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Author Topic: X-box hardware is complete  (Read 5115 times)

Offline fastson
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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2001, 05:19:34 AM »
Just look at the psx2
-2 controller ports
-no HD built in
-No ethernet buitl in
-same S***ty controller(and don\'t give this **** about how the psx controller is so good it didn\'t need to get changed)
-They made it a BlTCH to program for
-it\'s GS is nothing impressive, SONY could have done alot better(although some might argue, only time will tell
-it\'s sound processor is utter crap compared to XBOX\'s
-No hardware AA

How pathetic!

1. I dont want to play extra for something Ill never use!

2. We\'ll get OUR HDD. And if you think the HDD in Xbox is free, you stupid!

3. We\'ll get our Enthernet.

4. WHY WOULD THEY CHANGE IT??? ITs the best controller out there!
And I dont want a fricking BIG TOAD controller like the XBOX one! HAHAH

5. Oh I wonder why?
Maybe its because they dont want to have technolegy from the 70es in it.
PS2 hardware is the future!
And do you program games?
If not SHUT UP!

6. Really? How come it won a prise over the Pentium 3 or 4 and the GeForce 2???
Huh, huh?? I cant hear yoù?
Speak up son!

7. Oh well. Hmm PS2 kicks my computers arse when it comes to sound. No static crap!
PS2 has awesome sound!

8. So whats the problem? Do you program the gamez?

And please stop sucking Bills willy!

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Offline Bozco
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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2001, 05:26:54 AM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing

Your kidding me right, SONY this generation didn\'t give two SHlT\'s about us gamers, ONLY our money. (don\'t get me wrong MS, and Nintendo want our money as well)

Just look at the psx2
-2 controller ports
-no HD built in
-No ethernet buitl in
-same S***ty controller(and don\'t give this **** about how the psx controller is so good it didn\'t need to get changed)
-They made it a BlTCH to program for
-it\'s GS is nothing impressive, SONY could have done alot better(although some might argue, only time will tell
-it\'s sound processor is utter crap compared to XBOX\'s
-No hardware AA

MS has put 10 times more effort into making the ultimate game console, as SONY it seems had gotten lazy.

Sony at this point in time is just like Sega when they  made the saturn, in the sense that they got C0cky, thinking that they were the best, and that they owned the console market, as SEGA thought with the saturn. You can ***** about GT3, MGS2 and so forth all you want but XBOX will be a better console with better games. The HD alone will take gaming to a whole new level

You say your not a fanboy, that you just bought PSX2 cause it came out first( you should of bought a DC) well i\'m not a MS fanboy, I owned the orginal PSX, cause it was a good console(as for PSX2 which is another story)

Now comes this generation and i see XBOX where psx was in the beginning. I see an amazing console, a Company that has put everything they got into this machine to win the gamers over, therefore I choose the XBOX, cause this time round MS is the better company, not SONY.  Now i\'m sure those arrogant assholes over at sony have learned a lesson from the psx2, and when PSX3 comes out, It may very well be the SHlT, and maybe MS get\'s C0cky like sony, and gives us a half ass console XBOX2. WHO knows.

how the hell can you say X-BOX will be better its not like you played any of the games, thats just all speculation, how do you figure it will have better games when you havent even seen any microsoft console games yet on the market

Offline fastson
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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2001, 06:09:02 AM »
Ill be laughing my ass of then GC crushes tinky winky Xbox with its 3 impressive game list!

PS2 is going to win.

Have you seen the lame support Xbox has right now?
Its even lamer than a lama!


Oh, I cant wait to see Project Y, the latest build of Dropship, Tekken 4, Ace Combat 4, Getaway, Stuntman Driver, Metal Gear Solid 2, Silent Hill2 and 3, VF4, Dark Cloud 1 and 2, Online plans, SSX 2 (maybe!), PlanetSide (hopefully, cuz SOEI has invested in the developers making PS!), Commandos 2, Black & White, Pase Pharadox, Half-Life, FFX, Devil May Cry, Run Like Hell, AvsP2, Agent Under Fire ect. ect!


\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

Offline EThugg
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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2001, 06:24:04 AM »
Originally posted by fastson

How pathetic!

1. I dont want to play extra for something Ill never use!

2. We\'ll get OUR HDD. And if you think the HDD in Xbox is free, you stupid!

3. We\'ll get our Enthernet.

4. WHY WOULD THEY CHANGE IT??? ITs the best controller out there!
And I dont want a fricking BIG TOAD controller like the XBOX one! HAHAH

5. Oh I wonder why?
Maybe its because they dont want to have technolegy from the 70es in it.
PS2 hardware is the future!
And do you program games?
If not SHUT UP!

6. Really? How come it won a prise over the Pentium 3 or 4 and the GeForce 2???
Huh, huh?? I cant hear yoù?
Speak up son!

7. Oh well. Hmm PS2 kicks my computers arse when it comes to sound. No static crap!
PS2 has awesome sound!

8. So whats the problem? Do you program the gamez?

And please stop sucking Bills willy!


Yes! How pathetic!

1.It saves money. Sony didn\'t include 4 ports so they could make extra money on the multi-tap.

2.If you don\'t see that the XB HDD\'s free, your a moron. It\'s free, Free, FREE!

3.Yes, you will, along with the HDD. And it\'ll cost you, and it\'ll be undersupported for that reason.

4.You\'ve played with the XB controller? \'Cause the press that has said it\'s a pretty good one. And the DS2 controller isn\'t perfect.

5.The future? Poorly designed game systems are the future? Thank you Sony! :rolleyes: Watch and see in 3 years how many smaller 3rd parties are even bothering with PS2. And I dont think any Nvidia chips are from the 70\'s....

6.It won something? Oh yes, that new award that means nothing in the industry, yes that one. :rolleyes: Hey, if it makes the Sony fanboys like you happy....

7.Your PC\'s sound has what to do with XB\'s? Oh yes, that\'s right, nothing.

8.I believe many developers have complained:
-About no hardware AA on PS2
-Difficulty in development on PS2
And complimented:
-XB\'s ease of development
-More powerful hardware
-Hardware FSAA

Please, get $onys **** out of your ass. I\'ve held back until I\'ve read enough with you, and now I have. Your a 100% Sony fanboy fastson.

Bozco!! Booooozzzzcccoooo!!!!!!! We can\'t tell that the games are better, we can tell that some of them are AAA games though. I didn\'t need to play Mario 64 to know what I was getting. I didn\'t need to play Soul Calibur or Sonic Adv. to know what I was getting. I knew they were AAA games before trying them, and I feel the same about quite a few XB titles. In fact, waaaay back, I wanted TWINE and Dark Cloud for PS2 launch (before they were delayed). Had those 2 games shipped, I wouldn\'t have been dissapointed with PS2\'s launch. Here\'s a clue: Developer you like+genre you like+great graphics= usually a game you can feel safe in buying before you try.  IMO there\'s 0% chance Munch will dissapoint me at XB\'s launch, unless it\'s delayed, and it\'s more interesting to me than anything out for PS2. In fact the only games announced that interest me as much, is Blood Omen 2 and MGS2. Now if I cared about say a dozen XB  games as much as Munch, I could easily say XB will have better games. I\'m not saying that though.... I just could.

Originally posted by fastson
Ill be laughing my ass of then GC crushes tinky winky Xbox with its 3 impressive game list!

PS2 is going to win.

Have you seen the lame support Xbox has right now?
Its even lamer than a lama!


Oh, I cant wait to see Project Y, the latest build of Dropship, Tekken 4, Ace Combat 4, Getaway, Stuntman Driver, Metal Gear Solid 2, Silent Hill2 and 3, VF4, Dark Cloud 1 and 2, Online plans, SSX 2 (maybe!), PlanetSide (hopefully, cuz SOEI has invested in the developers making PS!), Commandos 2, Black & White, Pase Pharadox, Half-Life, FFX, Devil May Cry, Run Like Hell, AvsP2, Agent Under Fire ect. ect!



That\'s the most ignorant **** I\'ve ever heard. A 3rd of those (at least) will be on XB, a 3rd just suck, and a 3rd will be cancelled or were never announced. Thanks for proveing what a fanboy you are.
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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2001, 06:40:31 AM »
ToBG, the DS cannot be used on many new PS2 games, and I dont think it will be able to be used at all in a couple years. The analog buttons on some games (like Bouncer) will not allow the DS to be used.

Eric Jacob
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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2001, 06:43:24 AM »
LOL this topic here is pure JOKEs, just look at these SONY fanboys squirming, LOL.

You tell them ETHUGG, it\'s so clear which one is the superiour console. PSX2 is as good as my SEGA SATURN(hell i liked the SATURN better than the psx2)

Offline fastson
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« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2001, 08:38:16 AM »
Originally posted by EThugg

That\'s the most ignorant **** I\'ve ever heard. A 3rd of those (at least) will be on XB, a 3rd just suck, and a 3rd will be cancelled or were never announced. Thanks for proveing what a fanboy you are.

A 3rd of them on Xbox? Nope
Oh well, 90% of the Xbox games that has been announced are ****ty PC ports!
3rd Cancelled? HHAHA

Oh yes, I cant belive how stupid you are!
Please take Bills nut out of your mouth before you talk!

EThugg: Go back where you came from! (yo mama!)

Xbox hasnt impressed me yet, and prob. never will.
PS2 is the only system with a AWESOME lineup of games.

PS2 is even more than I was expecting!
Cant wait to see how Project Y will relovutionise PS2 programming,..

Ahhhhh, I look forward to E3!

I wont reply in this thread anymore. Cant stand to read such retarded posts!

I feel a slight dissapiontment in Xbox... (Face it! It aint all that! What makes a console goood????? GAMEZZZZZZZZZZ!)

\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

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« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2001, 10:26:03 AM »
Surely most of the games under development now for xbox will have already been programed to take advantage of the proposed hardware specs, no? Isn\'t it similar to plugging in an updated video card on your PC and having old games look improved? I don\'t know, just asking. Yeah, I guess there would be program tweaking to get the best results but from the announcement quote it sounds like  the speaker thinks the hardware is out in time for devs to provide a much closer resemblance to the final product than was shown at TGS. Anyone else pick up on that?

And yes, I\'ll grant it will be at least a year or so after xbox is out before we see games make close to the maximum use of the hardware, though I don\'t expect the improvements would be considerable over what\'s seen on launch day.

One more thing. I would request the x-men prone to over using the term "fanboy" as a would-be slap in the face and homo erotic phrases as insults, please don\'t answer these questions. There seems a tendency for them to thoughtlessly say whatever comes to mind just to try and make their point and they don\'t sound in any way believable most of the time.  Probably won\'t do any good but I had to say it anyway.

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only 8 more hours...
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2001, 11:26:31 AM »
Yes! Tomorrow I can finally insult people again! This topic is packed with moronic, bias, and ignorant replies so get ready people! ;)

Offline Black Samurai
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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2001, 12:09:42 PM »
Originally posted by "The One" Billy Gunn
Concerning the controllers...

(1) They are actually an excellent design, GC controller starting to look like it.

Sony\'s controller is based on the SNES pad which was based on the NES pad so in essence Nintendo went back to their roots. :D
Originally posted by "The One" Billy Gunn
(2) PSXers don\'t have to dole out $100 to get 3 more controllers

I don\'t know about you but I didn\'t buy 4 controllers for my N64 and my DC. I have the original that came with it and a pretty one that only I use. If anyone wants to play a nice nmultiplayer game they usually bring their own pad.
Originally posted by "The One" Billy Gunn
(3) What would we do about backwards compatability if controllers were different huh?

Sinxce when was backwards compatibility a necessity? What other console advertised backwards compatibility like it was an awesome new feature? It is just an excuse to say that the PS2 already has a library of over 400+ games. Not that it was a bad strategy, pretty impressive actuall, but nothing to call home about.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2001, 12:25:20 PM »
Yes! Tomorrow I can finally insult people again! This topic is packed with moronic, bias, and ignorant replies so get ready people!

Werd.  Most of the replies here have been pretty lame, but I rarely post in this area anyways, but it\'s still fun to read to see what flaming dogsh*t Sony people and MS people are flinging.  I\'m just wondering how MS news turn into MS\\Sony debates... Isn\'t the bigger threat to MS the impending NGC launch and its consistency to have a launch with at least 2-3 AAA games that make the console a must have?  I don\'t know, but Halo isn\'t enough for me to actually want the console as soon as it releases and nearly every other videogame editor (besides the thugs at ign.pc and ign.xbox) agree with me.  It\'s just lacking something that makes it seem really interesting, but I suppose the PS2 launch did as well and back then, I needed mine for a replacement PSX and a DVD player.  Who knows, maybe something will be announced at E3 that will make it really appealing, but right now, my money will go to NGC and then X-Box in about a year or two.
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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2001, 02:07:24 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
-it\'s sound processor is utter crap compared to XBOX\'s

Hell, PS2\'s sound processor is utter crap compared to the Dreamcast\'s!  Sony just glued two PSX soundchips together and said "it\'s twice as good as the PSX sound...job well done!"  Dreamcast has a 64 channel Yamaha chip while PS2 has a 48- channel piece-o-crap!  No Dolby Surround, either?  Don\'t let me get started...
When all is said and done...the PS2 will be remembered as the console with the best games in Fall 2001.

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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2001, 02:16:47 PM »
Wow. Faston has completed his metamorphosis into a full-blown fanboy.

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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2001, 02:39:55 PM »
um i am dead sure it supports surroud sound dude.
i play it with surround sound daily.
and how many more sounds do you want? i think 40+ different sounds is enouugh to keep me occupied.
dont post sh!t please
thank you. i agree with what ryu has said, and there was a interview with a produser that said he knows that x box is only marginally better (graphically) than ps2.
sry i dont keep links too often.if you want one ill try and find it.
i know that interview was well known though
oh yeah x box has to launch next to gamecube which will be almost 1/2 the price of x box, and most people like nintendo more than microsoft, because of someone saying they are a monopoly.
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

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X-box hardware is complete
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2001, 03:00:30 PM »
Hell, PS2\'s sound processor is utter crap compared to the Dreamcast\'s! Sony just glued two PSX soundchips together and said "it\'s twice as good as the PSX sound...job well done!" Dreamcast has a 64 channel Yamaha chip while PS2 has a 48- channel piece-o-crap! No Dolby Surround, either? Don\'t let me get started...

You obviously have no idea what you\'re talking about. No Dolby Surround? Umm, better check again, it\'s there. I hate to burst your bubble, but a PS2 w/Digital Output sounds much clearer and better than the DC. I have both, and can easily distinguish the difference from going back and forth.

Ogodlything, xbox having much better sound? At first I thought you were just fighting the ignorant comments that flood this board, now I know you\'re nothing but a M$ fanboy. Seeing how you have no clue as to what the xbox will sound like, you can\'t pass that off as a fact. Oh but M$ said the soundchip was superior, must be true then. I feel bad that your xbox loving self would waste time in a sony forum. Wake up and get a clue.

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