I think you\'re wrong here. Of course Nintendo isn\'t gonna say that a game like Luigi\'s Mansion is specially aimed at 12 years and under. They would never make such a statement to the media, they would only hurt their own sales potential. :nut:
But Nintendo knows it\'s biggest buck and that\'ll always
be the young gamer.
If you read most of the interviews with developers (3rd party ), every time they stress that they think about what game of theirs goes to what console.
Every dev says that their mature game goes to PS2 and XBOX and their kiddy or \'all ages game\' goes to a Nintendo console.
Xample : Konami - huge multiplatform dev. MGS2 to PS2
Silent HIll 2 to PS2 , the X versions to XBOX.
Konami stated officially Silent Hill 2 won\'t appear on NGC because of it\'s gruesomeness.
Maybe you say : " But it\'s coming to GBC or GBA ! "
That\'s always been the case, because the handheld is a graphic less explicit format. That\'s why GB always had stacks of mature games like PSX and the N64 didn\'t.
When I had my N64 and I played Diddy ( which was fun though ) ppl said it was gay or that I should grow up ! )
The kiddy image is, and will always be, Nintendo\'s paradoxal dillemma. Their strength is their weakness or vica versa. ( maybe their strength portion is just a bit bigger ! )