Brief: Looked good, played bad.
The first screens of Azurik – Rise of Perathia were screaming with quality – very solid character models and lush environments. It’s on display at E3, but isn’t quite what we expected.
Azurik is a 3D action-adventure title due out this Fall for Xbox. The version at E3 is very early and has its fare share of glitches. The frame rate was a mess – it dropped and at times paused the entire game for a few seconds before it came back. The sad part is the environment and character aren’t too complex to begin with. The game froze at one point and a Microsoft rep had to come by to reboot the game.
The main character had a staff in the demo that you could knock enemies around with. The gameplay seemed very standard and not-new, but the game is still early and has several months to be fine tuned. Azurik in its current form is definitely not a title to show off the Xbox. We’ll have more as the title develops.
Not to good really,lets hope when the final hardware is here it is better.