Well from a technical standpoint I think they did more than not dissapoint, they overwhelmed.
But from a games point of view I think they could have done more. The only games I was really dying to try were Rogue Squadron and Pikmin. Luigi\'s Mansion I\'m likely not going to get, especially with the announcement of a new Mario title in development. The game really had very little to do with Mario (obviously) and I think Luigi didn\'t even have the ability to jump! What is that?! A Mario game with no jump button?!
A lot of their games sounded like more of the same, and the title that I was most anticipating, Zelda, was a no show.
I have no doubt that most of the games they displayed are very fun, but their not living uo to their supposed 4 legs philosophy which supposedly includes innovation.
Obviously no one is disapointed, but it looks like Nintendo wants to keep us playing the wait-and-see game.