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Author Topic: Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"  (Read 3994 times)

Offline Kenny--73
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2001, 02:55:14 PM »
Pretty much everything Lanning said was complete BS.  He complained forever about how hard the ps2 was to develop for, and then when he started developing for the x-box he ran his mouth about how much he could do with that hardware.  Now if you take a look at the screen shots of the game, they look like crap.  Where\'s all those great graphics that he was promising.  

Rubin on the other hand, just talked about whinny developers.  He said that dev teams shouldn\'t complain about hardware difficulties.  If they don\'t want to put hard work into their games, then they should be looking for another line of work.  The excellent graphics of Naughty Dog\'s game, J&D just goes to show that he can back up every comment he made. :cool:

Offline Weltall
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2001, 02:57:28 PM »
Lanning is a ****ing crybaby, and it\'s widely said that Munch could be done on PS2 and still look as good. When he\'s not BSing, he\'s swallowing Billyboy\'s cum.

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Offline EThugg
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2001, 03:00:37 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven
HOW much of a idiot dose he sound for saying

"Oh, so this is the game that\'s supposed to look better than the Xbox? How pathetic!"

The people around him should of dragged him out to the front of E3 and kick the living BS out of him.

or they could of just said to him in return.

"You call yourself a good programmer, How pathetic!"

That is UNSUBSTANTIATED! Prove he said that. And he is a good programmer. Munch looks much better than RS2.


So much bull****....

Munch looks great, PS2 is hard to develop for, Rubin said his game would be better... it doesn\'t look that way at this point..., Lanning and Oddworld are putting more effort into Munch than 90% of developers put into their games. J&D looks nice, but not better than Munch, and Munch has much more innovation.  Lanning was right, Rubin was wrong.


Weltall: I\'m a whiny little ***** who want\'s to diss a great person who dissed my precious PS2 because Sony made a lot of mistakes.

There you go. Real mature, right?
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2001, 03:03:49 PM »
HOW much of a idiot dose he sound for saying

"Oh, so this is the game that\'s supposed to look better than the Xbox? How pathetic!"

The people around him should of dragged him out to the front of E3 and kick the living BS out of him.

or they could of just said to him in return.

"You call yourself a good programmer, How pathetic!"
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Offline Weltall
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2001, 03:13:12 PM »
Originally posted by EThugg

That is UNSUBSTANTIATED! Prove he said that. And he is a good programmer. Munch looks much better than RS2.


So much bull****....

Munch looks great, PS2 is hard to develop for, Rubin said his game would be better... it doesn\'t look that way at this point..., Lanning and Oddworld are putting more effort into Munch than 90% of developers put into their games. J&D looks nice, but not better than Munch, and Munch has much more innovation.  Lanning was right, Rubin was wrong.


Weltall: I\'m a whiny little ***** who want\'s to diss a great person who dissed my precious PS2 because Sony made a lot of mistakes.

There you go. Real mature, right?

He\'s constantly taking swipes at everyone. It\'s only fair that I do it to. So go die somewhere.
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2001, 03:16:47 PM »
Originally posted by Weltall

He\'s constantly taking swipes at everyone. It\'s only fair that I do it to. So go die somewhere.

is that another thing that that ARSE LANNING said ?

Hu not only has he got the nerve to be a total FANBOY that a nintendo stall, but now he\'s asking thme to go die somewhere.

Someone should try and cut that pony tail of his with a chainsaw.
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2001, 03:17:12 PM »
Originally posted by Weltall
Lanning is a ****ing crybaby, and it\'s widely said that Munch could be done on PS2 and still look as good. When he\'s not BSing, he\'s swallowing Billyboy\'s cum.



Ohh man that was one amusing post :laughing:
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2001, 03:21:38 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven

is that another thing that that ARSE LANNING said ?

Hu not only has he got the nerve to be a total FANBOY that a nintendo stall, but now he\'s asking thme to go die somewhere.

Someone should try and cut that pony tail of his with a chainsaw.

Err...no, my friend, I was telling ETHUGG to go die somewhere:D

j/k... ETHUGG is cool. He\'s in my hallowed AIM shoutout list.
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2001, 03:26:25 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven

is that another thing that that ARSE LANNING said ?

Hu not only has he got the nerve to be a total FANBOY that a nintendo stall, but now he\'s asking thme to go die somewhere.

Someone should try and cut that pony tail of his with a chainsaw.

Again, there\'s no proof he said anything at the Nintendo booth. Stop stating rumors and hersay as fact.

Weltall-Too bad I never use AIM... we could argue in real-time... :)
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2001, 03:28:02 PM »
Originally posted by Weltall

Err...no, my friend, I was telling ETHUGG to go die somewhere:D

j/k... ETHUGG is cool. He\'s in my hallowed AIM shoutout list.

Ah it\'s cool man...

But mark my words as we speak the developers of Rouge Leader are making a, secret "bomb Lorne Lanning" Level

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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2001, 03:29:40 PM »
and it\'s widely said that Munch could be done on PS2 and still look as good

ARe you really that blind!!!! how the hell do you know that, the creator of the game says otherwise, I wonder who knows better, you or the guys making the game????

Offline Weltall
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2001, 03:31:10 PM »
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Han SOLO: "I\'m SEXY."

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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2001, 03:34:44 PM »
Lanning does have a of talk for a guy we never heard of until he jumped to ps2 to xbox.  From what   I heard oddworld runs at 30fps which is sad.  I expected nothing less than 60fps for that game.
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Lorne Lanning on Rogue Leader : "How Pathetic!"
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2001, 03:39:32 PM »
Originally posted by raslant
Lanning does have a of talk for a guy we never heard of until he jumped to ps2 to xbox.  From what   I heard oddworld runs at 30fps which is sad.  I expected nothing less than 60fps for that game.

If you never heard of Lanning before, you don\'t read much about games...

You heard Munch runs at 30fps? I heard PS3 will be out soon and that XB will play DC games. I believe everyting I hear...
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Remembering if this is true
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2001, 03:45:44 PM »
Originally posted by EThugg

If you never heard of Lanning before, you don\'t read much about games...

You heard Munch runs at 30fps? I heard PS3 will be out soon and that XB will play DC games. I believe everyting I hear...

Sorry Ethugg but if you are have a bit of trouble understanding why soo many people hate Lanning.

Well put yourself in the shoes of a Rouge Leader Developer and then to hvae some Pony Haired GIT walk up tp you ate E3 and say.

"Oh, so this is the game that\'s supposed to look better than the Xbox? How pathetic!"

HOW would you react ?
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