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Author Topic: PSONE vs N64  (Read 2620 times)

Offline datamage
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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2001, 06:15:52 PM »
dont you mean Zero 3, datamage? :-)

hehe oops. (will edit my post now) ;-)

It\'s a shame some of the Saturn modes were taken out of the DC version.

- dm
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Offline Bozco
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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2001, 06:49:01 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
you obviously put alot of theought into that well detailed response.  :rolleyes:

Eric Jacob


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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2001, 07:27:47 PM »
Originally posted by pstwo
Bozco, That guy at the store is a N64 Fanboy!  I just have to name 7 games that N64 can\'t touch.  GanTurismo 2, Tekken 3, RE 3, MGS, PE2, Soul Reaver and MOH underground.   Theres more, but theres too much to list.  I still play PSone games on my PS2. I still like MOH underground!  :D

I wouldn\'t say the N64 couldn\'t touch those games. No system sucks, games are the deciding factor. The thing is, that the best rated games between both PSX and N64 were mostly N64, but the PSX had waaaay more good games, so it easily beats out the amazing games N64 has.

You can\'t say the N64 can\'t touch those games, because it\'s all a matter of personal taste. For example, I didn\'t really like Gran Turismo 2 or Resident Evil 3. But then again, I don\'t like racing simulators, and I guess I expected more from RE after Code Veronica for the DC. I may say that Ocarina of Time was great, but I know a lot of people who hated it.

BTW, what\'s everyone\'s top two games from each system?

PSX - Chrono Cross / Metal Gear Solid
N64 - Ocarina of Time / Perfect Dark
August 26th, 2002.

Offline Metal_Gear_Ray
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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2001, 07:40:17 PM »
n64 was a piece of **** for gamers like me who like fighters, action,RPGs and racers. n64 was good for people who liked platformers, pokemon crap and bad accliam games

Some n64 games were great, really good like zelda mario kart and turok (first one)

psx won IMO
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Offline Saotome
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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2001, 08:02:54 PM »
Originally posted by Metal_Gear_Ray
n64 was a piece of **** for gamers like me who like fighters, action,RPGs and racers. n64 was good for people who liked platformers, pokemon crap and bad accliam games

Some n64 games were great, really good like zelda mario kart and turok (first one)

psx won IMO

Nintendo 64 was horrible for Fighting and RPG. I disagree with you on racing. It had a huge selection of racing games.

It was good for platformers, FPS, and adventures.
August 26th, 2002.

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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2001, 10:59:17 PM »
I agree with bos_hardware n64 was the console which made me bitter towards nintendo and GC (so far) is helping it.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2001, 12:22:39 AM »
Originally posted by Bozco

i was so pissed when i got him i started this thread, FF7 beats all the games on the N64 combined except Bond which was a great game
Oh AlteredBeast what were you doing to your PSONE i have owned mine for 4 years and it works perfectly, and the saturn sucked man, yeah its so much better than the PSONE, it sold so many more consoles and the games looked so much better wait NO, genesis was the last good sega console, dreamcast was alright not good or great

Remember, just because a system sells more doesn\'t mean it is great. I mean, by all means the Neo-Geo was a great system, that didn\'t sell alot.

The Saturn problems was.

1: US suprise launch.
2: Price ($400, I believe).
3: Complicated design--which by the way, the PS2 sort of took after.;)
4:A bad taste left in some gamers mouths, after the Sega Cd / 32x fiasco.

Personally, I thought the Saturn was an excellent system and have plenty of great memories. I also enjoyed my Psone--err, my many Psone\'s...

The Saturn was the 2D powerhouse of the 32bit era. While Sony fans\' couldn\'t enjoy Capcom\'s "VS" series to the fullest extent, Saturn owners was. Not to mention the Japanese Saturn controller was sent from heaven.

By the way, the Dreamcast was an excellent system that sadly died too soon. When the DC came out, I bought 5 games and played them constantly, for months. When the Ps2 came out, I bought 6 games and barely played them at all. The DC truly ushed in a new era of gaming, with titles like Resident Evil: Code Veronica, Crazy Taxi, Soul Calibur. I mean, don\'t you find it a tad bit funny that alot of the bigger DC titles are goin\' to the PS2 and everyone is excited?  It is because the DC was home to some of the most excellent games. And if Sega didn\'t make quality systems and games, then why is it such a big deal that they are a third party now?;)

Moving on..

 I was one of the people who was excited with the N64 when it was known as "Project Reality", then the  Ultra64, and then finally, after many delays, the Nintendo 64. I got one on launch day, after waiting out in the cold and had Mario64. After that, I didn\'t get to enjoy it much. Only a few games interested me, games like Zelda. I never liked the N64 controller either. So, sadly I didn\'t really care for my N64. But, with the GameCube I do see a certain restored faith in Nintendo.

On a side note: After see\'in all the complaints of the original PS breaking down and now Ps2 problems, it doesn\'t seem like Sony makes their systems to last. My SNES I actually laid on a furnance and melted the system , so that it was massively deformed and it worked perfect, until I gave it away to one of my little cousins (I bought another). I\'ve dropped my Saturn, spilled stuff on my Genesis, and both have worked perfect.

Offline Bozco
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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2001, 03:43:49 AM »
Yes Living-In-Clip, selling less doesnt make it worse of a system but I always thought the N64 got its ass spanked and everybody else had till this jerk store owner said this, and my psone has stains all over it, its been ripped from the wall by my dad, its been dropped, its been kicked, but thank god it was never drop kicked

Offline datamage
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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2001, 12:52:52 PM »
I was one of the people who was excited with the N64 when it was known as "Project Reality", then the Ultra64, and then finally, after many delays, the Nintendo 64

Yup, tell me about it. I remember preaching to my friends about \'Project Reality\' which turned out to be \'Disappointed Reality.\' .. Load-management, performance resembling an onyx workstation. Oh man, the list goes on forever. Nintendo messed up hard-core. I\'m glad I got rid of mine quickly, no game on that pitiful system impresses me.

- dm
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Offline politiepet
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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2001, 01:09:39 PM »
N64: can anyone say: blurry textures?
i hope they all get aids and die they should bnt tbbe having sezx with just anyone they should be in love if theay are foing to have sex not just to make money I htink its wrong for them to just have sexzx for the fun of it specially when some of the performancs are married, its just wrong. tey are givng out deaseases to anyone and its just not right i tell you i think its really really wrong specially when tey have sex i dot whach porno though so im not sure what they do i dont theink theyr realy hjave sex its all just pretendnig but you never no what they do its just wrong speciallly when they dont even love each other its wrong i ell you in tsi just wrong. wtings owting wtrong wtongs wtongs. i dont like it. prlease explaions.

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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2001, 01:11:58 PM »
PSX: can anyone say crappy graphics overall? :D

Offline datamage
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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2001, 02:23:25 PM »
PSX: can anyone say crappy graphics overall?

Crappy graphics from a 32bit system that surpassed those of a superhyped pitiful 64bit machine. And no, not the Jaguar.

- dm
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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2001, 02:27:11 PM »
Originally posted by datamage

Crappy graphics from a 32bit system that surpassed those of a superhyped pitiful 64bit machine. And no, not the Jaguar.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.

L:laughing:L! PSX does NOT have superior graphics when compared to the N64. Why do people keep saying graphics don\'t win a console war and they use N64 as an example? Explain that please.

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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2001, 02:31:20 PM »
Except for a few games, the N64 really did suck. And out of all those games, Mario64 still stands as the best one, in my opinion.

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PSONE vs N64
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2001, 02:33:47 PM »
LL! PSX does NOT have superior graphics when compared to the N64. Why do people keep saying graphics don\'t win a console war and they use N64 as an example? Explain that please.

Hmm, better texturing + higher polygon throughput. Not to mention more stable framerates. People? The majority = ignorant

The N64 is supposed to be the superior machine, and it\'s not. MGS could never be done on that machine, well, @ 15fps it could have. The n64 had horrendous textures, horrible framerates, and extremely low-polygon usage. I have seen and played almost every N64 game, 99% look horrible. The textures and resolution in Zelda make me sick. Argue all you want, it\'s obvious that you\'ll defend Nintendo @ whatever cost. I have played and seen all, and own most. I don\'t care for loyalty.

And btw, when ppl use that phrase, they mean better hardware, not better graphics. Hardware wise, the N64 is supposed to be superior.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.


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