Originally by N-PLAYER in a prevoius thread
So my dear ugly...everytime you respond to my post every time any one of you xbox zealots responds...you are doing exactly what I want you to do..ha ha ha
Yet here you are N-PLAYER in the exact same postion as the your fellow xbox zealots.
you know me...i want attention..look at me!!!! LOOK AT ME!!!!
FUNNY you mention that, cause that\'s what all your threads, and your presence here is all ABOUT. Like I suggested to you before, go outside and get some friends it will do you good. Plus that way you can leave this site and MSXBOX alone, cause the really sad part is that everyone here scorns at your presence, yet you so desperately try to gain there attention.
It\'s the way he wrote it....he sounds like he knows NOTHING about the AA PS2 can acheive(which you proved to be a fact)...and sounds like a complete fanboy(which he is)
I do not play on my consoles no more(well..i must admit i\'m playing paper mario)....PC is the way to go...i hope my next system is a 2000Mhz Pentium4
*sigh*...this was too easy-(originally said by N-player)
Originally by N-player in a previous post
the same people always come to my threads.....always use their same tactics..always try and "put me down
Just like you do, with with me and M4 etc...
Originally by N-player in a previous post
please get a life...this thread was just to prove to a certain person(N-Player) how pathetic and ridiculous the "hatred" for me is....
LOL, LOL need i say more, you just fell in your own trap dumbass!!!!