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Author Topic: PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox  (Read 4009 times)

Offline Heretic
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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2001, 11:30:18 AM »
I think its ironic MS is so scared of Xbox being tagged as a PC yet the only way they can distinguish it as not being one is to withhold features most consumers would find very useful. Sony has no such fear and is making the most of the PS2 being a powerful affordable home computer.

Correct me if I\'m wrong but I think at the root of the xbox=PC argument was the games generally have a PC look about them. So far it appears to still hold true. Some PS2 and GC devs have shown they can manage to break that mold. Care if you do, don\'t if you don\'t.

Here\'s irony and a paradox: a PS2 fanboy is no worse than a anti-fanboy "fanboy".

Generalizing and trash talking about consoles is okay by me, doing it to PS2 fans here isn\'t. Geez Sam, aren\'t you supposed to be one of the guys that goes around trying to keep the peace?

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2001, 12:21:57 PM »
My views of you as a mod have really gone down,i carnt believe you started a thread like this!!!!!!!

Ethan_Hunt shut your F*Cking mouth you should like such a DlCK. Go pull your head out of SONY\'S ass.
Samwise is an excellent MOD, just because he\'s not biased towards XBOX, and isn\'t a morbid FANBOY like you doesn’t give you a right to pick on him.

Generalizing and trash talking about consoles is okay by me, doing it to PS2 fans here isn\'t. Geez Sam, aren\'t you supposed to be one of the guys that goes around trying to keep the peace?

MY GOD, FANBOY alert!!!! attention FAnboy alert.

Samwise I have a great deal of respect for your integrity here, I know it\'s hard to speak the truth some times, and in that process you take the risk of getting flamed by these lamers, but remember these FANBOYS who can\'t stop sucking on SONY\'s Dlck, simply aren’t worth it. It\'s funny how the only people here who objects to your thread samwise just happen to be anti-Xbox(of course they wont admit it)

PS2 = mini PC oh and yeah a console to.
XBOX= game console -and just because it has pc components doesn’t mean it\'s a pc. It\'s how they use the system, and PS2 is trying to be a mini-portable home

Offline nO-One

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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2001, 12:48:30 PM »
Don\'t over react Ethan.
Sam was only trying to inform those who bash the X-Box for being to PC-ish,while ignoring the PC-ishness of the PS.2.

Sony is just getting alot of people to work with them.They are trying to appeal to all age groups.

MS will do the same.
(Do keep in mind that the X-Box is 100% normal x86 hardware)
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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2001, 12:50:28 PM »
(Do keep in mind that the X-Box is 100% normal x86 hardware

not really, but very close. Anyhow what\'s your point?

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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2001, 12:54:29 PM »
That even though they have games that aren\'t PC ports (it was talked about that it would only have a bunch of ports and very few original games),and say all the time that this is a games console.It\'s still based on available technoligy.

But they are right,doesn\'t matter what it\'s based on it is a games console.It\'s being marketed as one,it\'ll have alot of games.It\'s a games console,
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Offline Samwise
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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2001, 01:18:03 PM »
Well, oh well, this thread has certainly gotten some people out of the bush. :)

By Ryu:
In any case, having companies support your system to make surfing the web an easy task can\'t be a bad thing. We all love to play games online, but I also do a lot more with my BB connectionthen play CS, B&W and a few others. You may call it "PC-ish" sammy, but I call it tools for the enviornment.
I never said that I think PS2 is bad, or the deals, hardware, options etc for PS2 are bad. Not at all. I was simply pointing out the irony in what many fanboys had been using against a rival console - I think AlteredBeast would be more than happy to classify this as a classic example of having double standards. On a personal sidenote, I\'d much rather surf on my computer monitor with high resolution and a high refresh rate, but to each his own.

By Ethan:
Samwise where the **** are you getting your info from?how the hell do you know what the Xbox is going to have and what it isnt?alot of the new PCish things for the PS2 are for the internet,the things you require to view the web properly these days,and i am very happy that sony,has these deals wrapped up.
My views of you as a mod have really gone down,i carnt believe you started a thread like this!!!!!!!
Um... I think you\'re going a bit over the top here. All I said was the truth and I wanted a debate in this nice console debating forum. Just because I\'m a moderator doesn\'t mean I\'m stupid, that I don\'t have an opinion nor that I am a 100% Sony fanboy. If me being unbiased offends you, or the fact that I also have opinions, then I can\'t do anything but regret your views. I hope I\'ll gain back some respect from you in the future. If not, well,  then there really isn\'t much I can do about it. I can only hope you\'ll think this through rationally and eventually conclude that I am right.

By Heretic:
Generalizing and trash talking about consoles is okay by me, doing it to PS2 fans here isn\'t. Geez Sam, aren\'t you supposed to be one of the guys that goes around trying to keep the peace?
[/b]I don\'t think untrue trash talking of consoles is okay. But how am I \'trash talking\' PS2 fans? For speaking the truth? I can\'t help to think that the people who are offended of this thread are the very people that it applies to. The onces who weren\'t in such a hurry to diss Xbox because \'it\'s a PC\' or whatever, don\'t take offence in this (note, I\'m not saying that this does indeed apply to you...). And trust me, I keep order and peace in here every single day.

Bottomline is: PS2 is a good console. But it does seem pretty ironic to me how Sony is making it a "computer entertainment system" whereas MS (the evil PC software developer) is focusing more on a "games-only" machine. And I think any levelheaded gamer would agree with me here - they shouldn\'t take offense at least.

PS. Thanks for those who stood up for me. :)
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline EThugg
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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2001, 01:51:37 PM »
Sam was right, everyone should stop ridin\' on \'im. It seems obvious that some fanboys can\'t take the critisizm as well as they dish it out... how sad.
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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2001, 02:56:12 PM »
Sam was right, everyone should stop ridin\' on \'im. It seems obvious that some fanboys can\'t take the critisizm as well as they dish it out... how sad.


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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2001, 08:17:48 PM »
Samwise, I was already keen on the fact that the PS2 is indeed a mini PC. I just never looked at this post because I new some people would flame you (I knew WHO too) and what it would be about. I have looked at nearly all other topics and appreciate the nod towards my passion of DS looking :) thanks a bunch and be on the lookout, believe it or not, they run rampant on here!

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Offline Living-In-Clip

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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2001, 11:57:16 PM »
Amazing, that some of you  think Sam should keep his opinion to himself or be a Ps2 fanboy.

Some of you sit and ***** about how the Xbox is nothing but a mini-pc, but has anyone announced a third party USB zip drive for the Xbox? Uh. No. They sure did for the PS2 though. How about the Real Player / AOL partnership? Or maybe the HD add-on? I mean, at least MS is throwing in the hard-drive, where as Sony\'s whole hard drive seems to be an after thought. It is just ironic,  that some PS2 fanboys sit and complain that the Xbox is NOTHING but a mini-pc. Well, maybe so. But, MS has said time and time again they are making a game machine. Where as Sony is adding all these things--making it more a PC then even the Xbox, and don\'t even market it as a game console. It is a "computer entertainment system". Now, I don\'t personally see the big deal in it. As long as the games are good, I don\'t give a damn what they market it as. But it doesn\'t make sense for Ps2 fans to trash the Xbox, just because it has PC parts and the MS logo.

Give me a break Living-In-Clip...Jak and Daxter is attractive not only for children...and the fact that developers will make games for each "age-band" doesn\'t mean PS2 is a kiddy-console like Nintendo\'s one!

Maybe so. But, who is to say Mario isn\'t attractive to mature gamers? The fact is, people go around making fun of Nintendo because their games are somewhat "kiddie\'ish" in looks, and yet Sony seems to have plenty of "kiddie" games on their system. I personally love these so called "kiddie" games, but if a fanboy is goin\' to point out something out about another system, they should at least look at theirs first and notice the irony of it.

Offline BizioEE

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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2001, 12:40:47 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

Maybe so. But, who is to say Mario isn\'t attractive to mature gamers? The fact is, people go around making fun of Nintendo because their games are somewhat "kiddie\'ish" in looks, and yet Sony seems to have plenty of "kiddie" games on their system. I personally love these so called "kiddie" games, but if a fanboy is goin\' to point out something out about another system, they should at least look at theirs first and notice the irony of it.

...I know what you mean...and yes...agreed...however I love the Nintendo "so called kiddie games" too and I can\'t wait for Mario and Nintendo\'s first and second Party Games ! ;)

I never meant "Younger Market" as something denigrating !
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Offline Heretic
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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2001, 01:39:03 AM »
Originally posted by Samwise
But how am I \'trash talking\' PS2 fans?

By saying the following;

Originally posted by Samwise
I think it\'s pretty ironic how PS2 fanboys always referred to Xbox as being a small PC and whatnot.

In a PS2 forum the statement is flame bait. Substitute xbox bashers or MS h8ters for PS2 fanboy and it might not have seemed so bad.  Instead it pigeonholes those here who view Xbox as little more than a powerful PC(whatnot?) into the lame category of PS2 fanboy. The irony trying to be pointed out only comes into play by ignoring the basic difference in the CPU\'s but I guess you went over that and don\'t care. So much for irony. You guys should know damn well the PCish factor leveled at xbox has nothing to do with surfing the net, email, or zip drives. Come to think of it, just the title alone was enough to warrant catching crap. And so it flows- while good old Sam the mod gets backed up by TOT with his colorful potty mouth and repeated screams of fanboy. Doesn\'t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy Sam?

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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2001, 03:11:19 AM »
Heretic, I think you\'re wrong. I said PS2 fanboys - I didn\'t say PS2 fans. I hate fanboys and whatever system they love doesn\'t matter to me! If they\'re PS2 fanboys then they\'re just as bad as GC/Xbox fanboys in my opinion. There\'s no excuse for being a fanboy. Don\'t think because I\'m moderator at a PS2 forum I like PS2 fanboys more - because I don\'t. If you have a problem with that, then there\'s nothing I can do.

I know the Xbox components are more "PC\'ish" than PS2, but the IRONY here is that EVEN though Xbox has PC\'ish components it focuses on GAMING and it doesn\'t have all those non-gaming options that PS2 does. That is a fact my dear man. And here is the irony I was talking about - do you understand it now?

BTW, you don\'t have to lecture me about anything. I should think I know what I\'m doing. :rolleyes:

Oh well, can\'t please them all.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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PS2 more "PC\'ish" than Xbox
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2001, 03:31:25 AM »
I think Samwise was totally in the right to post this subject. The PS2 is becomming more an more like a PC with it\'s functionality every day. Hell you can even program on it thanks to Ybasic or whatever that program Sony released in Europe was. Not to mention the Linux dev kits that while being meant only for developers are being sold to anyone who can foot the cash. (Least, that\'s the way I understand it.) I don\'t think there\'s anything wrong with that. Remember that all these add-ons are just that... add-ons. The PS2 can be a Mini-pc... IF you want it to be one. At it\'s core, it\'s still a kick ass gaming console.

Now I\'m not going to act all innocent and say I\'ve never called the Xbox a mini-pc. I have, several times. But I wasn\'t complaining about the functionality.. I was complaining about the archetecture. Personally, no matter how well it works, I still think MS set the console industry backward a few steps by using off the shelf PC components and sticking to the X86 archetecture. Yeah, it\'s tried and true.. but there\'s gotta be a better way out there. It\'s through experimentation and trying new things that more efficent and better hardware configurations are discovered. The Dreamcast, PS2, and GameCube have all created (or hired someone else to create) new archetecture for their consoles. And I applaud their efforts to further the industry through innovation. But not Microsoft. They may have the most powerful hardware, capable of creating graphics which will send you into an eplileptic seziure of joy... but as Ryu once said.. As far as innovation and originality is concerned, Xbox\'s hardware brings nothing new to the gaming table.
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« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2001, 07:05:21 AM »
TheOgodlyThing,i havent got my head up Sonys Arse,you ****,i have a DC,will get an Xbox,and Gamcube,all i was saying was,how does Samwise know what Xbox is going to have and what it isnt?
And look at what this thread did,just made people angry!!!ok,you siad i was a **** with my head up sony arse!!!didnt know sony was an actual person but there you go,now if i had made this thread,then i would have got **** on BIG time,but because a mod made this thread,it is ok to say what you like.
Look i dont what to have any bad feelings with people on this forum ok,so what do you say no hard feeling TheOgodlyThing and Samwise?

p.s And Samwise i am sorry for what i said,but that is how i felt at the time i read it,but i am sorry now.
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