Originally posted by BizioEE
Do you think developers will skip PS2 ? Why? because X-Box is easier to develop for ?
Sure, why not? Practically every single known developer this side of the Twilight Zone left Nintendo because of its development difficulties. Now I understand the situation is different for the X-Box; no catridge or platform issues, no extensive liscening fees, and none of that "Dream Team" crap . But if more money and effort needs to be spent on the PS2 than on the GC or X-Box to achieve the same results, I can tell you right now that it WILL have an effect.
You\'re a moron! Square are developing 23 Games only for PS2! Why? isn\'t X-Box 3 times more powerful and Far easier to develop for ...and Konami ? why 70% of their resource in the coming years are going to PSX and PS2? and Namco? They will skip PS2 because of the complexity of the hardware?
How many of those 23 Square titles will turn out to be worth the money?? Like datamage mentioned, 3 of those will be ports of old games, and many more pitiful crap like Driving-Emotion and The Bouncer. Square will however, manage to sneak in gems like Bushido Blade; they\'re a respected developer for a reason, and not just for the Final Fantasy franchise. The rest of the line-up for the PS2 however, will probably consist of FF\'s. Now tell me, how many FF\'s can Square crank out in the course of let\'s say, 2 years?? And how many of those won\'t end up like FF8?? The Final Fantasy name sells systems, and to some extent the quality of them, but not Square themselves.
PS2 will reach an installed base of 20 millions units by the time X-Box and GC will be released worldwide...so...instead of developing for the most successful console (PS2 )
How much did that crystal ball cost you, and can you tell me where you got it from?? If you stole it from Cleo\'s basement, then don\'t bother. Now, are you willing to bet everything you stand honorable for that the PS2\'s usebase will supersede an additional 10 million in the course of less than 6 months?? Or how about your bold claim that the PS2 will be the most succesful console in the next-generation, a fact that no one will know until about 4 years from now?? BioZEE, I assure you that you will have my most pious respect if you can support any of your statements. Otherwise, you\'re just another disillusioned fanboy.
developers will skip PS2 in favour of GC(younger market) and X-Box(no on-line capabilities until late 2002,0 user base,0 innovation) because both are easier to develop for ? You are a true Genius
I won\'t deny it; one of Nintendo\'s greatest disadvantages is the public\'s consensus of them being a kiddy company, and it being true to some extent. However, Nintendo has done everything in its power to cement this crack; they have acquired Silicon Knights, Metroid and a Dungeons & Dragons themed RPG is being worked by Retro, rumors of a Shining Force game are trickling, and Miyamoto has said himself that the next Mario and Zelda will have more mature settings.
IMO, on-line capabilities for consoles won\'t hit full gear until a few more years down the road. Setting up new ISP\'s, connections, and broad-band options won\'t happen for any console any time soon. And about X-Box having no innovation?? Just like how the EE sent shockwaves through the computer industry for its revolutionary performance, or how TTT and Dynasty Warriors 2 shattered all records for their respective genres?? I suppose having practically the same controller as the PSX and having two controller ports should be counted as the greatest things since sliced bread. Hey, the GC is shaped like a lunch box!! Look out, world!! Give me a damn break.
PS2 was a nightmare to develop for at first...difficult just now but with extra time it will get easier because software improves! SOFTWARE IMPROVES MORON
Really now?? Just like how the N64 became a walk-in-the-park at the end of its lifespan, when unbelievable software like CBFD and PD came to be?? I won\'t go as far as to say that development issues for the PS2 won\'t ease down, but it will be a harder task that most think (the GC and X-Box being a much more enjoyable development experience makes it that much worse).