Originally posted by XBOX
I mean the camera angles suck
HOW?? Its a FPS! the angles are the same for every FPS!!!!!! Plus, Winback is horrible, even though I didnt play multi-player, the game sucked. Its a MGS wannabe and like you have to hit a button to move against a wall? and you have a gun with infinite ammo??? You go around shooting switches to turn of the red laser beams of death?? It wasnt even a "stealth" game, you couldnt crawl on your belly and hide in things, it was crap. THe autoaim never works, It has Resident evil controls, he runs like hes got something jammed up his ass. THe graphics were probably the best thing in the game and actually kept me playing it for a little longer before I took it back (rented) I couldnt even imagine how crappy the multi-player must be, TIMESPLITTERS IS WAY BETTER!!! PERIOD!!