In the most recent issue of Rolling Stone Magazine, Perrin Kaplan, Nintendo\'s vice president of corporate affairs revealed that Donkey Kong would be shown on GameCube at E3. Kaplan also said we\'ll see a Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon, as well as some M-rated games… Is Perrin referring to a new Donkey Kong Country game for GameCube or is she simply referring to Donkey Kong appearing in Super Smash Bros. 2 for GameCube? If this is a new Donkey Kong game, it is likely to be shown on video instead of being a playable GameCube game at E3.
Source Rolling Stone magazine
If it\'s true that the mascots aren\'t all being touted just for their appearances in Smash Brothers 2, then we can look for a huge Nintendo explosion at E3.
Imagine the hype built simply from the idea that separate Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, (possibly Star Fox) and Pokemon games are underway. Along with SSB. And along with "mature" games (probably Perfect Dark 2 and Conker\'s Other Bad Fur Day).
Add that with outings from the likes of Acclaim, EA, etc etc and Nintendo will be going all out at E3.
This would be the best scenario, I suppose, but who knows if it will actually happen.
If it does, the only question will be: "OK, now how about some games featuring new characters?"
E3 could be a great day for people looking forward to GCN...