Nice one Noone but it could of also been like this......
Please don\'t flame its just fun and to remind everyone there just games !
MS guy: As you can see the X-Box is really good.
some guy at E3: Hey is that a BSOD?
MS guy: *turns around* huh,err no that is uhhh.The start screen for the game see it says press button right there.
the E3 guy: No it says press any key to restart
MS guy: You read it wrong
Er guy Why has the Playstation 2 Browers system screen just apperied ?
MS guy: Oh that we must be picking up interferance from a lesser Games Stall *looks over at the MGS2 stand and sheds a tear*.
E3 guy: So why has it now just said " warning this programme has carried out an illegal opperation and will be shutdown ?" .
MS guy:Ah...... that\'s the games new feature , you see the aim ofthe game is to collect and train as many of them as you can find, you can look after them and then enter in battles to try and get more, in the game your first one is called Peekaboo , hes half Yellow Rat and Half Windows Fatal warning box *his face turns red* ...ah bugger.....
E3 guy: But isn\'t that a TOTAL rip of of Pokemon
MS guy: Pokemon whats that.......?
E3 guy: Pokemon the Hit TV/Card game / Games for Nintendo Game boy and N64 ?.........
MS guy: Ninetento Who ?
E3 guy: You know Nintendo theyre your Arch enemys in the console market , you know them and Sony Remember....
MS guy: Look i don\'t know where your going with this but could i please ask you to STOP, i mean if you realy think ill let slip that Microsoft are at this moment are in TOP SECRET talks with Sony to join forces and develop the next line of Consoles, well SONY and Microsoft would want my Blood for that.....WALLS HAVE EARS YOU KNOW *He stops only to realise what he has just said*
E3 guy: A Deal between SONY and Microsoft ?..........
MS guy: who siad that, thats an unfounded rumour, careless talk costs ultra high Multinational Ventures *stops only to wipe the sweat of his forehead*, oh no I DID IT AGAIN.....*
E3 guy: ok so after what we have just seen with the X box OS and what you have just said, your trying to tell us thats it\'s all just a Rumour ? ! ? ! ?! ....
MS guy: Errrrrrmmmmmmmm...........Yeeesss *he stops he looks nervous, but then* , Ah What can say but APRIL FOOLS , that will work*is this Mic on or Off ?*, yeah its all a APRIL fools for all you Games Reporters.......
E3 guy: April Fools , FFS it\'s the MIDDLE of MotherF^&*ing MAY !........
MS guy: Is it ... well you see we at Microsoft have been very busy with new developments infact swiftly moving onto one of them ,and to quickly change the subject here is our next Exclusive game i hope you like it.[/B]
E3 guy: But Hold on .......
MS guy: Shut up or ill get The RocK to , give you the Rocks bottom.......
E3 guy: Actually ill think you will find thats......
MS guy: Shut it ! *The PR Guy turns and presses the button to show the next movie, there is a deadly silence and then looks of absolute shock, on the large screen behind him is a racing game, a racing game with the title GT3 : A spook *
All of the people watching Ehhhhhhh!!!!!!!?????
MS guy: As you can see GT3 : A spook delivers the latest word in Driving/Racing games, it will feature 173 cars with 6 F1 mockup\'s plus rallying and Endurence racing, players can chose between ARCADE and our new GranD Turism......*He dosen\'t even get a chance to finnish this sentence, the same guy cut\'s him off mid flow with.....
E3 guy: BullS%^&, thats Gran Turismo 3 A spec for the PLAYSTATION 2, WTF are you playing at is this some kind of Sick Joke ?
MS guy: Well thats where YOUR wrong SMART@RSE !, it\'s developers MONYPHONY Analouge have singed an Exclusive dieal to make GRAND TURISMO 3 : A Spook (working title) a X Box exclusive.....
E3 Guy:Actually your wrong there, beciuase its POLYPHONY DIGITAL and not MONYPHONY Analouge , its CALLED GRAN TURISMO 3 : A SPEC , as in A spec Fast SPORTS cars , and you can\'t have that as an exclusive anyway because they are a 1t party developer for Sony.........[/B]
MS guy: here YOUR wrong AGAIN, we have singed a deal with Sony to develop the next Genneration of Consoles REMEMBER...........*He then realises what he just said* OOOOWwwwwww Bloody HELL .....*storms of the stage but not before throwing the Large screen remote through the Large Screen*....