Panzer, Panzer 2, Daytona ONLINE, Duke 3D ONLINE, Sega Rally ONLINE, Virtual On ONLINE, Shining Force 3, Panzer Saga, Radiant Silvergun, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, X-Men vs. Streetfighter (arcade perfect), Sakura Wars 1 and 2, Virus, Deep Fear, Courier Crisis, Shining Wisdom, Burning Rangers, Quake, etc etc,etc,etc, et effing cetera!
Panzer / Panzer 2 - awesome games.
Daytona - 15fps, clipping 2 feet in front of you, no thanks.
Duke 3D - umm, low resolution rehash of the original PC game, nah I\'ll pass.
Sega Rally - Great game. No comments.
Virtual On - Graphically disappointing, played well.
Shining Force 3 - I\'ll take Final Fantasy Tactics.
Panzer Saga - Never went through it,.. heard from many sources that it was great. Looked intriguing.
Radiant Silvergun - The king of shooters.
Resident Evil - Umm, PSX version was much better.
Tomb Raider - See above.
X-men VS Streetfighter - 4mb cart goodness. Bless Capcom.
Sakura Wars 1 / 2 - Never played them.
Virus - "
Deep Fear - "
Courier Crisis - "
Shining Wisdom - Don\'t tell me this is that early 2d game using rendered sprites .. ugh.
Burning Rangers - Never played it, but coming from Sonic Team it should be good.
Quake -
Here\'s some more Saturn goodness;
Guardian Heroes, Sillhouette Mirage, Six-men scramble, Pocket Fighters, SFZ 3 (best version IMO), Vampire Saviour, Elevator Action Returns, Thunderforce V (psx port sucked), Dragon Force (yum!), All of the Parodius series, Cotton.. and more that I forgot.
The point of my post? Well, I was just bored, and wanted to comment on some Saturn games. There\'s a flipside to every coin, tons of Saturn games sucked, and tons were great. It was definitely worth having a Saturn especially to import. Sadly, I don\'t have one, but had a friend who imported like crazy. PSX was overall better IMO though.
- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.