Impressions from
http://www.gaming-age.comAmped - the trick snowboarding game from Microsoft is looking good at E3. Players freestyle off real mountains that are representative of their counterparts, while trying to trick their way to a high score. Control is tight and easy to use in the E3 version. The visuals are also good - Amped is currently running at a solid 30 frames per second. The textures and the boarder and the mountains themselves are very detailed and CG-like. The draw distance is fantastic as players can see way down the mountain to see what\'s up ahead.
The bad part about Amped? A Microsoft rep told me that there would only be a alternating multiplayer mode, which means players won\'t get to compete head to head with their friends. Still the title is off to a good start and has the next few months to get polished. Look for Amped this Fall.
30 fps,what the hell is that,i thought the xbox was a monster,didnt think 60 fps would be a problem,again maybe on final hardware could be improved.