Incompatable? I hooked up DVD, PS2, DC and my Digital Cable to it.... seems compatable enough to me. I know they aren\'t taking advantage of the HDTV resolutions yet, but consoles like XB and maybe GC, PS2 will in the near future. I paid $3300 for it, once prices go down a bit more (IMO they will within 2 or 3 years, well within these consoles lifetimes) more people will buy them. Like you said, 2005/6 people will need to get one or a converter box... BB has little penetration into the market too, although more common than HDTV\'s, it\'s still rare enough that in its current state, Sony (and MS\'s) online plans aren\'t going to succed. ****, everyone has phone lines and DC was packing the modem, and it was usually fast enough, and yet Seganet was only a moderate success. The point is that XB\'s specifications say explicitly that it has HDTV support, and PS2 doesn\'t. My guess is that XB will be capable of output of a greater resolution than PS2. If not, Sony\'s push to make the PS2 the centerpeice of every entertainment center will be a little weaker for no reason. If there\'s one thing I\'m sure of, it\'s that Sony definitely would not include a cool sounding feature like HDTV support, then decide not to tell anyone. FFX is not the standard for anything, and you do not need 2 discs to do HD.
hmmm.... that\'s a lot of rambling.....