netscapeuser is right. I would have thought that just about any idiot could see that it\'s not an ingame pic. I mean, there are little clues like.. no background.. no game enviroment.. no life or item gauges.. no small polygonal edges that were in the real-time luigi model.
Game sites often mix the realtime with prerendered footage for some reason that\'s beyond me. Maybe they\'re just too lazy to label what\'s what in rush to get their story posted. Nintnedo isn\'t trying to pass this off as an ingame shot. It\'s concept art.. same as what was with the AMPED pics from Gamestock. If you wanna ***** at anyone.. ***** at the game sites that mislead their readers like this. There\'s no reason to fly off the handle and attack Nintnedo fans for something that\'s not even Nintnedo\'s fault. (Same goes for the reverse scenario)