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Author Topic: Only one way out.:please read and reply  (Read 1239 times)

Offline ooseven
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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« on: May 16, 2001, 11:36:40 AM »
is it just me or am i sufferingfor the fatal disease to gamers " the Grass is always greener on the other side".

ok let me explain i am a happy PS2 owner i have a few titles that will be greatly increased come summer time, i am looking forward to a multitude of PS2 titles still due to be released in the UK.

But i have a Problem

a little corner of my heart has been taken over byt THE X BOX ?

yup thats right i though i was sheilded from it but now hearing of the price drop i am starting to think about putting some omeny way so that i can buy one.

why i hear you ask ?

well with the SCreens and Movies i have seen of it, it makes my heart flutter with excitment ( HALO i LOVE you and want your Babies !.)

Look i am notsaying oh thats it i am ditching my PS2 and throwing my lot in with Microsoft, but i am saying i likes what i see now.

Before inever saw the appeal of the X box but now i do.

They have Great games , a nice console and the determination to take Sony on

and with SONY they have Great games , a nice console and the determination to take Microsoft on

The out come Great games for both the PS2 and X box as they try and Knock the S%^& out of each other.

And what if one fails and becomes the next 3DO ?

well what will i care , sorry to sound self centered but i am a gamer looking for my next "kick" , What the Fook do i care about the company its not as if i work for Sony or Microsoft.

but in saying that if i was ever offered a Job By Sony or microsoft i would be the First to take it.

now i know i have igrored the GameCube but the reason for this is they have yet to wow me.

but in saying that Nintendo have been very low key with this console so ill wait ill E3 is over before i see if i likes it or not.

ok sorry for taking your time away from the E3 coverage.

But is any of you lot out their a new X box lover like me ?......

if so please reply as it looks like the Bond mister has come out of the Microsoft Closet.

Now the trick thin convincing Miss moneypenny that an X box will improve my Spying performance.

please perdon the spelling as i have come over all a funny while writing this....
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Offline Mac1
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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2001, 12:27:02 PM »
thats exactly how i feel, I promised myself I wouldnt buy an x-box but I feel weak as if i must give in.... The only thing that is keeping me away from x-box is Gamecube....I dont know wich one to get!!!!

Offline Coredweller
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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2001, 12:45:08 PM »
If MS can actually bring some games to market that I like, I\'ll buy an XBox.  It\'s no big deal, and I don\'t feel guilty because I already bought a PS2.  There\'s no need to feel like you\'re betraying someone because from a market share perspective, people like us who buy more than one console don\'t exist.  It\'s the non-hardcore gamers and people who haven\'t invested in a console yet that Sony and MS are most concerned about.

Enjoy your XBox if you get one, but I wouldn\'t buy at launch.  Wait for some reviews to roll in, and evaluate the hardware reliability and so forth.  Oh yeah, and 00seven, you need to stop hitting your ENTER key so much.  It\'s hard to read your text when it\'s like that.  :D :D :D :D
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Offline ooseven
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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2001, 12:47:48 PM »
Originally posted by Coredweller
If MS can actually bring some games to market that I like, I\'ll buy an XBox.  It\'s no big deal, and I don\'t feel guilty because I already bought a PS2.  There\'s no need to feel like you\'re betraying someone because from a market share perspective, people like us who buy more than one console don\'t exist.  It\'s the non-hardcore gamers and people who haven\'t invested in a console yet that Sony and MS are most concerned about.

Enjoy your XBox if you get one, but I wouldn\'t buy at launch.  Wait for some reviews to roll in, and evaluate the hardware reliability and so forth.  Oh yeah, and 00seven, you need to stop hitting your ENTER key so much.  It\'s hard to read your text when it\'s like that.  :D :D :D :D

Sorry mate its E3 time and the bond mister is excited with all the buzz
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Offline RichG
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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2001, 02:27:09 PM »
Well my first comment is that although you may not care if a console turns out to be the next 3do in terms of companies it still affects the gamers. Look at all the people who bought the Jaguar, Saturn etc they will all feel like they have wasted their money.

As for X-Box I personally am not drawn to it at all and im not a fanboy in anyway either. I\'ve critised PS2 more than i\'ve praised it. :)

However if you want one then go for it. Im sure it will have enough games at least to make it worth the purchase and it could turn out to be a great console.

I bet you will also want NGC after E3 too. :)

Offline Falcon4
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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2001, 02:31:46 PM »
only halo has impressed me.. although the framerate is lacking.. i want to see the future of this console gamewise, and so far i see pc ports.
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2001, 02:41:57 PM »
Originally posted by RichGUK
Well my first comment is that although you may not care if a console turns out to be the next 3do in terms of companies it still affects the gamers. Look at all the people who bought the Jaguar, Saturn etc they will all feel like they have wasted their money.

As for X-Box I personally am not drawn to it at all and im not a fanboy in anyway either. I\'ve critised PS2 more than i\'ve praised it. :)

However if you want one then go for it. Im sure it will have enough games at least to make it worth the purchase and it could turn out to be a great console.

I bet you will also want NGC after E3 too. :)

Bah. The Saturn was not a waste of money. And the Jaguar had a few good games also. I own both. I also have a 3DO with 90 games (Ebay, it rules).

Personally, if all works out as planned, I will be getting an Xbox and GC on their respective launch dates. I think both companies are goin\' to have great systems. So far, it looks as there will be no losers for us gamers.

Nintendo fans will have plenty of Nintendo glory.

Sony fans will get their fix of Square, Naughty Dog and Gran Turismo.

MS fans have The Matrix, Jet Set Radio Future, Gotham Racing, Halo and alot more to look forward to.

 Not to mention each system will be getting plenty of Sega games, so us Sega fan\'s can\'t go wrong with any of the three systems.

Offline AlteredBeast
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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2001, 05:39:42 PM »
Originally posted by RichGUK
Well my first comment is that although you may not care if a console turns out to be the next 3do in terms of companies it still affects the gamers. Look at all the people who bought the Jaguar, Saturn etc they will all feel like they have wasted their money.

As for X-Box I personally am not drawn to it at all and im not a fanboy in anyway either. I\'ve critised PS2 more than i\'ve praised it. :)

However if you want one then go for it. Im sure it will have enough games at least to make it worth the purchase and it could turn out to be a great console.

I bet you will also want NGC after E3 too. :)

My Saturn is still my most played system ever, easily. And I still have so many left to buy. My Jaguar was just up and firing a cou0le days ago when I busted out Wolfy and Kasumi Ninja.

Basically, this is how the future will go. X-Box will be successful. There is not a snowballs chance in Mexico that X-Box will fail when they have the huge names behind them like Sega, EA, Tecmo, etc. These guys sell games.

to ooseven - Some people saw it sooner than others. I realized that X-Box was going to be a feasibly good system about a month ago. Professor X and others saw it earlier, and I appreciate them pushing ME over the edge. But wait, there is more of E3 to come and after you will cry like I will as the 3 competing systems will all have to be bought in order to not miss out on the incredible games announced!

ahhhhhh, Sega, thank you for developing for everyone, you have made me more poor than I could ever imagine.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2001, 05:42:41 PM »
PC ports?

DOA3, Gotham Racing, Oddworld, JSR Future, Amped, Azurik, etc,etc, etc!!! If all you see is PC Ports, than that is your own fault for not opening up your mind to new ideas.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

Offline EThugg
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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2001, 07:21:45 PM »
Originally posted by Falcon4
only halo has impressed me.. although the framerate is lacking.. i want to see the future of this console gamewise, and so far i see pc ports.

As opposed to the dozens of PS2 PC ports, the Real Player, Flash, etc on PS2? You need to open your eyes, all three systems have lots of quality exclusives. That includes XB.
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Only one way out.:please read and reply
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2001, 09:05:09 PM »
F*ck it. Buy both. Ain\'t nothing wrong with getting your fix wherever you can. I\'m not too interested in Microsoft\'s console, yeah it\'s got great eye candy, but that\'s not all there is to gaming. For right now, I can see the PS2 and Dreamcast fulfilling all my gaming needs. That may change in the future, but for right now I\'m satisfied. And that all that matters isn\'t it?
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