For me personally, the pre-E3 announcements, was all MS. I actually was extremely excited about the announcements, like the price of the Xbox, Dino Crisis 3 and the port of Onimusha. Then, it seemed like Nintendo just started to totally donimate the show with titles like Lugi\'s Mansion, Metriod, Star Fox Adventures (which I still disagree with!), and other announcements. In midst of all the announcements, Nintendo stole any lime-light MS had gathered.
I think I lost my point. Ah, to simplify it. I don\'t think alot of people are under-estimating the Xbox, as much as it is that MS didn\'t have alot of compelling titles or announcements, and then Nintendo came in and stole the show from everyone.
I don\'t think it is looking good for MS right now, for a couple reasons.
- The launch situation. If Nintendo makes the launch of Nov. 5th, with 5-7 franchise titles, MS will be hard pressed to get any media attenion or consumer support.
- Price. Microsoft is launching at a good price, which is $300. We all know you can sell a system at that price. But, if Nintendo launchs at the price they have before, which is $250, it could cause problems for MS. The GC will be out on the market before MS and cheaper. This is going to attract alot of consumers.
- Titles. I won\'t say that Microsoft doesn\'t have compelling titles, because they do. Halo and Munch is a great example of this. But, when you compare the original titles (exclusive) for the Xbox, as to the GC, you see a problem. Nintendo has plenty of franchises to launch with, which is going to be hard for MS to take away from. Imagine this...
Little Johnny see\'s two commerials on T.V. One for Lugi\'s Mansion and one for HALO. Which do you think the parents will buy? Obviously the GameCube.
So, MS does have the older demographic, but it seems Sony may have them covered on that also, with well known franchises like Metal Gear Solid 2, Final Fantasy X.
MS seems to also be getting alot of ports. While, I am excited about the Onimusha port to the Xbox, I must ask. What is the point? What is this going to do for MS? The PS2 has Onimusha 2 already in development, and they are just getting a port of Onimusha. And now, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 is PS2 bound, while MS is getting Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 X.
- Brand name. The simple fact of brand name, means alot. I have seen alot of people dismiss the Xbox, just because of Microsoft\'s brand name. They have alot to prove, before they get the mass consumer to trust in them. Yet, Nintendo really doesn\'t have to prove much. As mentioned earlier, they have franchises and loyal fans, which gurantee them a sell-out on launch day.