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Author Topic: Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!  (Read 3819 times)

Offline Falcon4
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2001, 02:24:53 PM »
yes, someone who has been enlightened. ill try and find that article with the developers saying it wont go to x box!!
i say if you want the games, over 300 have been announced for ps2 and the only pc port i see is black and white, but ya know i dont really like it, ill borrow it from a friend for a month, beat it, then give it back.
if you like good games, stay with ps2, june will be great, TWISTED METAL BLACK AND GT3 BABY!!
oh yeah, i as of now i have no backup on that mgsx thing, ill find it, i know its out there.....
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2001, 03:28:19 PM »
Originally posted by XBOX
xbox has Halo, Medal Of Honor, WWF raw, Nfl Fever Azurik, Doa3, New Legends,  Jet set radio, MechworrierX, Tony hawK 2X, Malice, Abe,  Mgs X, Max Payne, EA sports, Visual Concepts, Black & white, Amped,  Breed,  and so many more titles  that I can\'t name them all.

This will be the best launch a console has ever had to date.

Microsoft can "announce" anything they want, but actually getting the developers to complete everything prior to the launch date is another matter.  Your announcement that XBox\'s launch will be better than PS2\'s launch carries about as much weight as Bill Gate\'s many announcements.
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Offline QuDDus
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2001, 04:50:46 PM »
Originally posted by Falcon4
yeah , um halo, black and white, medal of honor, the mech warrior  and to finish it off,  THERE IS NO MGSX! IT HAS NEVER BEEN CONFIRMED!!! thats what ive heard, if it has, show me a link plz.
all i know is that i read an article with quotes from the devlopers saying that there will be and is no mgs coming to x box.

You are so stupid. Listen up mgsx has already been confirmed to hit xbox. It will not be a launch but it will come out for xbox some time around 2002. It will be a second wave title just like mgs2 was for ps2.

Too the idiot that said sony had the best launch of any console needs to shoot himself in the foot. That has to be dumbest comment ever mentioned on this forum. I don\'t even think N-Player would have the balls to say something like that. You can only name 4 or five decent ps2 games at launch. There may have been 16 titles but only a handful of them were worth the price tag on the games. Thus why there were such low games sales.

And third to simply say those games will come out on pc is the lamest excuse anyone could have come up with. And a idiotic one at that.  Which games are you talking about name some. What Halo has been canned for pc, only other one I know that would be on pc is mechworrier the rest are from third party developers. I.E THQ, EA, ACCLAIM, sega, and so on. So I have no clue why some of you would shout out and say those comments unless you have nothing else that can back up any of the actuation your throwing out.

And fourth being sony bias is simply stupid. There is nothing wrong with liking a certain system, but being complete bias to everything else and making up standards on other consoles. When the things your saying are clearly Identical to everything that has happen with ps2.

And my last point is clearly the first wave of ps2 clearly where not up to par. And yes the second wave games are looking good, but most of you that are going around saying things about xbox have no idea what your saying. You know nothing about the console or the games that are coming out. You throw out false actuation and make double standards.
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2001, 05:23:37 PM »
Well said XBOX, well said. To many morons here with there heads up SONY\'S ASS.

PS. XBOX Halo has not been canned for the pc, they intend to complete the pc version around to 5 to 7 months after the xbox\'s version.

Offline ddaryl
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2001, 05:43:37 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
Well said XBOX, well said. To many morons here with there heads up SONY\'S ASS.

PS. XBOX Halo has not been canned for the pc, they intend to complete the pc version around to 5 to 7 months after the xbox\'s version.

well to be fair there a quite a few morons with their heads up Microsofts ass just as well.

but no matter were you go (Especially IGN forums) you\'re gonna have groups of people who refuse to acknowledge or are going to hate something for any reason they can dream up.

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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2001, 05:55:27 PM »
Originally posted by XBOX

You are so stupid. Listen up mgsx has already been confirmed to hit xbox. It will not be a launch but it will come out for xbox some time around 2002. It will be a second wave title just like mgs2 was for ps2.

All the other guy wants is a link.  I\'m willing to admit I\'m wrong that MGS X won\'t come to the Box - just show me a link.

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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2001, 05:55:30 PM »
IGN forums are the absolute worst, I have never seen such chaos take place. I don\'t know why people even bother to go to the IGN forums, I myself haven\'t been there for over 14 months

Offline QuDDus
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2001, 06:19:31 PM »
Originally posted by FatalXception

All the other guy wants is a link.  I\'m willing to admit I\'m wrong that MGS X won\'t come to the Box - just show me a link.

Well your wrong and here is your link http://www.msxbox.com/php/full_post.php3?id=1007
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2001, 06:21:01 PM »
nice link.  Where\'s the part where it says that he will make MGS X?

Well, I did my own searching on the site, and yes, it says metal gear will be dev\'d for the box.  I don\'t know how much I trust an MS site pre-release PR site, but until someone shows me a link proving otherwise, I guess you are right.

I did just check KONAMI\'s site, and they show no releases for the XBOX at any time in the future in either Japan or the USA.  I\'ll keep checking their site, but they do show their future releases for PS2, so if I can\'t find any Xbox info there, I\'m going to have to flip flop again and I\'ll assume that the MGSX thing is just MS PR.

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Offline QuDDus
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2001, 08:40:55 PM »
Originally posted by FatalXception
nice link.  Where\'s the part where it says that he will make MGS X?

Well, I did my own searching on the site, and yes, it says metal gear will be dev\'d for the box.  I don\'t know how much I trust an MS site pre-release PR site, but until someone shows me a link proving otherwise, I guess you are right.

I did just check KONAMI\'s site, and they show no releases for the XBOX at any time in the future in either Japan or the USA.  I\'ll keep checking their site, but they do show their future releases for PS2, so if I can\'t find any Xbox info there, I\'m going to have to flip flop again and I\'ll assume that the MGSX thing is just MS PR.

Please tell me your just acting. Nobody is this nieve. Listen up I will explain this too you as simple as it can get. The interview was from msnbc. And is simply states that MGS is coming too xbox. Everybody who is anyone already knows that MGSX has been said to be coming to xbox. But what nobody knows it which Mgs it will be. OMG anyone who has been following  xbox or the gaming industry for the past 6 months knows that mgsx is coming to xbox. But we don\'t in what forum of mgs it will be. Only time will tell.  And there is no use of searching the konami web site, because it is not set for release any time soon. We don\'t even no what the game will be about yet.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2001, 08:52:27 PM »
OIC - I thought all this time we were talking, as you said, about releases... but now that we\'re talking about the long-term theoretical future, well, PS2 will have just as impressive games...

Originally posted by XBOX

xbox has Halo, Medal Of Honor, WWF raw, Nfl Fever Azurik, Doa3, New Legends, Jet set radio, MechworrierX, Tony hawK 2X, Malice, Abe, Mgs X, Max Payne, EA sports, Visual Concepts, Black & white, Amped, Breed, and so many more titles that I can\'t name them all.

This will be the best launch a console has ever had to date.

Murphy\'s Law - What can go wrong, will.
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Offline QuDDus
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2001, 09:13:27 PM »
Originally posted by FatalXception
OIC - I thought all this time we were talking, as you said, about releases... but now that we\'re talking about the long-term theoretical future, well, PS2 will have just as impressive games...

Yes but I never said look for these titles at launch. I just mentioned titles that are being developed for xbox. Well MGSX is going to come out for xbox we just have no clue when it will be out. Konami already confirmed it. So it not like I am talking theoreticaly because this titles is coming out. And has been confirmed to come out just don\'t know when.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2001, 11:07:22 PM »
Well, the xbox isn\'t for me neways, if I do end up buying one, it won\'t be this year - after all I\'m strapped for cash, and can barely afford MGS2/FFX/GT3.  We\'ll have to see what kind of exclusives it can get in it\'s first 5-6 months (and I mean non PC exclusives).  

I\'ll keep an open mind, but you really should remember that lots of games get cancelled/changed before release - even half done games sometimes.

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Offline Samwise
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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2001, 11:58:13 PM »
People who hate Xbox and loves Sony (or the other way around for that matter), I have a newflash for you. You\'re just as narrowminded, ignorant and fanboyish as those "Xbox/GC/whatever fanboys" you seem to hate so much. Why don\'t you all pull your heads out of your asses and talk about how great a time it is to be a gamer? No no, you have to bash Xbox in order to feel good it seems. Why? Can\'t PS2 stand on it\'s own without putting down other consoles? Well, it should and it can - but it\'s not the \'be all, end all\' console. Neither is Xbox or GC. But even if you can only afford one console or whatnot, doesn\'t mean you should automatically hate everything else - that is just plain stupid, ignorant and pathetic. That\'s like saying "I could only afford a Honda Civic, but it\'s the best car in the world! Porsche\'s suck anyway!". The Honda is still a very nice car, but does that make the Porsche bad? HELL NO! Stop whining and get your act together.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Microsoft (XBOX) Sucks....BIG TIME!!!
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2001, 05:02:42 AM »
*Eyes flaring up with the burning fires of Hell
*Eirie crimson plasma eminates from body
*Wings spread at their full span
*Awe striking voice fills the air:

"Insolent mortal!!!!!! Now YOU DIE!!!!

*Points finger @ Sammy
*Lighting Strikes Sammy


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