Originally posted by RichGUK
Well my first comment is that although you may not care if a console turns out to be the next 3do in terms of companies it still affects the gamers. Look at all the people who bought the Jaguar, Saturn etc they will all feel like they have wasted their money.
As for X-Box I personally am not drawn to it at all and im not a fanboy in anyway either. I\'ve critised PS2 more than i\'ve praised it. 
However if you want one then go for it. Im sure it will have enough games at least to make it worth the purchase and it could turn out to be a great console.
I bet you will also want NGC after E3 too.
Bah. The Saturn was not a waste of money. And the Jaguar had a few good games also. I own both. I also have a 3DO with 90 games (Ebay, it rules).
Personally, if all works out as planned, I will be getting an Xbox and GC on their respective launch dates. I think both companies are goin\' to have great systems. So far, it looks as there will be no losers for us gamers.
Nintendo fans will have plenty of Nintendo glory.
Sony fans will get their fix of Square, Naughty Dog and Gran Turismo.
MS fans have The Matrix, Jet Set Radio Future, Gotham Racing, Halo and alot more to look forward to.
Not to mention
each system will be getting plenty of Sega games, so us Sega fan\'s can\'t go wrong with any of the three systems.