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Author Topic: Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!  (Read 1332 times)

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« on: May 18, 2001, 03:22:27 PM »
Xbox_incabrain : eigamerzx asks what were the reasons for making DOA3 exclusively for xbox ??
Tecmo_DOA3 : Because Dead or Alive 3 can only be realized through the power of Xbox
Tecmo_DOA3 : It\'s all about power"

Temco also stated for the record that was DOA3 running in real-time on Alpha Hardware? and then said that they are now going to move to the Beta version now, and the graphics will be far better"

go check out the chat over at XBOX.COM

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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2001, 08:37:54 PM »
I wonder why they even bother releasing games on PS2 when X-Box is just so much more powerful?

Cause PS2 was the only system avalible at the time, which solds lots of units and still does. So in other words there\'s money to make on psx2 in software.

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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2001, 09:35:19 PM »
Well Gee, if power is everything, I wonder why developers were\'nt flocking to the N64 in droves. Or the GameGear, Jaguar, Mastersystem, Nomad, and NeoGeo for that matter. Lets not forget the Genesis which was half as powerful as the SNES yet still garnered tons of exclusive games and beat Nintnedo in console sales (At a margin of 4:1 in some areas no less) for 4 out of 5 concecutive buisness years.

You seem to have it stuck in your head that power is what attracts developers when in fact, if you look at history, power has very little to do with it.
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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2001, 09:55:33 PM »
You seem to have it stuck in your head that power is what attracts developers when in fact, if you look at history, power has very little to do with it.

I\'m not even going to bother to respond to that, please someone else explain???

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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2001, 01:59:02 AM »
Well, essentially, except for one very unsure and hotly debated instance (SNES vs. Genesis), the most powerful console of every generation of gaming always gets beaten out by a less powerful console. Look at the history:

Gen 1: Atari 2600 d. Intellivision, ColecoV, and countless others, all newer and more powerful

Gen 2: NES d. Sega Master System

Gen 3: SNES vs. Genesis. There isn\'t really a clear winner, probably never will be.

Gen 4: PSX d. Saturn and N64, both having more raw power
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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2001, 02:17:35 AM »
Well, and like I mentioned with the handhelds. The same pattern holds true there too. The 4bit black & green GameBoy beat out the 8 bit color Gamegear and the 16bit color Nomad. Even the GG\'s portable TV adaptor and the Nomads full library of over 900 Genesis titles right from launch or their backlit screens didn\'t help any. I mean, if you want to talk about any open & shut clear cut case of the less powerful console/handheld beating the more powerful one... this is it.

Not to say that this precidence will continue indefinately, but it just goes to show that power is a very poor indicator when it comes to predicting a console\'s success.

BTW: From all sources I\'ve read, the Sega Genesis concecutively outsold the SNES right up until the time it was dropped in favor of the Saturn. In it\'s last year was the first time SNES came close to matching or topping sales for the year. After the Genesis was gone, Snes had free reign over the market. From my understanding, the winner of the 16bit console wars is hard to determine is because while the Genesis sold more units in it\'s time than the SNES did.. the Snes sold far more games.
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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2001, 03:34:09 AM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
Xbox_incabrain : eigamerzx asks what were the reasons for making DOA3 exclusively for xbox ??
Tecmo_DOA3 : Because Dead or Alive 3 can only be realized through the power of Xbox
Tecmo_DOA3 : It\'s all about power"

Temco also stated for the record that was DOA3 running in real-time on Alpha Hardware? and then said that they are now going to move to the Beta version now, and the graphics will be far better"

go check out the chat over at XBOX.COM
Wow i am totally confused :confused:

What ever happend to......

This game being a multi format game with the X box getting it first and then released a year later on the PS2 and NGC ?

:laughing: Also what happend to not burning your Bridges ? :laughing:.
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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2001, 09:27:48 PM »
well what do you really think Temco was gonna say about the game - oh well it will look slighty better than our PS2 build of DOA2 - no they are trying to make moola $$$$ - so they will try to hype the game for all its worth because that gets them moola

but don\'t get me wrong i am very sure that the Xbox is more powerful than the PS2 - but that would not keep a developer from releasing a game for it

what my point of view on the situation is this - DOA3 will end up being released in some shape or form on the PS2 but the reason why it isn\'t being released now is becuase DOA2 isn\'t even a year old yet on the PS2 and it would make sense to wait and let the game sell until it starts to die down instead of hurting DOA2s sales by releasing a sequel
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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2001, 09:31:51 PM »
Tecmo also stated in an interview that its primary focus was still the PS2

Xbox will be more powerful, but the PS2 will have that unbeatable library

Power is great and I want Xbox to be 3x\'s more powerful then the PS2 simply because I don\'t want a 2nd console that matches the power of the one I already have

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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2001, 11:10:07 PM »
Originally posted by SonyFan
BTW: From all sources I\'ve read, the Sega Genesis concecutively outsold the SNES right up until the time it was dropped in favor of the Saturn. In it\'s last year was the first time SNES came close to matching or topping sales for the year. After the Genesis was gone, Snes had free reign over the market. From my understanding, the winner of the 16bit console wars is hard to determine is because while the Genesis sold more units in it\'s time than the SNES did.. the Snes sold far more games.

Actually they were always close as far as console sales went but Sega consistently held the lead. Once they started shifting focus to SegaCD/32x Nintendo pulled into the lead as far as market share. IMO, That generation should be labeled a draw. Although that Sega CD and 32X idea was pretty crappy. :D
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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2001, 03:08:57 AM »
Originally posted by ddaryl
Tecmo also stated in an interview that its primary focus was still the PS2

Xbox will be more powerful, but the PS2 will have that unbeatable library

Power is great and I want Xbox to be 3x\'s more powerful then the PS2 simply because I don\'t want a 2nd console that matches the power of the one I already have

There`s know doubt the XBox will be more powerfull.
But how many times is still a mystery to me.First I should know how powerfull the PS2 is - even Sony seems not to know .

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Temco Said this about the XBOX in CHAT!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2001, 05:46:54 AM »
Whell, FF aside....

If there\'s any decisive factor in the current console war, its developer friendlyness. The Xbox has the clear lead in this respect. This is precisely why resistance is futile and you will all soon be assimilated into the Xbox collective. ;)

On a serious note, one is reminded of the 32-bit war and the epic tale of triangles vs quadratic textures, better known as the war between PSX and Saturn. Sega overwehealmingly had the popular support but PSX obviously emerged victorious. It is largely accepted that developer\'s disdain for quadratic textures played a large part in this.


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