According to IGN, Infogrames has signed up to develop a game based on the reality TV series survivor. It will be based on the second version, which was filmed here in Australia in the outback, and will appear on all platforms, according to the report, including mac and pc.
I found this pretty interesting myself.... I don\'t know how long it was going to be till reality TV crept it\'s way onto gaming consoles. The thing is though, how is it going to play?? I can\'t really think of many ideas of what exactly you\'d be doing... would it be a constant series of immunity challenges and reward challenges??
Doesn\'t sound like it\'d be too deep a game to me, but time will tell, and this actually DOES sound like an interesting game, if not just because I can\'t understand how they\'ll make it....
there should be more info available at E3. With 72 million viewers tuning into the first series, and even more the second series... this game could really draw some attention
what\'s everyone\'s thoughts?? Is this a place gaming shouldn\'t go?? And if so... how can it go there??