know about MGSX?  Tell me...I\'m waiting...
...pointless...like your usual !

 ******You just said it, Kojima himself has said XB will be better. I\'m not going to argue semantics, he said it was better, and SHX would be enhanced, meaning, including extras the PS2 can\'t handle! And from what you can tell means ****. You don\'t have any clue what MGSX will be. I do know for a fact, what ever it is, it will be a better version of it.

...again...only your moronic opinion and pointless like your usual...
I think Tekken 4,Soul Calibur 2,AC 4,The New Moto GP(Namco is developing 12 games for PS2) are something more than some shallow arcade series....
...you are so funny :)

****Funny or not, none of those are deep games, they\'re all shallow arcadey games. Argue till your blue in the face, it changes nothing.

X-Box will have on-line games at Launch ?  (...I meant that!)   Nope! ...maybe on late 2002...

****You have no ****ing idea what your talking about

ihhhh ....are you joking? did I say developers will develop only for the most popular system? :laughing:
...I said that developers will never skip one of the most popular system !  don\'t you agree ?  Aren\'t developers interested on Money ?  ......?     EThugg ?

******Yes, but the cost and difficulty in developing for PS2 will make it a less desirable prospect, and anyone who thinks XB won\'t be popular, and will fail, doesnt know **** about the industry or MS. Or even Sony\'s own history.

Did I say PS2 will get better than GC or X-Box because Softwere improves ?   :rolleyes:
I said that developing for PS2 will get easier because software improves....and that AA via software,potentially,could look better than the raw FSAA via hardare(which is easy to do and takes less performance hit)
You are the only FanBoy here...and you are so BS and Blind that you can\'t understand what People say !

*****You implied it at the very least. Developing won\'t get that much easier. I think you got your tech  info from a garbage man. Software AA will take a much bigger hit than hw AA. Even the mods have admitted as much. Showing your true fanboy colors again....

Are you sure?  :rolleyes:
...and you?  What did you prove?  .....to BE A BIG FOOL :D ? !

*****I\'m eternally sorry that you can\'t realise when your wrong.... I\'ve been 100% correct on everything I\'ve said fanboy. The fool is you.

\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

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« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2001, 05:31:14 AM »
I\'m sorry, but if you two keep going on like that, you\'re both fools, stop the pointless bragging, do you really think that in the end the other will say: "You convinced me, you\'re right"?
i hope they all get aids and die they should bnt tbbe having sezx with just anyone they should be in love if theay are foing to have sex not just to make money I htink its wrong for them to just have sexzx for the fun of it specially when some of the performancs are married, its just wrong. tey are givng out deaseases to anyone and its just not right i tell you i think its really really wrong specially when tey have sex i dot whach porno though so im not sure what they do i dont theink theyr realy hjave sex its all just pretendnig but you never no what they do its just wrong speciallly when they dont even love each other its wrong i ell you in tsi just wrong. wtings owting wtrong wtongs wtongs. i dont like it. prlease explaions.

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« Reply #39 on: April 30, 2001, 05:37:02 AM »
Sure, why not? Practically every single known developer this side of the Twilight Zone left Nintendo because of its development difficulties.

Incorrect. Cartridge limitations, licensing fees, and the big N\'s anal grasp on game content are the reasons developers left Nintendo. Square walked away the second the cartridge format was announced. In the beginning it had nothing to do with development difficulty.

Really now?? Just like how the N64 became a walk-in-the-park at the end of its lifespan, when unbelievable software like CBFD and PD came to be?? I won\'t go as far as to say that development issues for the PS2 won\'t ease down, but it will be a harder task that most think (the GC and X-Box being a much more enjoyable development experience makes it that much worse).

The difference, is that on the PS2 the benefits will be much greater than on the N64. The N64 was a total piece of sh!t. To me, Mario64 is still the best looking game, and it was the first game. Go figure.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.

Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2001, 06:11:24 AM »
Originally posted by EThugg

...again...only your moronic opinion and pointless like your usual...
I think Tekken 4,Soul Calibur 2,AC 4,The New Moto GP(Namco is developing 12 games for PS2) are something more than some shallow arcade series....
...you are so funny  

****Funny or not, none of those are deep games, they\'re all shallow arcadey games. Argue till your blue in the face, it changes nothing.

...did I say Tekken 4 or AC4 will be deep games? they are not but I\'m sure they will be great in their respective category...what\'s your point buffoon? Can\'t you enjoy playing an arcade game or a "not-deep" game ? Tell me FanBoy! :D

*****Buy all the ****ty games you want, just don\'t brag about it like a moron, and incase yoiu missed it, most people think I can kick your ass

Who? most people?  maybe some BS X-Troll like you or someone who doesn\'t like Sony :D ?!  

*****I\'m eternally sorry that you can\'t realise when your wrong.... I\'ve been 100% correct on everything I\'ve ........

Do you know that even schizophrenics do really think they are always Right ?  :D

Next Time could you use correctly the "
" ...you did a big confusion last time :)

...but bear This in mind...it\'s the last time I answer you...it\'s a waste of Time !  Adios ! :)    no rancour :D
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Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

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« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2001, 10:13:16 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

Who? most people?  maybe some BS X-Troll like you or someone who doesn\'t like Sony :D ?!  

Do you know that even schizophrenics do really think they are always Right ?  :D

Next Time could you use correctly the "
" ...you did a big confusion last time :)

...but bear This in mind...it\'s the last time I answer you...it\'s a waste of Time !  Adios ! :)    no rancour :D [/B]

Everyone was free to vote, and I stuck up for you even, but most people would bet on me. :p

...Schizophrenic? What are you talking about even?

I don\'t have to use the quotes... the asterisk\'s were easy enough for a monke.... uhhh, small child to understand. :D

If you don\'t answer, fine, but it means you admit defeat. Hahahahaha... submit weakling! :D
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

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« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2001, 01:16:00 PM »
Originally posted by datamage

Incorrect. Cartridge limitations, licensing fees, and the big N\'s anal grasp on game content are the reasons developers left Nintendo. Square walked away the second the cartridge format was announced. In the beginning it had nothing to do with development difficulty.

Contrary to popular belief, Square did not walk away the second that Nintendo announced their future usage of catridges. Square tried out what benefits the grey plastics could offer them, and went as far as to release early FF7 screenshots for the N64. They realized soon afterwards however, that catridges placed too much of a strain in developing their desired massive RPG. So they left Sony in favor of the CD format. There was still a possibility that they would develop games for the Game Boy, but that threshold of hope was cut into pieces when Nintendo flamed Square for "betrayal" and that "the almighty Mario does not need RPG\'s to win," virtually enstranging the company forever.

When sales dropped, Nintendo did change their buisness practices; Goldeneye and RE2 were released with blood and gore in full force, and I presume that the licensing fees were sustantially lowered. However, it was the development difficulties that mainly drove developers away from the N64. To achieve effects like FMV on the system, one needed to overcome incredible obstacles like space limitations and excessive expenses. Had Nintendo opted to use CD\'s, we wouldn\'t even be hearing about the PS2 right now.    


The difference, is that on the PS2 the benefits will be much greater than on the N64. The N64 was a total piece of sh!t. To me, Mario64 is still the best looking game, and it was the first game. Go figure.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.

I can\'t argue right now how much benefit the PS2 can offer over the GC of the X-Box, as I have yet to see their peak performances. But IMO, all the next-generation consoles will probably be on the same scale. No drastic differences like in the N64 and PSX. However, if a developer needs to work 24/7 to pull off a tiny advantage on the PS2, while equal advanced effects can  be accomplished with ease on the GC or the X-Box, well then I guess that\'s not much of an advantage.

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« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2001, 01:57:33 PM »
No drastic differences like in the N64 and PSX.

Oh boy, your going to be eating those words of yours, when XBOX and GC comeout.

However, if a developer needs to work 24/7 to pull off a tiny advantage on the PS2, while equal advanced effects can be accomplished with ease on the GC or the X-Box, well then I guess that\'s not much of an advantage.

What are you talking about, oh yeah that\'s right your a FANBOY, it\'s the only way your statement makes sense.

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« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2001, 02:34:17 PM »
Contrary to popular belief, Square did not walk away the second that Nintendo announced their future usage of catridges. Square tried out what benefits the grey plastics could offer them, and went as far as to release early FF7 screenshots for the N64

Nope.The only 3D shots Square ever showed of FF, were made on a SGI machine. Square\'s developers were merely practicing their 3D skills. Everyone assumed they were for the N64, but they were not.

I can\'t argue right now how much benefit the PS2 can offer over the GC of the X-Box, as I have yet to see their peak performances

I really wasn\'t comparing the PS2 to the other consoles since we\'re not 100% sure of what they\'re capable of. What I meant, is that the hard work put into the PS2 will pay off more-so than it ever would have on the N64. The N64 was practically maxxed out from the beginning.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.


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