I\'m sick of these d1ck head developers who whine about how the PS2 is hard to develope for.
Direct your anger at developers who are even bigger a$$*****. Developers like EA, Square, Namco, and Konami, as well as companies who seem to
THINK they\'re hot shot developers, like Working Designs.
Why am I calling these developers a$$*****? It has nothing to do w/ the quality of their games. The reason is, nobody would know just who the F**K these people are if it weren\'t for Nintendo and Sega. And just where were they when the big N & S needed them the most? Shacking up at Sony\'s camp.
So now that a former Sony 3rd party has pulled the same stunt on them w/ MS, they\'re suddenly talking out of their a$$ and are pricks?
Where\'s your rant that should be directed towards Konami when he complained about the PS2?