If it was an Xbox, I would\'ve said the same thing. Threads like this just start flame wars, and you know it
I\'m sorry but I find that hard to believe, considering I have been to these forums ever since it opened, I’ve seen it all here. It\'s possible that maybe you-yourself may have said the same, but I say this, if it were the box it would be accepted as ok here. Also you wouldn\'t see me in there getting all angry about it, cause I know when something is a joke.
Now some people might say yeah sure Ogodly you would blow your lid, well if that were the case how come when there was a couple of threads before on XBOX portrayed in a funny manner, I didn\'t even respond, I found it funny, laughed and moved on.
Problem is when it\'s PSX2 people take it as a bashing.
There seems to be a double standard here, not with everyone but enough people.