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Author Topic: PS2. The only real next generation console?  (Read 1945 times)

Offline Samwise
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PS2. The only real next generation console?
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2001, 03:20:14 AM »
Just having a high res doesn\'t render AA obsolete. And certainly not the way PS2 handles it - i.e. rather poorly with all kinds of weird tricks to make something that looks like AA. It can\'t do FSAA properly and never will IMO. But as developers get more experienced they\'ll figure out how to push it further, I just don\'t think it\'ll be that much further. And I certainly don\'t think of it as a good thing. Something done in hardware will always be superior to a software solution (in terms of power/performance hit).
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline BizioEE

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PS2. The only real next generation console?
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2001, 07:38:27 AM »
well...PS2 has new technology but it doesn\'t mean it\'s the only next-generation-console !  ...Why the X-Box will have a little more in Graphics effects with Old-Technology ? ohh...with more than 1 year and half of advantage even one engineer with two dogs and three monkeys could produce a bit more powerful hardware !

Look at this example...when PS2 was released,the best of the best in PC-Hardware was a P3 500 + GeForce256...

EE  66 millions polys/sec -- P3 500 5 Millions

GS  75 millions polys/sec --GeForce 15 M.

...so...tell me...what specs do you expect from PCs of 2002 ?

I\'m sure they will blow away the X-Box in performances !

PS2 is a Great Piece of hardware !  the only one which can easily destroy the PCs of the same period!
That\'s what New Revolutionary Technology means!
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Offline BizioEE

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PS2. The only real next generation console?
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2001, 08:21:25 AM »
Originally posted by Samwise
Just having a high res doesn\'t render AA obsolete. And certainly not the way PS2 handles it - i.e. rather poorly with all kinds of weird tricks to make something that looks like AA. It can\'t do FSAA properly and never will IMO. But as developers get more experienced they\'ll figure out how to push it further, I just don\'t think it\'ll be that much further.

Wrong!   The EE was designed to program a lot of effects and potentially it can do better AA than the FSAA via hardware!  just now people could think I\'m crazy or BS but it\'s not the case: FSAA via hardware takes less performance hit and it\'s easy to do...but you can create a better result via software with time and effort ! FSAA produce a slight blurry effect which reduces the ability to look out the details ! Time will prove my point!

And I certainly don\'t think of it as a good thing. Something done in hardware will always be superior to a software solution (in terms of power/performance hit).

...Agreed in terms of performance hit...but remember that software improves...hardware nope!

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Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

Offline fastson
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PS2. The only real next generation console?
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2001, 08:38:34 AM »
Jag håller med dig Bossieman!

/FAST aka. Fredde

EDIT: I also agree with BizioEE!
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Offline Samwise
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PS2. The only real next generation console?
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2001, 08:54:27 AM »
Sorry, I think some of you ate a tad too many fanboy cakes this morning. :p
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Bossieman
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PS2. The only real next generation console?
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2001, 09:26:31 AM »
I think that people dont understand what I meant. I know that it aint easy. I did not write it down well.
The point is: In the future, I think computers and other next gen consoles (x-box2,PS3, N256. a.s.o) will have a PS2 look-a-like-architechture. The PS2 shows that the future very likely could be based on streaming technology not store-technology, that AA will be done with software, That each component in will be perfectely match to eachother, Not like putting a dinousaur (PIII 733) behind the wheels of a supercar(Geforce 3). The whole Idea of the PS2 is briliant, and that is what I mean by saying that the PS2 actually is the only next gen. console.
I think that within 5 years the x86 architecture will be history, it cant get much better now. How do you think that the next gen. computers will be? I think they will look very similar to the PS2 architecture.

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PS2. The only real next generation console?
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2001, 10:55:26 AM »
I think computers and other next gen consoles (x-box2,PS3, N256. a.s.o) will have a PS2 look-a-like-architechture

LOL! That\'s some pretty ****ed up thinking there! Whether you like it or not PS2 is a ***** to develop so don\'t expect ANYONE to copy it.

The EE may be powerful but it is no match for NGC\'s and Xbox\'s when it comes to overall performance. You see, the EE does pratically everything for the PS2( graphics, AI, Physics) but on the Xbox and NGC you won\'t have to worry about AI and physics affecting your graphics since their graphics chips take care of that. Its all about balance. :)

The PS2 shows that the future very likely could be based on streaming technology not store-technology,

streaming= more money, lower polygon counts, and stupider AI.

Developers would rather have more RAM instead of streaming textures. The EE is one hard working processor...

Offline Bossieman
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PS2. The only real next generation console?
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2001, 11:12:16 AM »
Originally posted by Jumpman

LOL! That\'s some pretty ****ed up thinking there! Whether you like it or not PS2 is a ***** to develop so don\'t expect ANYONE to copy it.

streaming= more money, lower polygon counts, and stupider AI.

Developers would rather have more RAM instead of streaming textures. The EE is one hard working processor...

well, let´s wait and see what happens. ok?

(Damn I want to see into the future.)  :)

Offline CygnusXI
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PS2. The only real next generation console?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2001, 11:44:56 AM »
Hey Jump, do you know the PS2\'s architechture?

It has the EE, VU0, and VU1, for processing, and also then the GS for graphics. And also the streaming technique is mostly about textures, it has NOtHING to do with poly count or AI.
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Great Post/Poll
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2001, 10:17:28 AM »
I think Bossieman has cut right to the heart of the next generation issue. Anyone that won\'t admit the PS2 is enough of a significant departure from the "old way" to be considered next generation is just playing ostrich for the sake of their favorite competing champion, FMP(from my perspective).

While I understand what we end up seeing in action is the bottom line when it comes down to which console will be the best, we can\'t afford to overlook how much more powerful this generation of consoles is over the preceding generations victor, the original PS. Compare early showings from all three to the PSX and a major leap is obvious. Match samples of the latest PS2 graphics against what has been shown by the other two and the differences border on negligible.

So the crowd shouts  "wait until E3, then you\'ll see!". Hey, I\'m right there saying the same thing. Only I would tack on lets have a look at 2002 and 03 as well. The PS2 certainly has the user base now to keep it going until then. Using hardware a year and half older, on paper 1/3 to ½ as powerful. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Well, I\'m off to pick mushrooms for the afternoon. Keep up the good work Bossieman but don\'t bust your butt trying to pick bird brains out of the sand. Time will tell the tale.


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