this is from another forum, in a response by TheTone to Sympel\'s impressions of the show, thanks to them both:
"The most amusing part was when I saw one of the main Xbox guys (the big tall one with the pony tail, don\'t know his name) walk over to the Rogue Leader area and say, "Oh, so this is the game that\'s supposed to look better than the Xbox? How pathetic!" At this point, his three cronies kind of looked away from him without saying a word"
That guy you were talking about was Lorne Lanning of Oddworld. He is the Julian. e of Microsoft but at least Julian doesnt troll at other companies booths. Thats the funniest thing i\'ve heard all day
"cheesy controller"
This is some funny stuff here. Whoa he bashed gamecube at the booth while playing it. M$ must have paid him good to do this.